Create Magic At Work®

S5. Ep. 11 - The Journey From Corporate to Creating Magic At Work – Amy Gets Interviewed by Seyyida

February 26, 2024 Amy Lynn Durham Season 5 Episode 22
S5. Ep. 11 - The Journey From Corporate to Creating Magic At Work – Amy Gets Interviewed by Seyyida
Create Magic At Work®
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Create Magic At Work®
S5. Ep. 11 - The Journey From Corporate to Creating Magic At Work – Amy Gets Interviewed by Seyyida
Feb 26, 2024 Season 5 Episode 22
Amy Lynn Durham

Work With Amy
Elevate Your Life With The SQ21 Assessment

Join me, Amy Lynn Durham, as I am interviewed by Seyyida. This episode will outline the profound journey that led me to transition from a corporate job to becoming a coach.

In this episode, you will discover what sets Create Magic At Work® apart in the coaching industry. We will explore the unique qualities and approaches utilized in the practice.

Join us for a thought-provoking and transformative conversation that explores the depths of coaching, decision-making under stress, and the inspirations that drive personal and professional transformation.

What to anticipate:

  • Amy's journey from corporate to coaching inspiration
  • Unique qualities setting Amy apart in coaching
  • Boundaries within the transformative coaching industry
  • Insights into the Dynamics of Spiritual Narcissism
  • Making compassionate decisions amidst significant stress
  • Practicing guidance from the higher self daily
  • Practical tools for resetting and maintaining balance
  • Amy's Coaching Toolbox: techniques for client support
  • The purpose and inspiration behind Amy's transformative workbook

If you love the episode, please leave a 5-star review on Apple podcast or Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe so you can stay up to date on any future episodes!


'This is like a white glove experience, boutique style. What sets me apart, I think, is that I incorporate this holistic approach of seeing all of you authentically and tapping into your deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life." - Amy Lynn Durham

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Show Notes Transcript

Work With Amy
Elevate Your Life With The SQ21 Assessment

Join me, Amy Lynn Durham, as I am interviewed by Seyyida. This episode will outline the profound journey that led me to transition from a corporate job to becoming a coach.

In this episode, you will discover what sets Create Magic At Work® apart in the coaching industry. We will explore the unique qualities and approaches utilized in the practice.

Join us for a thought-provoking and transformative conversation that explores the depths of coaching, decision-making under stress, and the inspirations that drive personal and professional transformation.

What to anticipate:

  • Amy's journey from corporate to coaching inspiration
  • Unique qualities setting Amy apart in coaching
  • Boundaries within the transformative coaching industry
  • Insights into the Dynamics of Spiritual Narcissism
  • Making compassionate decisions amidst significant stress
  • Practicing guidance from the higher self daily
  • Practical tools for resetting and maintaining balance
  • Amy's Coaching Toolbox: techniques for client support
  • The purpose and inspiration behind Amy's transformative workbook

If you love the episode, please leave a 5-star review on Apple podcast or Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe so you can stay up to date on any future episodes!


'This is like a white glove experience, boutique style. What sets me apart, I think, is that I incorporate this holistic approach of seeing all of you authentically and tapping into your deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life." - Amy Lynn Durham

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Intro [00:00:08]:
Our friend Amy Lynn Durham creates magic at work at People Forward Network. She is our spiritual intelligence, or sometimes referred to as SQ teacher. This is the inner work stuff. It's the harder stuff to work on that truly makes the difference in how we show up to both lead and live with peace and more impact. I'm passing the mic to Amy Lindurham. This is good stuff.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:00:38]:
Hey, everyone, Amy here. February is a special month for create magic at work because we're going to revisit select episodes from the past five seasons that really embody the magic of advocating for healthy leaders, fostering thriving workplaces, and exploring the depths of spiritual intelligence. Whether you're a seasoned member of the create magic at work community dedicated to cultivating positive workplaces, or a newcomer exploring the intersection of leadership and spiritual intelligence, these episodes are a testament to the incredible insights and transformative conversations that have graced the create magic at Work podcast airwaves. So dive into the sacred moments with me that make create magic at work more than just a podcast. Enjoy this walk down memory lane throughout February as we count down to the highly anticipated season six, launching this spring. Wishing you magic in your work in.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:01:33]:
Life when self care becomes selfish.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:01:37]:
And we were actually kind of tapping into that energy or that theme like, hey, what's going on here? What's going on here? And so, I'm not an expert on spiritual narcissism, but I will tell you, I can see when things feel off for myself and for others, one of them being we are hiding or becoming conflict avoidant because we have to go, quote unquote, meditate, or we haven't done our spiritual ritual for the day, so then we just can't handle the world. Or we're getting into this competition space where I know more than you and I practice more spiritual rituals than you do, and, oh, you read this book. Oh, well, I read that book six months ago. I already know that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:02:32]:
Hey, everyone, it's Amy Lynn Durham, and you're listening to create magic at work. Create magic at work is on a mission to equip senior leaders with tools they need to be a true quantum leader and actually understand what that means. Improve employee engagement, retain top talent, and transform your workplace culture to have less drama and stress. So let's start making magic.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:02:59]:

Seyyida [00:02:59]:
Hello there.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:03:00]:

Seyyida [00:03:02]:
It is such an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to interview you today, but really, this is just a conversation between you and I. We've had many enlightening conversations, and I think it's just going to be such a blessing to your listeners for them to hear a little bit more about you and what you do and why they should work with you. I know that just as your fellow coach, you are one of the most amazing coaches that I have ever seen in action. Such a blessing to me in my.

Seyyida [00:03:37]:
Life, and I hope that there's many insights that come from our conversation today.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:03:44]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:03:45]:
Thank you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:03:45]:
Thanks, Saida.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:03:46]:
Thanks for doing this. This is going to be fun and.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:03:49]:
I'm excited to be on the other side of this for the create magic at work listeners and.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:03:57]:
Yes, yes.

Seyyida [00:03:59]:
So I guess my first question is, what inspired you to get into coaching?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:07]:
Yeah, I didn't really know that it.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:10]:
Was going to be coaching per se. I felt a call to leave my.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:17]:
Corporate job and really figure out a way to reinject myself back into the corporate space where I was doing something that really felt like it was impactful.

Seyyida [00:04:27]:
Like work for the greater good.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:29]:
And that led me to getting an executive coaching certification from the Berkeley, UC.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:37]:
Berkeley executive Coaching Institute. That was a really amazing experience that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:45]:
Helped me combine all of who I.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:47]:
Am and bring it all to the table for everyone to hopefully benefit from.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:04:53]:
So sometimes I teach, sometimes I do mentor coaching, sometimes I do peer coaching where I ask questions that maybe you tap into your inner wisdom and answer.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:04]:
But with spiritual intelligence, there definitely has.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:07]:
To be some mentor coaching there, right? And some teaching just to learn the skills or to think about different things.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:14]:
But I always encourage everyone to check.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:17]:
In with themselves and make sure that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:18]:
Feels good for them. When we're in a private session, I.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:23]:
Had a client one time that I recommended doing a specific activity we'll call it, or like a ritual for something they were going through.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:31]:
And we met in session the next.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:33]:
Time and they said, you know what? That didn't feel right for me and.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:36]:
I didn't do it and I was like, amazing.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:39]:
Thank you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:40]:
That is like skill 16 in spiritual.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:44]:
Intelligence, seeking guidance from higher self, tapping into it. All of these are offers you do not have to.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:05:51]:
And that was like the work was that individual seeking guidance from higher self and having the inner wisdom to say.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:06:03]:
No, that doesn't work for me.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:06:04]:
And having the courage to share it.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:06:08]:
That was like a success for me as a coach, believe it or not.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:06:11]:

Seyyida [00:06:14]:
So I hear you're really partnering with your clients and you're also mentoring them in many ways.

Seyyida [00:06:20]:
What else do you feel sets you apart from other coaches?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:06:26]:
Yeah, what a good question. So some of the feedback that my.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:06:32]:
Clients give me are that this is like a white glove experience, boutique style. What sets me apart, I think, is that I incorporate this holistic approach of seeing all of you authentically and tapping into your deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life. And so we go beyond whatever you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:06:52]:
Bring to me as a client will take it a step further as far as tapping into that deeper sense of meaning, which is spiritual intelligence. We might not name it every time.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:05]:
But we definitely go there. I think the other thing that sets.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:08]:
Me apart, I play around a little.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:12]:
On the Instagram space creatively, and I notice the coaching space there is very interesting compared to the executive coaching space, the life coaching space. I know that everybody feels called to help that says they're a coach, and I appreciate that. I don't mean to belittle another space.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:29]:
But I have noticed this paying for proximity type of vibe that's going on. Like, oh, you pay just to have access to me.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:42]:
I think that might be tapping into a little narcissism slightly. I know that boundary setting is important. However, when you're a client of mine.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:51]:
You'Re in my space, you're in my world.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:54]:
We are here for each other. We are on a partnership.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:57]:
We are on a journey.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:07:58]:
I am your guide in your hero's.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:00]:
Journey, and you have access to me via text, email, voice note, whatever that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:06]:
Looks like for you outside a session. And I think that's one of the things that sets me apart, is that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:12]:
Has been really valuable to clients.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:16]:
If something comes up for me intuitively, I'll automatically reach out and share that to my clients.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:21]:
I keep all of my clients on a special list that I'm working with, and that list is prayed for all the time.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:30]:
Hopefully you feel a little negative energy.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:32]:
Clearing when you're with me, but for your greatest good, with no harm to anyone, everyone is on that list that works with me.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:42]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:08:43]:
Is that too deep, sahita?

Seyyida [00:08:45]:
No, actually, for me personally, it's very.

Seyyida [00:08:49]:
Meaningful because we both went through the same program, and I believe that we're in coaching for honorable reasons.

Seyyida [00:09:00]:
And I see you as not only a coach, not only a partner, a healer. You're very inspirational and just always sharing.

Seyyida [00:09:10]:
A lot of light and love. And so the fact that you make yourself accessible to your clients like that, it really is an exceptional experience to.

Seyyida [00:09:22]:
Be a part of your client base.

Seyyida [00:09:25]:
And I hope that the listeners are picking up on the difference between what you're offering and what a lot of other coaches offer. I know that I have even learned.

Seyyida [00:09:38]:
A lot about how you interact with your clients and take care of your clients.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:09:42]:
I think.

Seyyida [00:09:45]:
It'S a really important offering.

Seyyida [00:09:48]:
It reminds me of actually just yesterday.

Seyyida [00:09:50]:
I was talking to one of my.

Seyyida [00:09:53]:
Friends who was having some stomach issues.

Seyyida [00:09:56]:
And she told her mom that she just text her doctor. And her mom said, you text your doctor? And she said, yes, she said, and.

Seyyida [00:10:05]:
The doctor's office called me back within seven minutes or something like that.

Seyyida [00:10:10]:
It was like under ten minutes.

Seyyida [00:10:12]:
And her mom was like, wow, that's unheard of. And my thought was, wow, your doctor.

Seyyida [00:10:18]:
Really cares about you. Now, obviously, that's not always an option, but when it is an option, to.

Seyyida [00:10:26]:
Offer yourself in that way is just so special and so meaningful.

Seyyida [00:10:31]:
And I'm grateful for you, and I'm grateful that you're providing this to others as well.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:10:38]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:10:38]:
Thank you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:10:40]:
It's a boundary.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:10:43]:
I touched on it a little bit before. The different ways that people utilize coaching as coaches, I believe that it's a boundary that I am the one to hold. So, yes, you have my number. If you're my client, yes, you can reach out to me.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:04]:
I will respond when I can.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:09]:
And I don't feel any sort of.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:12]:
Sense of urgency if I'm in session with someone else.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:15]:
That's my boundary to hold.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:18]:
That's for me to hold for you, not for you to. Oh, I don't know if I should.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:22]:
Text her right now or.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:23]:
That's for me to decide as the.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:25]:
Coach when you step into the space, so you don't have to worry about that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:29]:
Whether I get back to you within seven minutes might not be the case if I'm with a client or if.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:35]:
I'm off doing something, but I do get back to you, and that's the accessibility that I offer.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:43]:

Seyyida [00:11:44]:
So you've brought up a couple hot topics like boundaries and narcissism. I know that in one of our most recent conversations, you mentioned something, and I meant to ask you about it, so I'm going to ask you now.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:11:59]:
Hopefully, that's okay.

Seyyida [00:12:01]:
You mentioned something about spiritual narcissism. Can you share a little bit more about that and what you may observe within our climate today, whether it's social.

Seyyida [00:12:13]:
Media or just anything?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:17]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:17]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:19]:
You know what's interesting is you're asking me this question, and we actually partnered.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:23]:
On a podcast episode for the Create.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:26]:
Magic at Work podcast. Hopefully everybody remembers Saeeda.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:29]:
We talked about when self care becomes selfish, and we were actually kind of tapping into that energy or that theme.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:38]:
Like, hey, what's going on here?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:40]:
What's going on here?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:42]:
And so I'm not an expert on spiritual narcissism.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:47]:
But I will tell you, I can.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:49]:
See when things feel off for myself and for others.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:12:54]:
One of them being we are hiding or becoming conflict avoidant because we have to go, quote unquote, meditate, or we.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:07]:
Haven'T done our spiritual ritual for the day, so then we just can't handle the world. Or we're getting into this competition space.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:15]:
Where I know more than you and.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:19]:
I practice more spiritual rituals than you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:22]:
Do, and, oh, you read this book. Oh, well, I read that book six months ago. I already know.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:29]:
Like, I'm just trying to think of different examples that might come up.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:32]:
And what I'm noticing when we talked about when self care becomes selfish.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:36]:
Gosh, I heard, and I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this. Jim Lockard, he's an edgewalker. He's in my Edgewalker group. He's a spiritual intelligence coach.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:44]:
He's going to be a guest on the podcast. He said something in an edgewalker facilitator.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:49]:
Meeting, and I was like, that's what we were trying to say.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:52]:
That's what we were talking about.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:54]:
We are practicing these skills so we.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:13:57]:
Can show up for others, so we can make wise and compassionate decisions even under great stress. Not so we can go and hide.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:11]:
Because we're so sensitive to the world.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:14]:
That we have to just cocoon ourselves all the time.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:18]:
And it's really easy to do that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:20]:
Because it feels so good. I mean, gosh, I have days where I'm like, I don't feel tapped in.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:27]:
I didn't have time to do what I love to do to feel tapped in.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:31]:
Maybe burn a little cinnamon stick or.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:34]:
Sage or, you know, say a little prayer, light a candle, whatever that looks like for me, maybe. Do I love guided visualization meditations?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:42]:
And then I start beating myself up, right?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:45]:
Because then you go on Instagram and.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:47]:
You see all the pop culture posts that's really popular right now, and, oh, they're ahead of me. I'm behind. That's when this is like, no, let's.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:58]:
Get back to why we're doing this.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:14:59]:
We are doing this so we can.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:02]:
Make the world a better place, so.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:03]:
We can make our legacy shine through.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:08]:
And our legacy is who we are.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:10]:
At home just as much as how.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:12]:
You and I are showing up in.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:13]:
This conversation right now.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:15]:
What do I look like behind closed.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:17]:
Doors when I'm speaking?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:19]:
Am I making wise and compassionate decisions.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:22]:
For myself and for my relationships? What does that look like? And am I practicing that when I'm under great stress?

Seyyida [00:15:32]:
That's the kicker.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:33]:
Are we doing it when we're under great stress.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:36]:
That's what spiritual intelligence is.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:39]:
And so I see this sometimes, this avoidance come up when great stress occurs. I can't handle that. I can't be around that energy. Their energy is just affecting me so much, I can't handle it anymore.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:56]:
Well, we're practicing these skills so we can handle it.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:15:59]:
That's my take on it.

Seyyida [00:16:02]:
Yeah, you're reminding me of our conversation, that episode. We did get into that. And I do.

Seyyida [00:16:15]:
Clearly remember that that.

Seyyida [00:16:16]:
Was one of the things that we discussed.

Seyyida [00:16:19]:
And you're right.

Seyyida [00:16:20]:
And I think that that's part of.

Seyyida [00:16:22]:
What I see happening a lot today.

Seyyida [00:16:25]:
Is that we get inflated because we're.

Seyyida [00:16:31]:
Doing all of these practices and we.

Seyyida [00:16:34]:
Have all of these behaviors that may be perceived as spiritual or spiritually enlightened.

Seyyida [00:16:43]:
But like you said, when it comes.

Seyyida [00:16:45]:
To the competition or the test or however you want to look at it, when it comes to you showing up, then all of a sudden you choose not to, you choose not to engage. And as long as you're aware that you're not ready yet, then I see.

Seyyida [00:17:06]:
No issue with it.

Seyyida [00:17:07]:
I think the issue is when you.

Seyyida [00:17:11]:
Then exalt yourself.

Seyyida [00:17:14]:
And pretend that you're not engaging because you're above this or that.

Seyyida [00:17:23]:
So what you just shared really resonated. I think it's also important to explore, not necessarily on the flip side, but.

Seyyida [00:17:33]:
On another side of this.

Seyyida [00:17:35]:
How do you hold or set boundaries.

Seyyida [00:17:38]:
For yourself when you are trying to practice really spiritually nurturing behaviors and you're trying to focus and not kind of get distracted from your journey in terms.

Seyyida [00:17:57]:
Of your own spiritual growth, intelligence, enlightenment, how do you hold boundaries in that process?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:05]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:07]:
So by no means am I suggesting that you put yourself in a space.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:15]:
Where you will collapse or suffer. Right. That might be harmful to you when.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:22]:
We were talking about that before. But what I am suggesting is that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:26]:
We take a look at why we.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:28]:
Are doing these things, these practices. Are we doing them for self gratification, or are we doing them because we want to make this world a better.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:38]:
Place and that starts with us and our relationships, et cetera, et cetera.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:43]:
I'm going to answer your question also.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:46]:
The quote that came to mind, I.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:49]:
Can'T remember who authored it. We'll drop it in the show notes.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:18:51]:
But the people in our lives are not in the way of our spiritual growth. They are our spiritual growth. They show up for us because they're.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:02]:
There for our spiritual growth.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:04]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:05]:
And I saw another quote one day.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:08]:
I was so irritated and I was like, what? I just wanted to be peaceful and everything flow. And this quote kind of came across my phone and it said, maybe the universe is asking you to be who.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:24]:
You say you are kind of thing. And I'm like, yeah, okay, thank you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:32]:
For the slap in the face. I needed it. Snap out of it. So on the other side of that, that's all spiritual intelligence, too.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:40]:
That's all coaching, that's all skills.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:42]:
How do I make wise and compassionate decisions for myself?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:46]:
How do I maybe interact with toxic family members? Let's say that's coming up in a.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:19:53]:
Way that protects me where I hold boundaries and I can send them love from afar. How do I do that in a toxic workspace? How do I hold boundaries for myself if my health is starting to suffer? Of course I'm going to need to make some decisions, some self care decisions that are in order. The other thing, how do I align.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:11]:
With the ebb and flow of life?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:13]:
Skill 21, as you're familiar with from our talks, when do I know if an obstacle is coming up for me? How can I discern whether to push.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:24]:
Or whether to pause?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:27]:
How do I practice seeking guidance for that from a higher power, my higher self?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:31]:
So there's definitely ways that we can.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:35]:
Still preserve our energy.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:37]:
Also, let's say we're doing deep work.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:40]:
And we aren't avoiding and we're really making change and we're interacting with others.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:48]:
A great energy clearing never hurts. Resetting. Let's say we speak in front of.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:54]:
Hundreds of people on a stage. I'm just a keynote speaker.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:20:58]:
All of that energy in the room.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:00]:
Really nice to go do whatever feels good for you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:03]:
As far as an energy clearing, if anything has attached to me in this situation, let me release it and just.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:13]:
Recenter and get back to myself. And for some people, that's a hike in nature. For others, it's a meditation. For some, it might be a staging. For some, it might be making a reiki appointment. So there's tools that we can use.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:25]:
To reset and also to set beforehand.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:29]:
Too when we're interacting with others that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:32]:
We may feel like.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:34]:
I don't know if I want our.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:36]:
Energy mingling, but I want to be here to help.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:39]:
So let me envision this protective golden.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:42]:
Light around me, and only love can penetrate it. Otherwise, anything, any negative energy that is.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:49]:
Around, it's going to hit the outside of that bubble and kind of melt.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:53]:
Down and it won't affect me.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:54]:
There's different tools and stuff like that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:21:56]:
That I teach and share.

Seyyida [00:21:59]:
What other tools do you use in your practice?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:03]:
Yeah, I use a lot of different tools. Well, first I use the main training from my executive coaching certification. I use my corporate background.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:15]:
For many years, all of that tactical.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:18]:
Business stuff has come in very handy with clients.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:21]:
We combine that tactical with the ethereal.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:26]:
So I use the spiritual intelligence skills. Those are something nice and tangible that people can view. I also use the edgewalker skills and qualities. We tap into those knowing the future.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:37]:
Manifesting the modalities that I use have.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:42]:
A pretty big modality catalog that I dip into. Sometimes we'll follow the phases of the moon.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:49]:
If you're a private client of mine.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:51]:
That'S something extra that you get. You get some affirmations.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:54]:
I'm a certified moon knowledger, so I.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:22:57]:
Can see where the moon is for you specifically and give you some energetic things that you can do during that time.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:05]:
So that's really fun to tap into that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:08]:
I also have deeply studied the tarot for many years, and I use that.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:11]:
In an archetypal way with my clients.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:14]:
Even when we're talking about business, I.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:16]:
Could get a flash of a card, and then it's a message for you, and what do we do with that? There's probably, like, so much more I'm forgetting, but that's what's coming to me now.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:29]:
It's awesome.

Seyyida [00:23:30]:
One of the tools that I have enjoyed from you is your book, and.

Seyyida [00:23:37]:
Also, I'm going to call it a.

Seyyida [00:23:39]:
Workbook, but correct me if that's not.

Seyyida [00:23:41]:
What it's called, but can you share a little bit more with us about the inspiration for that book and a little bit about the book and also.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:50]:
The workbook that comes with it.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:53]:

Amy Lynn Durham [00:23:53]:
So the create magic at work paperback is full of activities that I authored for leaders for the workplace that they can utilize in a faith neutral way. It just elevates emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence. Really what it does is it fosters.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:10]:
Productivity and connecting with others, seeing the.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:14]:
Humanity in each other. And by default, you see that your team's synergy increases and improves. The other thing is you can do these activities from an individual perspective. So there's a few activities in the.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:29]:
Book, like journaling with a twist intention setting.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:34]:
There's all kinds of ways that a leader can just grab it and flip.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:37]:
Through the pages and pick something to.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:39]:
Utilize or use it as a jumping off point creatively. I also authored a journal prompt card deck from that book that you can use with teams in the workplace or.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:49]:
With yourself, and you can pull a.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:51]:
Card, and everybody that listens to the create magic at work podcast hears at the end of the episode that I.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:56]:
Pull a card for the guest and.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:24:58]:
For the listeners and they get a.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:00]:
Message for the day. So the book has a lot of magic in it.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:05]:
I purposely picked a scholastic book editor to make it feel childlike and whimsical.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:10]:
That was one of the things when.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:12]:
I was younger was my favorite was the scholastic book fairs.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:17]:
I was always the girl that wanted to just stay in my room and read.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:23]:
So that was one of my favorite things.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:28]:
There's illustrations in it, not really what you would think of for a corporate leadership book.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:36]:
And then Chad Beckerman designed the create magic at workbook and he did the diary of a wimpy kid book. So when you hold it, hopefully you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:43]:
Can feel all that and feel inspired.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:47]:
That's wonderful.

Seyyida [00:25:49]:
So if one of our listeners wanted to get in touch with you, wanted.

Seyyida [00:25:52]:
To work with you, how would they do that?

Amy Lynn Durham [00:25:56]:
Yeah, I really want to encourage anyone listening that felt inspired to reach out to me.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:26:03]:
I'm very accessible, like we talked about with my private client experience. So you can just schedule a 30 minutes call with me. You can reach out to me on LinkedIn. The website is you're listening to the createmagic at Work podcast right now. So in the show notes, if you click, there's one link that I always.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:26:24]:
Put and it links you to everything.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:26:27]:
It'll take you to everything that's going on with me. You can schedule a session with me.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:26:30]:
And just chat if you feel called to connect, I'd love to talk to you.

Seyyida [00:26:36]:
Well, I encourage all of our listeners to reach out to Amy. She is an amazing coach and she.

Seyyida [00:26:44]:
Has just a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful offering for you as a client.

Seyyida [00:26:50]:
So please reach out to her. It will be well worth your time.

Seyyida [00:26:55]:
Well worth the investment. And I just appreciate you so much.

Seyyida [00:26:59]:
And I thank you for allowing me.

Seyyida [00:27:00]:
The opportunity to have this chat with you today.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:27:04]:
Yeah, thank you for doing this. I'm very appreciative and grateful that you flipped the script on me on the create magic at Work podcast. So thanks, Aida. I hope everyone enjoyed it. I appreciate you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:27:21]:
Hey, everyone.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:27:21]:
Amy here. I am so excited to share this news with you. If you've been a longtime listener of the podcast or even if you're new, you probably know that I weave spiritual intelligence through all of the episodes of Create magic at work, and we often talk about where you are at with making wise and compassionate decisions, what it looks like to be a wise and effective change agent, how do I put my ego aside and operate from my higher self? And if you've ever been curious as to what level you're sitting at in your life in those skills, I have some great news for you. I have loaded the SQ 21 assessment on the create magic at Work website. This is something that only my private clients have access to in a coaching partnership with me. However, I have decided to give everyone access to the SQ 21 assessment at.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:28:14]:
A generous price, a small fee.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:28:17]:
You can take the shop and you will get a printout that you can take with you the rest of your life as to where you're sitting, what level you're sitting at in the 21 skills of spiritual intelligence. This is an amazing opportunity. I encourage you to take advantage of it again, if you've ever been listening to all of the past episodes, like I wonder where I sit at making wise and compassionate decisions, or I wonder where I sit at being able to access my higher self, explore that curiosity and go to the website and take the assessment. I will also have that link dropped in the show notes so it's easily accessible to you here after the episode. And again, if you have any questions or if you just want to have a chat with me, I'm always available for a complimentary 30 minutes coffee chat so you can explore that as well. But get over to the website, take that assessment and give yourself the gift of something that you can take with you for the rest of your life. Sending magic to you.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:29:27]:
I want to.

Amy Lynn Durham [00:29:27]:
Thank each and every one of you for coming back every week to listen to a new episode of create magic at work and really helping to support and advocate for healthy leaders, workplaces and lives for all of us. If you want any information on how to connect with me, click on the link in the show notes. You'll get access to all of the social media links for create magic at work. Stay following along for more amazing episodes where we help you improve productivity and profitability in the workplace and decrease stress, sending magic to everyone and see you next time.