2 cent/sqft

GAIDP - What is Interior Design and what it means to be registered

March 05, 2023 Cas Swope and Tara Ackermann
2 cent/sqft
GAIDP - What is Interior Design and what it means to be registered
Show Notes

Caitlin Matonak is a Project Manager at May Architecture. She is a Registered Interior Designer and SCAD alumna with an immense passion for Healthcare Design. She is also the 2022-2023 GAIPD President. This week, we sat down with Caitlin to get some insight on the steps to becoming registered as an interior designer and why it's important. We also heard from her about her work as the  2022-2023 GAIDP President. This organization is meaningful to Interior Designers in Georgia, because they watch for legislation that could impact a designer’s professional status. 

This is an episode that will help you  explain what designers do and why it's important to all the people out there that think we just pick paint colors and fluff pillows.

If you would like to join GAIDP or learn more about what they do and how you can get involved please visit their website
Episode Support: We would like to thank Steelcase for letting us host from their inspiring space. We encourage everyone to swing by the showroom and check it out for yourself. Make sure you reach out to your Steelcase rep or check out their website to see how they can help you.  Check out their website or reach out to see how they can help you.


We hope you got your 2 cents worth!
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