Operate with Zen

43. Sitting with the Pieces with Dr. Taylor Riall

May 03, 2022 Phil Pierorazio Season 4 Episode 8

Taylor Riall, MD, PhD, FACS is the real deal!  Accomplished academic hepatobiliary surgeon, executive coach, competitive athlete, and a genuine inspiration to all who encounter her.  Dr. Riall was a major inspiration in my (ongoing) path to wellness and the creation of this podcast.  We tackle a lot in this discussion but start with changing surgical culture one surgeon, one inspiration at a time, move to mindfulness and resilience.  "Sitting with the Pieces" refers to the Japanese art of Kintsugi where pottery is intentionally broken and put back together with gold.  The metaphor is incredibly strong - what once was broken can be beautiful and have form.  We are all made of pieces that, when assembled, define who we are. (Music Credit: Sunshine, Simon Jomphe Lepine.)