Home Pros Marketing Made Simple
Small business growth expert Shanna Goodman presents the Home Pros Marketing Made Simple podcast to help you attract clients to your pro organizing or residential cleaning service as simply and effectively as possible. After more than 16 years helping service-based small business owners strategically grow, Shanna knows how to guide you into developing a sustainable business model AND help you put the most effective strategies into place. Raised by entrepreneurs, Shanna is a voracious reader and writer, regularly contributing to Business Insider, Forbes, Fit Small Business, and Create & Cultivate. Learn more and sign up for regular tips and tricks to attracting ideal clients at growwithhomepros.com.
Home Pros Marketing Made Simple
How a Sales Funnel Helps You Consistently Attract Clients
May 10, 2022
Shanna Goodman
Episode 35
A sales funnel is a visual representation of how a prospective client finds you, becomes aware of what you have to offer, and ultimately hires you as their professional organizer.
Sales funnels are more important than ever because competition for attention is higher than ever. It's a consumer's market and we have access to anything and everything we could ever want at our fingertips. As small business owners, it's our job to solve a clear problem and clearly communicate how we solve that problem. That's where the sales funnel- the system for doing this- comes into play.
Click for show notes.