Motivation Babe Podcast

Ep. 22 Fire Friday "Do you sis, Embracing happiness, Cancelling Hustle Culture"

Hillary Cortez Season 2 Episode 22

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Today I am dropping a FIRE FRIDAY EPISODE! These are freestyle episodes where I am sharing things I have learned through the week and topics that have been on my mind! Today we are talking about DO YOU SIS! We are talking about finding your happiness, cancelling hustle culture and so much more! I know this is a message you need to hear, it's a powerful one! 

Here are my reminders to you babe:

  • Don't take life too seriously
  • Do whatever makes you happy
  • Stop being comfortable, being uncomfortable
  • Live a fulfilled life
  • Enjoy this moment

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Speaker 1:

Hey y'all. Welcome to the Motivation Bay podcast. I am your host Hills the Motivation babe. And I am on a mission to empower you and thousands of women every single day. I think of the Motivation Babe podcast as your go-to resource for mindset talks that give you the confidence to become the best version of yourself. I am so honored you are here. Get ready to level up as we dive in. Hello, hello, and welcome back to another episode of the podcast. Hey y'all. It's to Girl<laugh>. I'm the biggest smile on my face right now. I just love recording podcasts for y'all. Um, hey guys, it's me, It's a girl. It's hills the motivation, babe, your motivational besty, your biggest cheerleader. I want to see you win, which is why I show up for you on this podcast to give you the motivation, the inspiration, um, the little pick me up and your day to keep going and to chase your dreams, sis. Awesome. All right guys, if you're new to the podcast, hey, my name is Hillary. I'm from Texas, and I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur. This podcast is literally my passion project. I love to pour into this community. Y'all the motivation, babe. It was my personal brand that quickly grew into an amazing community of goal getters, ambitious woman. And I have something special to share with y'all. I'll talk about it more towards the end. But I created this space for us to come together. I created an online membership community, an entire portal where y'all can have exclusive podcasts, access to me group chats, um, and so much more I'm doing for y'all. So go ahead and go to my Instagram, go to my website, the motivation, um, to learn more, but stay tuned towards the end and I will share all that with y'all. Okay guys, It is Friday Fire. Yeah, it's Friday Fire. Our favorite episodes because I just click record and I talk real raw, unedited with y'all things that are top of mind for me that I know are going to help you. They're like little reminders. It's like, you know, that little tug like, oof, I wanna talk about this. I need to share this with somebody. Yeah, that's what Friday fires are. This Friday fire, there's this theme that has been reoccurring for me all week, and it's a theme of, it is your job to be happy. It is your job to enjoy your life. It is your job to have a fulfilled, rewarding, amazing life. And what happens is we are so dang hard on ourselves. We take ourselves way too seriously of me. I'm I'm included in that y'all, you know, and this was the reminder I had to give myself all week. Like, don't take life so seriously. Hills for friends. Seriously, Life is meant to be enjoyed and fulfilled. And there's meant to be laughter. And this is my message for you today. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I want you to check in with yourself right now. Are you happy? Are the things you're doing fulfilling you? Are you chasing your dreams? Or are you in a toxic environment? Maybe you're working at a toxic job. Maybe you're just stuck, y'all. No, no, no, no. We don't have to settle for the things that don't serve us. But what happens is we stay comfortable staying uncomfortable because we know what to expect. For some reason. We think happiness is a reward. You know, when we're, we think I'll be happy when I'm on the vacation, I have the house, I have the car, I have the money. Happiness is, it's, it's given to you. You have the ability right now to tap into it. But why do we choose? And this is the thing all week, y'all I've encountered block after block been so hard on myself this week. No joke. I, I mean, I have been so in my head this week, y'all just to record this podcast. It's taken me over two days and I couldn't whip out a podcast in a matter of 15 minutes. But I've been so in my head, taking myself way too seriously. And I had to stop and I had to reflect and I had to realize it. It's gonna be okay. Just do what you feel like doing. You get to write the rules of your own life. You don't have to conform to anything. Yes, society tells us. Social media tells us it's supposed to be like this. You're supposed to look like this. Have a perfect hourglass body and lip fillers and I don't know, like four power to them, right? But like, wear what you wanna wear. Wear the lipstick, get dressed for yourself. Do what makes you happy. Dance, sing, laugh extra loud in the restaurant. That's me all. But seriously, our lives are meant to be enjoyed. And I just think we all needed to hear this reminder that it's just, we take it too seriously and we take it for granted as well. Look, I'm gonna piggyback off this topic and talk really quick about hustle culture. I wanna do a whole episode on this, y'all, but this hustle culture, like we're not meant, and I don't know if y'all have seen that mean float around, but to work hard, pay our bills, rest and repeat, like, oh my gosh, our lives are meant for so much more than that. And I feel like there's been so much floating around social media about hustle culture and like stepping away from it. Like, look, y'all, I'm a girl who loves the grind, but after three years of grinding literally 24 7, no days off, um, taking the vacation made me feel so guilty. It was just an unsustainable way for me to grow and thrive. It led to so much burnout. So look, I know right now if you are not finding happiness, um, in your job, if you're not finding happiness in the things you're doing, and you're just doing the things to do the things, inevitably it's going to lead you to a place where you're not happy. You're burnout, anxiety, depression, right? So it's time for us all to collectively take a step back from hustle, culture, take a step back and find alignment, doing the things we truly want to do. If something doesn't feel right, Y'all, if you don't wanna do something, don't do that thing. Find something else to do. There is so many options in your life to do whatever you wanna do. If it's to make money, if it's to, you know, surround yourself with new community, you literally have the world at your fingertips, with your phone, with your, you know, whatever. Like, oh my gosh, we need to zoom out. We need to think about our life on this grand scale and stop focusing on the micro challenges happening in our day to day. Because when we're 90, yes, cause we're all gonna live. I I want us to all live too. We're like 90 years old. I want us to be happy. I want us to be fulfilled. I want us to be in our little retirement community smiling, saying, We did all the things to live of a fulfilled life. And think about that. You're 90 living in your little retirement community. I don't ever want you to say, I wish I would have. I want you to share your stories, to share the abundance, to be so proud of yourself for doing the things that made you happy, for leaving the places that didn't serve you and for a beautiful life right now. That's what you are creating. You are creating the life you're going to tell your stories about to your grandchildren, to the people around you in years to come. Build a beautiful life. Do what makes you happy. Stop taking yourself so seriously and enjoy the moment. What a beautiful message. Oh my gosh, this came out so differently than I thought it would. Literally, I'm speaking from my soul right now that couldn't have came out of my mouth any smoother. Um, and I hope this message served you today. Let's just take a deep breath in really quick. Ugh. I want you to have a beautiful day and I want to tell y'all a little bit more about the membership community. Oh my gosh, y'all. So listen, this podcast has grown so fast. We're literally in almost every continent. Um, no, we, every continent, um, and thousands of downloads every single day. I realize, holy cow, we have all these amazing women tuning in, um, craving, craving more of these conversations. So I thought, why not do it? Why not create the space that you can tap into y'all? I created the Motivation Vape membership Community. You need to go to the motivation Go to my Instagram at the Motivation babe underscore, and I have all the links for you. This membership is, it's, I'm gonna put all my eggs in this. I'm going to foster an amazing community. I see a huge vision for this. Well, we're gonna do in the community, Y'all is network, collaborate, grow, and get to know each other on a more exclusive level. There are two tiers to the membership. Our first tier is the basic membership, which has a mindset call. You're going to have a whole portal, group chats. You're gonna have access to exclusive content, exclusive podcasts, a resource library, and so much more. My Elite tier is my second tier. You're actually going to have access to my coaching calendar. You're gonna have a coaching call a month. You get a mastermind a month. You have access to a mindset call plus the goal setting call, um, in the basic membership plus all the other goodies. So if you need more of that one on one support with me, dive into the Elite membership. If this is your first time diving into a membership, I think the basic membership's a beautiful place to start and you can always upgrade later. Oh, it's just gonna be so amazing as we build out this community. And I invite you to jump in. Jump in, Okay. Uh, y'all, I am just so honored and so blessed to be a part of your journey. I hope today's message inspired you and touched you. I hope to see you inside the community. Y'all screenshot tag this and please leave a five star rating if you could, or a beautiful testimonial. I definitely wanna start focusing on that again, to spread the word. All case. Love you guys. Until next time, we'll see you later.