Spirit Wisdom

The Powerful Effect Auras Have in Our Life

Joe Love

Everything both living and inanimate, have auras. Energy fields of one type or another surround all living things and objects of every kind. 

The colorful, ethereal, translucent fields surrounding and exuding from people that we call auras are complex and powerful.

Most people say they cannot see auras, but you only need to ask yourself a couple of simple questions: Have you ever come in contact with someone and felt energetically drained within a few minutes? Have you ever thought of a person as a color, like he or she is a yellow person or a blue person? Have you ever come in contact with someone and felt energized and uplifted within just a few minutes?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you have experienced someone’s aura. 

In this podcast, I will talk about how to see and sense auras and how different colors influence you and others.