Adventures in Language

Science Behind Language Learning | What is Second Language Acquisition (SLA)?

Mango Languages

Want to learn more about how people learn new languages? Maybe you’re a language teacher looking for ways to better help struggling students, or a learner looking to use the power of your brain to master multiple languages. Perhaps you just can’t get enough of languages and linguistics! If any of those sound like you, get excited, because this is the first podcast in our new series on the Science Behind Language Learning.
Join Kaitlyn Tagarelli (Linguist, PhD), as we take you on a tour of the exciting field of Second Language Acquisition. In this first episode, we’ll start with the basics by answering 2 fundamental questions about language learning: What is Second Language Acquisition — and why does it matter?

To download all the available language learning content we mentioned in this podcast, or if you’d like the blog article that accompanies this episode, click here:

If you liked this episode, please let us know by subscribing to our podcast! We also invite you to check out our website at: and follow us on social media @MangoLanguages. And remember – language is an adventure. Enjoy the ride!

Wondering what languages were used in today’s episode?
French | Bonjour and Au Revoir et à bientôt mean “hello” and “goodbye and see you soon”
Hawaiian | Aloha means both “hello” and “goodbye”
Interested in learning French, Hawaiian, or one of the other 70+ languages that the Mango app offers? Click here to learn more!

Kaitlyn Tagarelli (PhD, Georgetown University) is a Linguist and the Head of Research at Mango Languages. She holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University, specializing in how the mind and brain learn languages. Aside from geeking out about all things neuroscience and linguistics, she loves hanging out with her family at their Connecticut home, trying to convince them to speak French with her.

#languagelearning #languagelover #SLA