Next-Gen Materials Podcast

#3: Sydney Gladman, CSO of the Material Innovation Initiative

Season 1 Episode 3

Dr. Sydney Gladman joins me today to discuss her work as Chief Scientific Officer at the Material Innovation Initiative, featured in the first episode. One of Sydney’s first initiatives as CSO is to perform an in-depth review on the unique properties of each of the materials MII is focused on replacing, starting with silk. She summarized her findings in the recent Silk Report, which we dive into thoroughly during this episode. In particular, we discuss exactly why silk production is so problematic, and all the opportunities that lie within alternative methods of silk production. As it turns out, alternative silk is expected to have impacts far beyond the textile industry.

For more information about MII and to read their latest reports, including the Silk Report, visit If you have an interest in entering the next-gen materials space yourself,contact Sydney on LinkedIn or email her at