Western Friend Podcast

21. Panel Discussion - Quaker Leadership of the Future

Mary Klein

Episode 21 brings something new to the Western Friend Podcast! This is a panel discussion from a workshop on the topic of "Quaker Leadership of the Future." Following the panel and the open forum where panelists engaged each other in conversation, the Soul Force Ones add a 15 minute remix, where the hosts delve into the notion of non-theist Quakerism and how to bring folks into community. 

This episodes panel included:

  • Folks who support leaders of the future in our yearly meetings:
    • IMYM – Erin Bates, Assistant to the Yearly Meeting
      • IMYM = Intermountain Yearly Meeting
    • NPYM — Paul Christiansen, Rising Clerk of the Yearly Meeting
      • NPYM = North Pacific Yearly Meeting
    • PacYM — Alma Moon, Co-Clerk of Young Adult Meeting
      • PacYM = Pacific Yearly Meeting
    • SCYMF — Erin Wilson, Coordinating Committee and Safeguarding Committee for the yearly meeting
      • SCYMF = Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends
  • Folks employed by Quaker organizations to support leaders of the future:
    • AFSC – Julian Andaya, Director of AFSC's Emerging Leaders for Liberation Program
      • AFSC = American Friends Service Committee
    • FCNL — Larissa Gil-Sanhueza, Senior Manager of FNCL’s Young Adult Program
      • FCNL = Friends Committee on National Legislation
    • QVS — Woody Logan-Wood, City Coordinator for the QVS Portland Program
      • QVS = Quaker Voluntary Service