10 | Making Authentic Connections as an Intropreneur with Jen Jones
The Mompreneur's Diary
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The Mompreneur's Diary
10 | Making Authentic Connections as an Intropreneur with Jen Jones
Mar 28, 2022 Season 1
Briana Ross / Jen Jones

When you think about growing your business, do you think about ways to make more money? If so, you're not alone. But we can't forget about the connections required to make that money.

Entrepreneurship is something that we usually associate with extroverts. And it makes sense: entrepreneurs need to be able to manage their team, engage with different people daily and create relationships with their clients. If you’re an intropreneur, this can be quite challenging. 

In today’s episode, I have an amazing conversation with Jen Jones, author, speaker, and successful introverted entrepreneur. Jen has built both a thriving real estate agency and a coaching practice for others just like her - the intropreneur! Jen focuses on building deep, meaningful relationships with her clients that inspire repeat business and those oh so important referrals. 

Join us as we dive into Jen's journey as an intropreneur, how to be more strategic when networking, and embracing your introvert gifts. 

(And yes, this episode is still for you if you don't identify as an introvert! I used to think I was an extrovert, and I've learned so much about myself because of Jen.)

So, whether you're an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert, get comfy, hit play, and learn how to make and build authentic relationships that will take your business to the next level.

Link for full show notes: mompreneursdiary.com/episode10