Footprints of an Expat

Mohamed - on flexibility and persistence

July 15, 2022 Season 2 Episode 10

🌍Journey: Egypt -> Germany  -> Switzerland ->  Germany

12 years ago, Mohamed decided that it is time not only to visit new countries as a tourist, but live there to experience the culture and social surroundings abroad. His journey took him from Egypt to Germany and Switzerland.

He insisted on being sent abroad for his working assignment, till he got a project in Germany. And then the fun and challenges started, as he was faced with a culture quite different than his own. 

We're all strangers in our own way. Strangeness is actually a default, and while travelling we expose ourselves to that strangeness. I admit I was reflecting on this idea  a lot. It is so often we oversee the gap to be closed between being strangers and being accepted. It takes work and time…

👉Tips from Mohamed:

  • Be yourself and be authentic. Do not force things
  • Even if you stay as you are, there is always a place to take another step to get closer to others
  • Observe where you are for the long time and accept the culture. Accept people as they are without expectations them to change 

📎 Reach out to Mohamed: / / 

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