Raise Your Volume Academy with Tiphany Kane, M.Ed.

Heck Yes! Attract the Magic of Possibility (bonus episode)

Tiphany Kane Season 2 Episode 93

This bonus episode is a sneak peek into one of my coaching sessions. This coaching session is a collaboration between my coaching friend, Jodi Riddick, and me. I am the Heck Yes! Coach and Jodi is the Be Too Much Coach- So this was our Heck Yes! Be Too Much coaching session.

This session focused on the Magic of Possibility. Possibility is all around us if we just allow ourselves to see it! I like to think of Possibility as magical little fairies flying around us just wanting to be invited in for a cup of tea. My friend, BB Easton, likes to think of Possibility as a long hallway of doors that you try out until you find one that is open. No matter how you visualize possibility, believing that there are limitless possibilities will allow you to have incredible experiences.

Join me in my Heck Yes! Membership Group- click here to join
Once a year, I do a 6-month-long intensive small group mastermind. This mastermind begins in June. This is an application-only mastermind- apply here!
Connect with me on Instagram @tiphanykane
Check out my website: www.tiphanykane.com

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Produced & Edited by: KaSa Media Productions

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