Between Two Mics: The Remote Recording Podcast

SquadCast Podcast Spotlight: I Am Northwest Arkansas

Zach & Rock from

Randy Wilburn is a SquadCaster and the host of I Am Northwest Arkansas. Today on the SquadCast podcast, we’re featuring an episode of that show! The episode is called 

Did You Know The Greatest Maritime Disaster In The United States Happened In Arkansas? Find it here.

From Randy's website, here’s what this episode is about:
“Being a member of Rotary certainly has its privileges. We heard the next guest of the podcast at a Rotary meeting. Retired Judge John Fogleman shared a historically significant story with our club about the greatest maritime disaster in US History. We were surprised to learn that this disaster did not occur off our East (Atlantic) or West Coast (Pacific). It happened just off the shores of Arkansas on the Mighty Mississippi River about seven miles North of what is now downtown Memphis. 

Judge Fogleman sat down with us to share the whole story of the Sultana disaster, which took place in April of 1865, only a few weeks after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. There are so many plots and subplots in this story, and Judge Fogleman does a great job outlining them all."

Also In This Episode:


  • Written and produced by Arielle Nissenblatt
  • Mixed and designed by Vince Moreno Jr
  • Artwork and logos by Alex Whedbee
  • Music by Shawn Valles
  • Hosted by Zach Moreno and Rock Felder
  • Transcripts by Sabeena Singhani