Musa Tariq on brands and fundamental human needs (CMO, GoFundMe)

Columbia Business School Center on Global Brand Leadership Season 1 Episode 1

On this episode of BRITE Ideas, JP and Matt speak with Musa Tariq, Chief Marketing Officer of GoFundMe. Musa gives examples from Nike, AirBnB, and GoFundMe – all of which he has worked for -- that exemplify his belief that brand building is akin to how people build relationships with each other. He also details how brands, at their core, are most powerful when they meet a fundamental human need. The challenge is effectively communicating the ethos of a brand’s core target – especially brands that are bought by a wide range of people – within and outside the organization. As individuals increasingly look to reflect who they are in what they buy, Musa notes, “I think its brands that come out and say, ‘I am ok offending some people to stand for something’” that will win the future.