Loving Every Stride Podcast

What Happens After 5k?

December 22, 2021 Paul Laslett and Marie Droniou -Bordry Season 1 Episode 9
What Happens After 5k?
Loving Every Stride Podcast
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Loving Every Stride Podcast
What Happens After 5k?
Dec 22, 2021 Season 1 Episode 9
Paul Laslett and Marie Droniou -Bordry

In this episode of the Loving Every Stride podcast, hosts Paul Laslett and Marie Droniou-Bordry discuss what to do after you've achieved your goal of running 5km.

Some of the topics discussed include: making sure you don't skip too many levels without a solid foundation; the importance of setting a structured training plan; it's ok to stick with running 5k; and the truly incredible story of one of our clients who ran their first half marathon at the pace she used to run her 5k at.

So tune in and get inspired!


Paul Laslett can be found here:

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Marie Droniou-Bordry can be found here:



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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of the Loving Every Stride podcast, hosts Paul Laslett and Marie Droniou-Bordry discuss what to do after you've achieved your goal of running 5km.

Some of the topics discussed include: making sure you don't skip too many levels without a solid foundation; the importance of setting a structured training plan; it's ok to stick with running 5k; and the truly incredible story of one of our clients who ran their first half marathon at the pace she used to run her 5k at.

So tune in and get inspired!


Paul Laslett can be found here:

Facebook Group


Marie Droniou-Bordry can be found here:



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Paul Laslett  0:02  
Welcome to loving every stride, the podcast that will help make your running easier brought to you by ex national athlete and UK record holder all of laslett powered by the bright side pte community. For more information and access to your very own running faster formula which will make your running easier. Click on the link in the show notes, enjoy the show

Paul Laslett  0:25  
and see you on the bright side. Hello, again, everyone. And thank you for joining us on this podcast. Now, this podcast I'm hoping has been helping motivate inspire you and give you some ideas about how you can make your running to easier, and how you can obviously run faster and stay injury free. And that is called Living the dream. Okay, so but this episode today is going to be all about what happens once you've run your 5k. Maybe you've done the couch to 5k. And you're trying to get faster or you're thinking do I go a bit longer, or whatever, because there comes a point where for most runners, Maria and I look after they do their 5k and the 5k time comes down, they feel really good about themselves. And then you start thinking, what else could I do? What else should I do? And then you know, you think Oh, maybe I'll do a 10k Now maybe I'll do a half marathon, maybe I'll enter a marathon. So what we want to cover is the best way of give you some ideas, and the best way of implementing how to make the next steps. Because we don't want you to make the mistakes that we've seen a lot of people make, and we want to keep you injury free and keep you running as well as you can. So there are a few different options, right, you've only 5k You feel good, you know, you can run a 5k pretty comfortably. And I'd say at this point, if you cannot run a 5k comfortably, run it slower. If you can walk 5k You can run 5k Running is just a sped up version of walking, don't worry about how fast you're doing it, just get out and do it and take it really slow. Okay, you've done your couch to five, can you run? You could run 5k comfortably ish now. So we're gonna do we're going to try and go faster rate with 5k? Are you going to go shorter? Are you going to go further? Are you gonna try and do both? Are you gonna go off road? Are you going to start doing heel rounds? Are you gonna start to maybe think all into a marathon? What is it that you're going to do? Now, I'll also say at this point, and I know the real back me up the if you just want to keep running, and keep enjoying your running, and you don't have to go faster, you don't have to go further. You don't have to do anything. It's just if you make that decision to think about what's next for me, we want to give you the best advice and ideas of what of what you can do and make sure that you don't get injured in the process. So most people, once they've done the 5k, they do want to go a bit further because there are 10k races you might want to go and do. But I would always say you know if you can work on your 5k time, then the 10k becomes easier. Why is that? You say Mr. laslett? Why is easier, I'll tell you why. If you keep listening, it's much easier, a little bit of self dialogue, you've got to keep taking my medication shouldn't make myself laugh, hopefully, other people are traveling you basically, you want to make sure the faster you can go for 5k, then you make your 10k easier. So if you can say currently run 30 minutes for a 5k, for example. And then you bring that 5k time down to 28 minutes, the intensity of effort and the intensity on your muscles to run through and save 3132 minutes, halfway in a 10k It feels much easier. So as long as you're going slower, you should be able to go further. I hope that makes a little bit of sense. So that's one way of doing it is if you want to increase your mileage, then you basically need to make sure that you're going slower and you change the intensity of what you're running. Now, to go faster is a brilliant feeling. Now I always say there's you can't cheat running. There's a set distance and a set time over that distance that you can cover. Now either you're gonna run it quicker, or you're not. So how do you go faster? I can remember a long, long, long, long, long time ago I was at a party. I wasn't drinking because I was training for that and quickly and missed out on a Commonwealth Games qualifying time by half a second, which doesn't sound like very much but it's a Little over 100 meters, rather than a party and someone was asking me about it. And they said, What the second? That's not very, that's not very much what, why didn't you just try a little bit harder for this group? Well, this was trying as hard as I could, you can't just run faster by trying harder, you need to change how you train and get the right structure in place. So if you're going to try and run faster, you're asking more of your body, okay, in order to then let your body run faster. And because you've asked more of it on a given day, then you'll need to do some stuff that's a lot slower to help, like we've talked about in previous episodes, to help your body recover. So without the right structure in place, you won't know how fast to go, how much recovery you need, what distances to run out and practice that. So it's so important to get that structured plan in place, because a lot of people will try and run too far too far too often, and they will get injured. So we do not want that to happen for you. Now, the other side of things I'm gonna bring marine on this as well, is go further run distances you never thought your legs could cover. And but you need to do it in a safe way. Now, when I ever I increased by mileage, I work on around about five to 10% increase in terms of distance over a four week period, then I always come back to a shorter distance before I go and build again. But the furthest I've raced over 10 miles. Marie has done half marathons and has done marathon. So she is much better equipped to talk to you about her experience of running her first marathon. And what advice she could give you about increasing distances and some of the mistakes that she has seen people make Murray, I'm gonna bring you in. You are an absolute running mileage machine. So tell me, if I was going to run a marathon? What would I be why, after I've just run a five car just finished my 5k. And I'm feeling invincible Murray. I feel amazing. And I say Marie, your coaching program is exceptional. I can't believe how much faster Am I want to run a marathon? What do you say?

Marie Droniou-Bordry  7:17  
So I would say don't run a marathon just yet, in my experience. And if you've listened to the podcast before I started to run in my late 20s. And I was just running bird because I could and there was no real structure to my training. And it's only when I join a running club, I started to structure my running. And from joining the running club, I started to experience different distances. But I'll never went from running your 5k to run your math on. I had experienced longer distances before. However, what I have to confess is my first marathon, I signed up for it two weeks beforehand. 10 days, the reason I sign up for a marathon was because I was really enjoying long distances. And I was going out I think it was Monday at the time because I wasn't working on Monday. And every Monday I was going a little further and one Monday I did 19 miles and I was feeling great. I was loving it. And somebody said to me, oh, you know there's a math, which writes all these costs, or you can just come and do it if you can run 90 Miles Calvin transpose, and so why not, and I just did. But I wouldn't advise anyone to do that. And most certainly, I wouldn't advise anyone to jump from a 5k to a marathon. And I knew there is a lot of hype about running a marathon running further. But my advice would be experience the shorter distances first. So if you've done a 5k, to 10k to 10k 10 miles, done the 10 minute and a half marathon, and then do the math, because it's respecting your body. In my experience, you are teaching your body to read long distances. So be like if you when you're seven, and all of a sudden they're jumping up to your 10. And you've missed all the years in between, right. And I think it doesn't feel it's not found your body. So I would say yeah, just structure your training. And even if you don't enter an official distance race as in 10k or half miles or 10 miles, just the distance, work up to the distance and then go a little further. And like you said before, make sure that you have a break. You have weeks where D load your body a chance to adapt to what it's just trained for. And so that would be my advice on this fall. I like a light down

Paul Laslett  9:45  
analogy. Now you wouldn't go straight like you studied from like year seven to year 10 But you need to do the other stuff to make that year 10 stuff possible. Wow. My brain has just been blown away. Doesn't take much will be to be fair. But so that experience for you, obviously, you've run a sub 330 marathon, which is the normal and training for that when you had some structure to what you were doing. What would you say the biggest difference for you was from kind of just increasing your mileage and, and getting round to being able to fulfill your potential over a Marrison

Marie Droniou-Bordry  10:21  
were the beauty of signing up for my phone just 10 days beforehand, there was no time to freak out about it, because that was it, I was gonna do it. So that definitely was good. But I will never forget the morning of their math and thinking, Oh, my God, what have I done? And is my body going to be able to do that? And I did it. But yes, the following my son's ID, which I prepared for the mental, the mindset is completely different. You're giving your body the right tools to be able to complete the distance. So yeah, it's much better to be trained for it to be prepared for it. And obviously being prepared for it means that you can probably do it a little bit faster, enjoy it better. I mean, my best math, my A, which was my fastest. My second half was 13 seconds, slower than my first half

Paul Laslett  11:19  
is mean, that's when you know, I had

Marie Droniou-Bordry  11:23  
I felt absolutely fantastic. The hallway, obviously the last six months were tough, but I had prepared for it. I knew exactly what my body could do. And on that day, I never did. And it was such a great experience because of the way I felt on the day. So prepare ation is is key,

Paul Laslett  11:45  
if you think you're delicious. And the idea was not to run a marathon, like Marie said tree with some respects. And if you really want to enjoy it and not get we see so many people who jump up to Marrison too quickly and they get injured, come run. And then there's a load of other issues that that come with it, I'm sure we've all experienced an injury. And then what usually happens after one injury, you get another niggle you have a run of injuries. So keeping yourself injury free and respecting your body and making sure that you're progressing safely is so important. And then you'll enjoy the experience of actually running. If you want to run a marathon, you'll enjoy that experience a heck of a lot more in terms of how you progressed your mileage. When you were then training for your marathon Murray. Did you do a few half marathons work on your tank a time a little bit like you say kind of earn your stripes a bit before you jumped up to that Marrison

Marie Droniou-Bordry  12:43  
Yes, and also training for marathon will make the other distances easier and faster. So my best season was just after I'd done under marathon. And then after that, I decided I would do different distances. And that was my best season because my body was conditioned for was conditioned. So well, for the rolling, I just smashed on my PBS that following year, because because I had trained properly for it, I didn't get injured. And I'm not saying if you train properly, you're not gonna get injured, but the risk of injury is much, much less. And chances are if you get an injury, you will come out of it quicker than if you don't train properly and you get an injury. If you train properly for an event. And if you follow the stages and not jump ropes, then you are in a much your body would be in a much better position to be successful, and you are much likely to enjoy your running because at the end of the day, that's what it's all about. And most of us are on paid for running is not what we do pay the bills, we have to enjoy it. And if you don't enjoy it, then what's the point and something I have noticed as well is a lot of people that decide to train for a long distance event have turned my phone and they aren't used to that distance, they would go straight into my phone training and they will find the whole thing hard and then they'll do the math on and it won't necessarily be an enjoyable experience and then they they lose their love of running because of that. And you don't want to do that and marathons aren't for everyone. So you might find that okay, you just on your 5k you can have 10k And then you're gonna do a 10 miles and then etc and you will find that there is a distance that's your favorite one. So for me, that's my phone and in between the Navi 10 my race, but 10 K's on for me, so everyone's different and you've got to experience it. You've got to find what's your favorite distance. And what works for you is really it's only by experiencing it and experiencing in the right way. But you will you will find that

Paul Laslett  14:58  
as time as well as near what time you can create to it, the further you go, the more mileage you tend to put into takes up more time, energy, and effort. But like you said, build your foundations don't rush it. If you want to move on and do a marathon, that's great, but experienced the 5k. Work on that for a bit. If you want to then move on to a 10k, because you built the foundations to be able to deal with a 10k better, do the 10k Move on, if you want to a half marathon, we ask people to do our 5k program, and then they move on to a 10k program, then they come back to work in their 5k Again, so you know, you can work the 5k 10k they can all work well together, of course they can. But how you put that structure in place, and how you make sure that you're progressing safely. A lot, I think, like Marie said, treat your body with some respect, don't hammer it, don't kind of go off see of see if I can go from six miles to a half marathon, I reckon I could run 10 miles, he probably can. But the effect it would have on your body would mean the it would take longer to recover, you're more likely to have injuries. So progressing slowly and taking your time with it is really important to help you progress and move things forward. That's really sound advice, you wouldn't go from year seven to year 10, would you in one year, you work through it. I like that use my little brains like that a lot more resume.

Marie Droniou-Bordry  16:24  
It's okay not to want to do anything else than a 5k. And I think in this country, we are very fortunate that we've got so many parkruns. And that means you can enjoy popcorn on the tarmac, if that's what you like you can enjoy popcorn on a train, cause you can enjoy a very challenging Park run up and down if that's what, what you want. So there are so many things you can do by just running your five gay people shouldn't feel the pressure that they have to run further if that's not what they want, or they can't commit to do the time. So it's okay not to want to do a half marathon or a marathon or 10 mile or 10k. It's that people shouldn't feel the pressure that they have to draw. And we are again, we are very fortunate in this country that we can do that at screen chakra is free.

Paul Laslett  17:17  
I don't know what you find me. But when I meet new people, which I try not to when you meet new people, and you say that you are a runner, usually one of the first questions they asked us, you know, have you run a marathon? Is that real stigma attached to it. It's like a badge of honor to complete it. But like you say like, it's not for everyone, and it shouldn't be for everyone. And if it's something you want to do take your time over it. And that leads nicely on to talking about one of our members who she started with us maybe nine or 10 months ago, maybe a year ago, something like that. She recently ran her half marathon. And she ran that half marathon, she'd never had a half marathon before. But if she completed the half marathon at a faster pace, than she used to be able to run a flat out 5k Four, I'm gonna say that again. Because I think that is ridiculous. She can now run a half marathon at a faster pace than she could run a 5k. For now, that's mental when you think about as you're adding 10 miles on, and she's running faster. So want to kind of just reiterate how she has done that. Obviously, she's done that through getting coaching and support from Maria myself. That's all you need. To be honest, I don't need anything else. If she worked on her 5k She learned how to train effectively. She learned how to progress herself in the best possible way. She learned how to stay injury free, she learned how to listen to her body, she learned how to love her running and love the process that she was going through. She built her confidence up massively over that 5k distance, though when it was time to move on. And she wanted to move on to a 10k Did the same there. Because she'd built those foundations moving to the 10k was a much easier step for her. And again, she listened to her body she had a structure to follow. And her 10k time came down and because she was getting stronger, her 5k time also came down again. And then you know we were saying so i You should move on and do a further distance. You know, the thought of her doing the half Marrison, six months ago would have been really scary. I think it was still scary. But she knew she could do it. Because she knew that she had the right structure in place. She knew how her body felt. And also it made sense to her that I can now run 10 minutes quicker or whatever it was over a 10k then a half marathon. If I play the same kind of theory and I'm just going to run it slower, but for longer, my body's ready to do that. And lo and behold her body was more than ready to go and do that and she went and ran a time that she never thought she'd be able to run for half marathon. And she may never do a half marathon again, doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. She's learned so much about herself. She's learned so much about what's possible for her. And now when do you see what she's gonna come back down and do some five K's and 10 K's again. And she'll be so much stronger for it. But she's done it in the right way. She has progressed steadily, she has followed a structure and a process that works for her and she hasn't rushed it, which has meant she's had a great experience. And she is loved it. Rather than it feeling like a sure

Marie Droniou-Bordry  20:37  
it's just mind blowing. But it just goes to show that if you follow the right process, if you take the necessary steps, then you can do anything you like, because we anything you like, just stay in line with with your body. And yet, just give it some respect that and I'm trying to follow my own advice.

Paul Laslett  20:58  
We're all try and follow our own advice, guys. So in summary, you could do anything you like, as long as you are patient, respect your body. Think about you wouldn't go from year seven to year 10 In one go to saying from a 5k to a marathon you can get there. But just take your time over it. Learn how to train effectively learn how to train efficiently progress, in terms of mileage steadily and slowly, the faster you can get as well. If you're looking to go faster, then you need to not stress your body too frequently so that you do not get injured. And of course, if you want our help, then we're always here and able to help you out with your training. So that closes out what happens after a 5k Whatever you like as long as you are careful and keep enjoying the process. I hope you've enjoyed it. And I really, really look forward to hearing how you get on. Thank you for listening to loving every stride. If like us you absolutely love running. We'd love to have you in our community and help make your running faster. You can join our Facebook group and get your very own running faster formula by visiting the link in the show notes and there will be happy days ahead. Please also remember to subscribe and review so we can spread our love for running. Thank you for listening and we will see you on the bright side.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai