That Witch Podcast

152 So you're a what? Getting Started In The Craft

May 03, 2024 That Witch Next Door Season 6 Episode 7
152 So you're a what? Getting Started In The Craft
That Witch Podcast
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That Witch Podcast
152 So you're a what? Getting Started In The Craft
May 03, 2024 Season 6 Episode 7
That Witch Next Door

Welcome to witchcraft.

Maybe it’s because you’ve been more than resonating with your horoscope, your horoscope has been reading YOU. Or you have dreams that just stick with you long after you wake up. Maybe it’s when you’ve sensed a certain energy in the people you encounter all day and then learn later on it’s a super full moon. Or you see an animal, number, or symbol connected to something that feels deeply more than coincidence. Maybe it’s a combination of all kinds of things like this—but whatever it is, lately you feel a hugely profound message is just on the other side of these connections…

And now you’ve found yourself learning about magick, and listening to podcasts on witchcraft 😉

Today’s episode of That Witch Podcast is a collection of my personal must-haves, top recommendations, favorite resources, and all my tips to get you started building your unique Craft on your own right now (and it doesn’t even have a price tag because the only things you absolutely need are free 😎)

IF you're tired of doing it all by yourself...
and you're ready to take the guesswork out of your modern spiritual practice, be among other chill folx just like you, and have Dani as your witchcraft and astrology instructor—That Witch School is ready and waiting for YOU! ✨ Enroll today and instantly unlock all of your magickal bonuses.

|| T H E  N E I G H B O R H O O D ||
YouTube: That Witch Next Door
Instagram: @thatwitch.nextdoor
TikTok: @thatwitch.nextdoor
Pinterest: @thatwitchdani
Twitter: @danithatwitch

Show Notes

Welcome to witchcraft.

Maybe it’s because you’ve been more than resonating with your horoscope, your horoscope has been reading YOU. Or you have dreams that just stick with you long after you wake up. Maybe it’s when you’ve sensed a certain energy in the people you encounter all day and then learn later on it’s a super full moon. Or you see an animal, number, or symbol connected to something that feels deeply more than coincidence. Maybe it’s a combination of all kinds of things like this—but whatever it is, lately you feel a hugely profound message is just on the other side of these connections…

And now you’ve found yourself learning about magick, and listening to podcasts on witchcraft 😉

Today’s episode of That Witch Podcast is a collection of my personal must-haves, top recommendations, favorite resources, and all my tips to get you started building your unique Craft on your own right now (and it doesn’t even have a price tag because the only things you absolutely need are free 😎)

IF you're tired of doing it all by yourself...
and you're ready to take the guesswork out of your modern spiritual practice, be among other chill folx just like you, and have Dani as your witchcraft and astrology instructor—That Witch School is ready and waiting for YOU! ✨ Enroll today and instantly unlock all of your magickal bonuses.

|| T H E  N E I G H B O R H O O D ||
YouTube: That Witch Next Door
Instagram: @thatwitch.nextdoor
TikTok: @thatwitch.nextdoor
Pinterest: @thatwitchdani
Twitter: @danithatwitch