This Is Robotics: Radio News

This Is Robotics: Radio News (trailer)

Tom Season 1

This Is Robotics: Radio News (trailer)                         (Launch date: August 2021)

This Is Robotics: Radio News is a new and very different robotics news program. One that we’re very excited about, and know that you’re going like a lot…and also find super useful. 

Radio News is a compilation of the best in robotics news, views and interviews gathered worldwide and presented as a 30-minute podcast. The global best in robotics!

Now you can consume the best in global robotics news while driving to work, waiting to board a plane, or at the breakfast table. Miss something? Stream it again. 

Want to go deeper? Go online to the This Is Robotics news page for the very same articles, as text, a bit longer, with links and references.

The overriding theme of Radio News is the same as the first three words everyone encounters at our website: Robotics, Automation and People. That’s our global news beat.

And we’re fun, never stuffy, and always on point. A refreshing news format and program covering the fastest-growing industry in the world…robotics!

Look for us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneInRadio, and Pandora.

Or, sign up for our weekly newsletters, and we’ll send Radio News directly to your inbox.

Please join us for the best news program in robotics. You're going to love what you hear!

This Is Robotics: Radio News is a production of Asian Robotics Review Specializing in Asia by Covering the World

Copyright 2021, Asian Robotics Review, All rights reserved



Hi everyone,

Tom Green here. Thanks for tuning in.

We’ve got a happy announcement to make… 

 We’re launching a new and very different robotics news program. One that we’re very excited about, and I know you’re like it a lot…and also find super useful. 

 It’s called This Is Robotics: Radio News; Claire described a bit of it in her introduction.

Radio News is a compilation of the best in robotics news, views and interviews gathered worldwide and presented as a 30-minute podcast.

 Actually, you, our readers, are the inspiration behind Radio News.

 We launched our online column of global robotics news, called This Is Robotics, in March, followed by This Is Robotics, long-form podcast interviews in May. Both were wildly successful. Thanks so much for favoring us with your attention and email encouragement.

Well, as it just so happens, things tend to run in threes, and this happens to be one of those times. 

Our success with the previous two, gave us the idea to do a mashup of both: take the news roundup page and make it into a 30-minute podcast. Hence, the birth of This Is Robotics: Radio News

Now you can consume the best in global robotics news while driving to work, waiting to board a plane, or at the breakfast table. Miss something? Stream it again. 

Want to go deeper? Go online to the This Is Robotics news page for the very same articles, as text, a bit longer, with links and references.

The overriding theme of Radio News is the same as the first three words everyone encounters at the website: Robotics, Automation and People.

This Is Robotics: Radio News is a production of
Asian Robotics Review.
Copyright 2021,
Asian Robotics Review, All rights reserved