The Darren Levy podCARst

#4 Did Steph Leave the Key on Purpose? ft. Steph Toussat

Darren Levy Season 1 Episode 4

Today's guest is the delightful and hilarious Steph Toussat aka #TrendyBendy aka Stoussy aka Steven?!

I met Steph whilst Uber driving three years ago. She was my passenger. Since then she has been in more than 30 episodes of Funny Uber Rides which have helped tens of millions of people around the world laugh. Stoussy is a crowd favourite!

Steph has become a close friend and I adore her because what you see is what you get. She has a heart the size of Uranus, she'll keep you in hysterics and she genuinely cares.

Our conversation today comprises of a mixture of Stephisms and banter as well as deep & meaningful topics - even religion!

As always, a special Thank-Q to Steph for making my content that she appears in that extra bit more special.

Follow Steph on Instagram:

Steph's fitness page:

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