Footprints of an Expat

Amelie Papin - on getting back home

Season 1 Episode 7

🌍Journey:  France -> US, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Spain, China-> France 

Amelie was born in France with a Swiss heritage and is a multi-expat: she grew up in the US, Hong Kong and Switzerland, studied in France and Spain, and lived and worked in Spain, France and China. She also experienced multiple returns to her home country, France, where she is currently residing. 

Passionate about people, travelling and health & wellness, she is driven by a genuine desire to support others in transforming their challenges into opportunities, while taking care of their well-being

Advice from Amelie: Know who you are and be proud of who you are, as all expat experiences shape you. Enjoy it all the way, and when you come back look at it as your learning journey.
📎 Amélie Papin contacts: and

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