This Is Robotics: Radio News

This Is Robotics: Radio News #20

Tom Green

Hi folks, and welcome once again to This Is Robotics: Radio News, Episode #20

 For two years running now, we are the #1 Robotics News Podcast worldwide…and you my dear folks put us at #1. Thank you very much.

 Thanks for joining us today

 We’d really be remiss here at This Is Robotics if we didn’t put some sense into the biggest robotics story of the last several months. That story is of humanoid robots, bi-pedal humanoid robots hooking up with AI.

Our next story is called Humanoid Robots and AI Cross the Rubicon…together. The point of no return!

Where once people were frightened of humanoid robots taking jobs and more, they now seem to be frozen in fear over generative AI.

And with humanoid robots and AI converging, the spectre of a twin fear of humanoids high on AI running amok is scaring more than a few.

Let’s make some sense of what is really going on in this fast-paced world where the benefits from the convergence far outweigh the negatives.

Here also are two new articles courtesy of What’s New in Robotics, from our blog partnership with Robotiq, leader in automating work with easy-to-use cobot solutions.

The first one we call: Robots, Needles & Babies, which is about robotics disrupting infertility and in-vitro fertilization or artificial insemination, referred to as IVF.

Our second article from What’s New in Robotics  we titled: Robot Lost & Found, which is the first-ever development of a robot designed to find lost items for dementia patients.

Our next story asks the question: Is India next up for an automation makeover? It appears so, and Indian robotics is rolling out to the launchpad to drive it all.

The Wall Street Journal, the International Federation of Robotics, and the International Monetary Fund are out with glowing reports on India’s upcoming successes. 

The timing couldn’t be better.

See our companion articles in Asian Robotics Review:

Indian Robotics: Sometimes the Future Is Now

Asia-Pacific 70% of Global Growth 2023

Finally, in an interview with Simon Winchester, the historian looks at the precision engineering styles of Henry Ford and Henry Royce as he celebrates the unsung breed of engineers who through the ages have designed ever more creative and intricate machines. 

He takes us on a journey through the evolution of “precision,” which in his view is the major driver of what we experience as modern life.