Footprints of an Expat

Georgina - on languages and life in 3 continents

March 25, 2022 Evelina Rimkute Season 2 Episode 5

🌍Journey: South Africa -> Australia, Germany, Switzerland ->  Australia

This was what Georgina told about herself:
"I was born in Cape Town, South Africa during the Apartheid era. At the age of 6, I left my homeland and made the journey to Sydney, Australia. The decision to go was not mother decided for us! I remember the silly questions I got, did you have a lion in your backyard? And the laughter at my accent. That was the first of many moves and the start of a lifelong journey of discovery, standing out, fitting in, belonging.
Now I find myself back in Australia after living in Switzerland for 7 years, and this time I decided on behalf of my own family to make the move. A decision that
not everyone has accepted!

👉Tips from Georgina:

  • While visiting or moving to a new country, try to learn the language, even a few words. People appreciate your effort and it makes things much easier
  • Do not choose only the international community meetings, as they might not always help you to feel the society you are in.  Reach out to locals
  • Join an association that reflects your interests

📎 Reach out to Georgina:

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