MS Diagnosis Journey

Roger Cook: "Don't Let MS Rule Your Life"

Laura Kolaczkowski Episode 29

Roger Cook is from Newcastle upon Tyne, England, and is active in the Newcastle chapter of the MS Society and the MS Research and Relief Fund (UK).  He was officially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2001 but had symptoms much earlier in his life. As you'll hear in this interview, these initial symptoms were dismissed because doctors assumed that, as a student in the final year of his degree, Roger simply wanted some time off!

Despite the challenges Roger has faced, he still was able to follow a successful career as an aeronautical engineer and worked around the UK following his diagnosis. Now medically retired, he is heavily involved with the MS community and is an avid football (soccer) fanatic.

Visit Roger's blog, Individually ahead!, and connect with him on Twitter 

Interview by Laura Kolaczkowski
Edited by Steve Woodward at The Podcasting Editor
Podcast artwork by Jackie Zimmerman at Queen of GSD
Background Music is “Old Photos” by Olexy 

Support of this project is made possible through the generosity of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.