The Conflict Doctor
Conflict occurs at all levels – mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical – because we are affected by what goes on around us. I’m Dr. Rebecca Nicholson, a conflict resolution expert. I have a PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. I’ve published 3 books on conflict, and I work with individuals, businesses, and organizations to resolve conflict. I have worked in human trafficking, child solder reintegration, and sustainable development. I began my career in politics, and educate people about spiritual experiences. I see conflict from many vantage points. Join me as I guide people through their conflict, and for conversations with world-renowned guest speakers about conflict related to race, sex, money, spirituality, gender, war, family, politics, and workplace issues -and all the other confrontations we dread having, but desperately need to face. Stop being lost in the fog of conflict! Learn how to recognize conflict, organize it, and take control how you show up in your life and relationships.
The Conflict Doctor
SEALs, Suicide, and Service: Beyond the Brotherhood
SEALs, Suicide, and Service: Beyond the Brotherhood
Jimmy May is a retired Navy SEAL Commander with over 22 years of distinguished service. In this episode, Commander May explores the unique journey Navy SEALs undertake as they transition from military life to the civilian world. To address the high rate of suicide among Navy SEALs transitioning to civicial life, May created a nonprofit called Beyond the Brotherhood, that offers personalized career guidance, mentorship, and a focus on purpose beyond the battlefield. Beyond the Brotherhood provides a roadmap for SEALs to leverage their exceptional skills in new arenas.
Drawing from his extensive experience—including seven combat deployments to the Middle East, earning three Bronze Stars, a Purple Heart, and leading combat leadership and ethics curriculums—Jimmy shares invaluable insights on resilience, leadership, and camaraderie. As CEO of three companies, including the non-profit Beyond the Brotherhood, Jimmy brings his passion for helping veterans build fulfilling careers post-service.
Join us for candid conversations, practical advice, and inspiring stories from a leader committed to doing good things for good people.
Get involved or contact Jimmy May:
Beyond the Brotherhood:
Jimmy May on LinkedIn:
Mayday Executive Services:
Contact Dr. Rebecca Nicholson:
Publications & Business Inquiries: https://linktr.ee/TheConflictDoctor
Website: https://www.drrebeccanicholson.com/
If you have an idea for a show or would like to be a guest, e-mail me at ConflictDoctorPodcast@Gmail.com
The Conflict Doctor Podcast is sponsored by 8th House Elan Ltd., a Public Benefit Company formed to:
(1) Improve human health and wellness by teaching conflict resolution skills and peace building techniques. (2) Promote attitudes and behaviors that favor expanded communication, learning, tolerance, and acceptance. (3) Advance knowledge of applied peace building, specifically in relation to international affairs, society & culture, and public policy.