What Matters Most

Opening Your Eyes to Regret

June 12, 2024 MPM

Scripture:    |   | Luke 15:11-24

Sermon Series:   |   Finding God Again

God used to be a much bigger part of your life. But then something happened. And since then it’s been different. The God who once felt so close has, for a long time, felt far away. And yet, there is, within each one of us a universal longing for love, purpose, and meaning in life. It’s a longing that can only be fulfilled through a relationship with the one who made you--for the God who feels so far away to come close once again. Regardless of what twists and turns your story has taken—you can find God again. You can open your eyes to the love of God, a love that--you’ll quickly discover--hasn’t gone anywhere, but has been right there, waiting for you, all along in the person and the work of Jesus Christ.

At St. Mark Houston we believe that life is a gift from God and that through faith in Jesus Christ we can truly have a fulfilling life.  Join us on  Sundays at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM for Worship.  Find us on the web at www.stmarkhouston.org  or call us at 713-468-2623.

At St. Mark Houston we believe that life is a gift from God and that through faith in Jesus Christ we can truly have a fulfilling life. Join us on Sundays at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM for Worship. Find us on the web at www.stmarkhouston.org or call us at 713-468-2623.