Treadmill Talk

Treadmill Talk - NZ Olympic Athlete Sarah Cowley-Ross

Flex Fitness NZ Season 1 Episode 13

Sarah has some pretty outstanding accolades. Let’s start with fifteen years of international track and field. Competed in the 2012 Summer Olympics, also competed in the 2006 and 2014 Commonweatlh Games. Recently retired from her professional athlete career she has taken on the role as a New Zealand Olympic Ambassador where she is able visit schools up and down NZ. Along this, she keeps busy these days as a wife and mother of two little ones Max & Poppy. Sarah is also a qualified physiotherapist, regular write and columnist on many established websites, lastly for any love birds getting married we have a Independent Celebrant of New Zealand as well! Told ya she was a busy lady! Hear our Treadmill Talk podcast episode with the lovely Sarah on her experience at the Olympics and Commonwealth and her fitness journey and what style of training she was doing before and now.