Adventures in Language

Teaching Tips & Tricks | 5 Tips for Cultivating a Culturally Diverse Classroom

Mango Languages

With DEI initiatives reimagining how we do what we do, it’s a great time to consider how your language class can contribute to expanding the next generation’s worldview. How can you, as a language teacher, structure your class to help your students build their cultural competence skills? While there is no one right way to do it, there are some best practices to keep in mind – and we’ll cover 5 of them in this podcast!

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For more tips on how to cultivate a student-driven class, check out our video:

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Wondering what languages were used in today’s episode?
Hindi | नमस्ते! (numuStay) is both ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’
Turkish | Merhaba (MEH.ra.bah) and hoşçakalın (hohsh.CHA.kuh.luhn!) are ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’
Modern Standard Arabic | بدون إطالة (bidoon iTaala) means ‘without further ado’ (literally translates as ‘without long talk’)
Interested in learning English, Hindi, Turkish, Modern Standard Arabic or one of the other 70+ languages that the Mango app offers? Click here to learn more!

Want to know more about cultural competence in the language classroom? 
Nguyen, T. T. T. (2017). Integrating Culture into Language Teaching and Learning: Learner Outcomes. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal , 17 (1), 145–155.
Barraja-Rohan, A.-M. (1999). Teaching conversation for intercultural competence. In J. Lo Bianco, A. J. Liddicoat, & C. Crozet (Eds.), Striving for Third Place: Intercultural Competence through Language Education (pp. 143–145). Melbourne: Language Australia.

Meet your guide Emily! Emily Sabo (PhD, University of Michigan) is a linguist at Mango Languages. A Pittsburgh native, her areas of specialization are the social and cognitive factors that impact bilingual language processing and production. Having studied 7 languages and lived in various countries abroad, she sees multilingualism -- and the cultural diversity that accompanies it -- as the coolest of superpowers. Complementary to her work at Mango, Emily is a Lecturer of Spanish at the University of Tennessee, a Producer of the “We Are What We Speak’ docuseries, and get this...a storytelling standup comedian!

#teachingtips #languageEd #culturaldiversity