Dual Pixels Radio

Dual Pixels Radio #30: Web Slinging Shenanigans

Dual Pixels Staff Season 1 Episode 30
Hello and welcome to the 30th episode of Dual Pixels Radio! We hit everything from Sony’s massive milestone of 500 million consoles sold, to some SDCC and Spider-Man talk and round out the fully-featured episode with some fighting thought and some esports tidbits sprinkled in. Enjoy!

Hello, lovely listeners were back from summer vacation. On today's episode we talk about Sony's 500 million console sold. Then when journey to San Diego comicon and talk about Spiderman, all that placebo, smash brothers ultimate and more. You're listening to dual pixel is radio, but first introduction.

Jose & Joey:

I'm Jose. What's up? I'm Joey


and I'm rob and he will go into what we've been playing.


Yes, I start. I know. Yes. As always. Go out for better. Yes, kind of. I'm not really at all. Not at all. Um, yeah. So I've been playing overcooked too. I did the review a well top. Now the review of you guys want to go check that out. Um, and I've been playing. Yeah, just a bunch of their stuff as well. But overcooked twos is the main title I've been playing and uh, okay. I'm already starting this early but um, so the review, so I give the game of four out of five for the review and I think the game would have got much higher uh, from me if the online was actually available. So if you have you guys played overcooked or. Yeah, you have the first one. Yeah. Okay. So have you guys played overcooked? Overcook two is pretty much. It's a bigger, better version of overcooked and didn't us like biggest feature was online play and while during my review I did online play, did not work at all and I'm actually surprised because it's touted as, it's a big feature and yeah, it just didn't work at all.

Speaker 2:

Like it wasn't even noted in our review notes that um, you know, like online was off or what was going on with online, but it, it's either online, whether working or, you know, nobody was playing it. So that, that, that left me until the conclusion of just of A. Yeah. Did it had to get points deducted be color that I'm not, I'm not trying to justify, you know, why I gave it a four to five. It's a real good. It's a real good game. It does everything better than a part one. Actually it runs much better than part one because part one, I, I felt like there was a, a bunch of slow down. Um, but yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's a pretty dope game like have you have three, four people even to people. Um, the game is very challenging. It's fun and I, I pretty much compared to like Jenga almost where there's just a lot of pressure like throughout the three minutes or how many minutes they give you to actually like get orders out that it's just like ongoing pressure, but it's pretty fun. Um, but yeah, um, I gave it a four out of five and definitely check out that review of if anybody still thinking about a overcook to definitely check out the review.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I also been playing more Sharifa to five. I know what's new idea. I've been playing more street fighter five,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

just because they announced and released. Well they revealed the two new characters which did it come out. So I've been playing a lot of street fighter five ever since. Uh, evo, the ego kick. Oh they also have rob. They also started releasing the extra battle costumes again. Oh yeah, I heard that.

Speaker 4:

And like, it's Kinda like, it's good that I can, like, I think I can not out now buy them now.

Speaker 2:

But uh,

Speaker 4:

yeah, that's something I'll probably get back. I'll probably get back into it like towards the end of the year when the season three gets discounted, maybe when they announced season four.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, since they did with the whole Ebola, they actually did like a big discount. So if anybody wants to get into true street fighter five, this will be the perfect time to actually do it. Well they had it for the weekend, but there's more deals still going on with all of the uh, passes.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but yeah, that's one thing that a cap home did. Right. And I know we, we always go back and forth for about a DLC and you know, not it not being available career for that time period. But Capcom actually did it. They actually like broke their hurdle because of we're going to compare it to overwatch, which do, um, you know, they still have a release. Some overwatch costumes are still not released yet. Right. Joy Or if you get back that one up for me.

Speaker 4:

Um, I know like for the summer events they kinda reroll them, but um, I believe there's one lucio mode right now. Uh, that's funny because it was accidentally a able to be purchased with just the end game coins or whatever. They're the gold. But that was exclusive. And I know the pink mercy one that was for a breast cancer awareness, right? Yes. Is also. You also can't get that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So Capcom did something right or rereleasing extra battle costumes. So yes, I've been having a fighter five cake. Um, I also. So after. Well not after this record, five cake. What I do have now, um, we talked about it on the last podcast was playstation. So I did subscribe to a playstation now for a month. How much does that? Um, it was 1999 for the moms. Um, I did subscribe to it and I tried it before. I have tried to before. Um, this time it wasn't so well this time. Yeah. I was doing it over Wifi this time and that'll do it. Yeah, it wasn't pleasant. It was very, there was, there were some times where it was pleasant, but the resolution was very bad. Um, but yeah, it wasn't pleasant. It was very, very laggy. What were you playing anyway? Um, I was playing motor storm. A apocalypse. Mm. Yeah. Um, what are some apocalypse? I also played a little bit of, what were the nights into dreams? I was playing like a bunch of like this, like week or stuff like stuff, like a fighting vipers and um, what else? Oh, I wanted to play uh, red dead redemption again and again. Yeah. I didn't get a chance to play it. Um, I mean I can still play it, but I'm probably not going to play now after, you know, all the lag I experienced for sure. Yeah, it again, it's a great concept. It took, it's a great on paper. It looks great. Have you, have you have it connected to, you know, you're eating at wire. Perfect. Because I've done it through eating at wire is perfect, but on Wifi this thing is like, like it's not stable. It's not fun with a Wifi, so I would, yeah, the only, the only way I would recommend playstation now is if you are wired and do you know your intended class because that's the only way I see that it works on Wifi, not so much. So yeah, this, I, I can't wait until they allow downloads, which is rumor to becoming, um, you know, in the next few months. So yeah, that's, that's all I've been playing. Yeah, the playstation now stuff is, is pretty weird. So um, I'm going to wait till the download a scuff, then I'm going to evaluate it again because right now on paper it looks great. Um, but yeah, that's all I've been playing. I mean I'd be w one last thing too. I've been, I'm actually started mafia three and it was on the playstation plus. Oh right. For this month or? Yes, for uh, for the month of August. Um, and yeah. Uh, so far so good. I don't know what to say about it because I feel like it's gonna, it's gonna be collected on like that's, that's, that's what it looks like so far. I mean, not like your typical ubi soft stuff, but you know, I really don't like open world games that much, that don't involve superheroes. So yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll see on that. Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm done for, for what I've been playing. That's all I've been playing. Yeah. So what, but you've been playing joy,

Speaker 4:

uh, just your typical overwatch. Of course, a summer games is the entire month of August and I mean there's tons of skins, emotes sprays, voice lines, uh, the usual. Lucille Ball's back and uh, the new hero wrecking ball is a out house for about two weeks. Super annoying to play against. But uh, he's pretty interesting habit. I think it's just kind of that period where people don't know what to do against him right now. So he just kind of hits people around and gets away somehow. But, uh, it's always good when new characters come in, kind of changes things up a little bit. Um, the other thing, uh, the black ops for Beta, I mean, I'm probably not the best person to speak on it, but it just feels like black ops to me. Well yeah, that's what it is. I know they made tons of changes, but I don't know what they are or it's not abundantly apparent they do have like, um, kind of load outs per character of special things. It kind of reminds me of a rainbow six siege in that sense. Um, but yeah, it just feels like black ops, again, a less movement because you can't like wall run and stuff like that. But I mean it's black ops II, it's like mad and now. So. Yeah. But it's funny you say that because this madden feels pretty different from the last one. I don't know if that's good or not, but we can get on that next week. I want to hear that. Yeah. The other big thing, I've been playing a no man's sky, their latest update. Uh, next, I guess it's called came out and uh, so I figured I'd buy the game. It was like$15 or something, so I figured why not? And it's a buggy mess, but it's fun. Well,

Speaker 2:

oh, when I, when I first, uh, got no man's sky actually asked for a recurring. Yes, I did ask for that. Yeah, I did ask me a return on it because at first it was like, okay, this is cool, but once you get like an hour, hour, two hours in, it just felt everything was the same. And I know they did a lot with next.

Speaker 4:

Oh, they did? Yeah, there's a, there's a lot more types. There's um, I think three or four like main core mission, a mission is that you go through throughout the game, but there's obviously a bunch of side missions and other things. Um, it's fun. Uh, but it is a open world sandbox game, so if you're not a huge fan of those, you won't. There's no reason you'd like it. You have to resource management all the time. You have to be prepared for some random bugs that happen. Like there was a bug where I couldn't access a terminal because it was in space when it's supposed to be on the ground. I mean there are so many bugs that it should turn me off completely, but I keep wanting to play it

Speaker 2:

very. It's very linearly, like it's a very, like you could do it like this open world. I don't. There's, there's something about um, the open world where you're trying to discover stuff more than trying to I guess go on a mission and you know, like it. Yeah. It's just, it's very different for me compared to that open world game to like something like mafia three.

Speaker 4:

I mean, yeah, because mafia three is a lot more,

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

story-driven set in one sitting more so. Yeah. Um, I just love the space. Like it's just cool going to different planets, solar systems and such. But I wouldn't say it's the leisure, especially the first like 10 minutes of that game are so stressful because it, it essentially your ship has crashed. You have to do all these things to fix it and you have to stay alive. The first planet I was on like acid rain and storms every five minutes. Yeah. That's how. That was my first planet too. So I like died immediately. And then I got one that was like a, it was an ice planet, but it was more manageable because there were storms. But it's definitely a cool game, but there's just so many bugs and I have no idea how they would tackle all of them. It's just so many. It reminds me of like, uh, like when skyrim first comes out and that things like completely broken.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

yeah. I mean it's definitely a fun game. I'm glad they fixed it even though if this is how it should have come out to begin with, the cop is also fun playing with friends and stuff. It's definitely a good concept. So hopefully they just keep hammering out all these bugs, especially the ones that are like game breaking and uh, yeah, at least no man's sky turned into something for that studio, gets it finally turned into men. The game only took like a what, two, two and a half years to turn into something after like a delay for how long to begin with. It's definitely been through a lot, but I mean, one thing I can say is it's fun. When I'm at work I think about exploring things, think about what I'm doing next. Uh, so yeah, it's definitely a fun game. That's enough. No Man's sky. What have you been playing? Rub.

Speaker 1:

I haven't had too much free time, but uh, I have played a few games. Oh, actually older games, uh, kinda going back to him and I finally did it. I finally got an xbox one again. Uh, it was more of a, a less rational purchase and more of an instant gratification purchased for Prime Day was like 25 I think. Uh, it came with three months of game pass and it was like, all right and, and a retro replay, a rare retro replay replay one of those, I'll get it right. Uh, and so I was like, all right, that's fine. Like I'll get it because I kind of wanted to replace him, my xbox three, six 60 games and stuff like that. Um, so I got that and, or just like I have a few digital games on. One of them is rock band for I don't have my guitars anymore. So I bought a new guitar and I've kind of been playing that and it's kind of getting a half to get back into the swing of things a little bit now if occult or awkward. But it's just kinda like getting that muscle memory back because I'm doing terrible on songs. I know I've done before, but it's just kind of keep on playing. I mean eventually I have like 1200 songs, so I've got enough content to last for awhile. I was pretty up there too with content on rock band. I think I was like, I'll go through the store and I was like looking to see and like I added like I think at least 40, 50 songs into my wishlist, um, which I need to, uh, you, uh, eventually get as soon as they have chanced a way that, um, another thing I have on next box one a and about digital even though I have the game physically is a burnout revenge. It was the three 61 and it's, it's just so much fun. I liked Bernath three a little bit more, but if we're not revenge, just like a lot of fun in because I love the art kit racialist it doesn't feel like arcade racers are really come back. It feels like there. Then you'll have stuff like forza horizon. We'll mix in drive club. Yes, definitely hybrid. Yeah, and I liked the kind of over the top ones. Um, but like those type of games, like racing games are like the only type of game I sit at attention when I play, like I'll be sitting up straight, like staring like in the middle of the screen. Everything else I was just like kind of laid back and lazy play, but like no burnout, revenge, like eyes front focused looking what I need to do. Yeah. I'm not great at it but like I'm, I'm pretty okay. But it's been so much fun to go through like especially like the crash junctions and in revenge mode and all that stuff. So it's well worth the purchase. I think of the xbox one s for the Bernat revenge of the other games. Oh wait, wait, you just said it. It's well worth the purchase of an xbox one s that sad? Yes. Yes. That's a three 60 games came out in 2006 as well worth the purchase as well. That in the fact that it's a blue ray player, Blu, Blu ray and a uhd player. Because the ps four pro is, isn't the Uhd player, which is stupid. I know it isn't. It plays Blu rays, but it doesn't play like four k movies. Yeah, it's fucking stupid. Again, he would make more sense because like, but anyway, whatever. Um, yeah. So I think that, uh, I, I, like I said, it came with three months of game pass and you, I know you've talked about, um, a playstation now I downloaded because I went through the catalog to see what they had on game pass. It was really, really underwhelming. Like, okay, obviously you have stuff like, you know, Halo Halo Five and master chief collection. Here's a war, a definitive edition gears, a war for like all the other gears of war, like, that makes sense. And it's great for someone who's like really never played them, but I've played them before. Like I, I, I've something I've, I've experienced already. So it's kind of like, Eh, I don't care. I was looking to see what else they had and it was like a kingdom of Kathleen's, a world of Kathleen. Uh, the only other thing I'm kind of interested in that I might try is a, they had a little scrolls online, the, like the regular base edition, which I kind of want to try out before I decided to buy it. If I buy it it'll be on pc, but still like I still got on her, try it out. Um, but I mean I, I, I was, I downloaded a metal slug xx and played that. So it's a game pass is just kinda like whatever. I'm not going to re up again, let's say add something like really cool. I know they added doom and rage today. I might also say I might replay rage but I have both on pc. So it's like whatever. Yeah, there's slightly a risk to do so then. Yeah. And that's Kinda what I think kneecapped like game pass it sounded like, or a lot of games on xbox one. It's like, well I already have more powerful system I wanted, I was looking more for exclusive. Um, well yeah, like I, I don't even have any physical games for the xbox one recently everything has been digital. Um, I, I will probably end up picking up a physical copies of the gears of war games and a halo games just to have that, uh, uh, and then because I've been craving it, I've fallen back into the trap of destiny two, a boy and I've, it's never because like I played a lot of year one, destiny one. Um, I played a lot in the beginning of year one and a lot at the end and I'm with a and I didn't play anything else after that. Like I didn't play like the taken king, I just paid, played like the first two expansion, then that was it. Um, and with destiny two on pc and it didn't quite hit the same, like same, what's the word? I'm didn't feel quite the same. So I uh, but, and I ended up because I was staying with a friend and he eventually kind of like, wow, that's whatever. So I stopped playing it too, but I had it installed for awhile and eventually I uninstalled it. Then I was talking to a friend online and he was playing destiny two on ps four. So I'm like, oh, let me try applying, going back to the, the destiny two, and it's so weird because it feels like a comfort came to me and I never would have thought that of destiny too. Like I, the controls is just felt second nature. I had to kind of relearn a little bit of when to use the, uh, one of the skills. But other than that, it's just like everything felt second nature, just like being able to use the, my old, uh, like being able to like grenades like upgraded thing. It just, everything just felt natural. So about the expense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Destiny always, always feels great. Um, it says the content. Yeah,

Speaker 1:

like it added space. It feels great. It's exploration is kind of a um, I said I about the expansion past, which had like the first two expansion that affected pass was only$20. So I'm like, all right, that's fine. I'll pay it for$20. Uh, so I, my, Oh no, get a forsaken, which they can just come out of that coming here. I think it's coming here. Yeah, I might get it. A, I have to keep on playing. I haven't played much. I played it this past weekend road. Destiny two. I haven't played much so to speak by my plate. If I keep on going, I'm almost a cap. Like I'm at level 20, 28, 30 or 30? 40. Yeah, 30 am almost to cap might do that. Like I'm, I'm, I'm probably not going to do any of the raids or anything. I'll probably do like the strikes and stuff and see where I go from Eric[inaudible]. I have to, I'll try to find that a clan or something to join and maybe they can help with that, but like I'm kind of now I'm kind of like maybe maybe it'll play a year or two to need to

Speaker 6:

maybe, but

Speaker 1:

oh, that's where I'm at right now. I'll probably end up streaming at which a bug. I'm aiming BN and up. You didn't look the bonnet. I'll make rye anyway. Enough of that. All right. Let's, uh, go ahead and go to the topics. I guess the first one is Sony selling 500 million console's against across all playstation platform.

Speaker 2:

That is one slash 16 zero point zero. One percent of that were vetoes, maybe even less, maybe even less, but that's one. A one 16th of the entire world population has the playstation. Love that. That's just putting in your. Oh yeah. But I imagine a lot of people have owned one playstation. I mean, yeah. Especially like the pst, like I already had that as a DVD player. Yeah. Well yeah. Everybody and their mom has one. The Phd is DVD player right now. That doesn't seem well. Um, well with that, a whole$500 million, uh, you know, this big milestone, uh, the are going to release a limited edition consoles and they're translucent, blue translucent, blue ps fours with a translucent dual shocks and a translucent camera. And to top it all off, they're also releasing a translucent. Gold have headset, a lot of translucence yes. And they all look good. If it was translucent purple, I think it'd be more purple, but not associated with data and 64 transmitters and controller. Right? Yes. That one, yes, my switch. A translucent, translucent. It's like a purple one. Purple. Yes, yes, yes. And that's limited to 50,000, so good luck getting one. Yeah, good luck getting one and uh, but they, they are selling the controls separately so that's, that's a good thing. The camera is not being sold separately. If I'm correct, I'm going to have to look back on that, but I'm pretty sure the cameras are not being sold separately. Controlled are being sold separately and the gold headsets are being sold separately and it's going to be a limited edition. Ps four pro. So I do need a new headset. Yeah. Like I, I, I hope I'm a at. Is that like my, I had a gold and I liked it. Yeah, I have those right now. Never had. It's just kinda like flaking off on me, like the fabric I guess because I've had it for four and a half years. Yeah, yeah. Forever. But yeah. Oh I love it. Yeah. Other than that it's awesome. Yeah. But um, that's pretty cool. That was pretty cool that they're releasing it like another console. I wish they would have been like another team as well, like, um, the, what was it for playstation anniversary? They had the theme on a psn. Oh, right, right. Yes. I wish they would've done like another theme for it. Maybe a blue one or purple. But um, but no, that would have been awesome too. But it's awesome that they're actually doing something like that again. I mean, there, I wouldn't put it past them to, to do more milestone stuff.

Speaker 4:

Had kind of want them to Redo the uh, original playstation gray that they had for the 20th anniversary. That was cool. But I know that's never gonna happen.

Speaker 2:

That'd be cool. Um, it, it would look weird though, like now like thinking about it, didn't they do a similar. They did a similar gray. Right? But what are the exact.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was like, I don't think it was like a one to one, but it was like kind of on a similar different type of, uh, several, um, pictures and stuff of it. I think I almost wanted them about one, but I couldn't rationalize it at the time.

Speaker 2:

It's like also they released the Spiderman a system as well, so

Speaker 4:

yeah, there's just so much. Yeah. Yeah. I mean it looks cool, but it would normally want to kind of get it. But yeah, I'm, I'm beginning the kingdom hearts, what I mean and,

Speaker 2:

and um, yeah, but uh, that definitely goes with our next subject with the Spiderman, you know, Sony's releasing know the spider man console and what's the Spiderman in council?

Speaker 4:

I know Joe, you got to play Spiderman. Yes. And uh, I'm not a huge fan in general of playing things in a very crowded, loud place. I don't think really anybody is, it just feels so strange. So I love when people are like, oh, that person's playing poorly. I was like, it's weird playing in those situations. It's just so strange. Having said that, uh, the game was fun. It was like I played, I think it was a solid, like 15 minutes or so, right when I was like, oh, this is awesome. It said like, you have three minutes remaining. And I was like, oh no, but, uh, it's a fun game and uh, you can check out our preview our, I guess, yeah, our preview of playing that on the site and um, tons of other people got some, uh, I think played the first five or 10 hours or so and they're loving it. Uh, it's fun. Uh, I don't really have that much experience with any of the other spiderman games, but I know the web slinging is always the number one thing. People talk about how you swing around the city. Um, I think people are going to like it. Uh, it doesn't necessarily feel automatic, but it feels kind of hard to fail. I don't think once I like hit the ground or really stop momentum. Having said that, I definitely didn't go as quickly as I could have just because I didn't, you know, didn't have the experience with it. But, uh, I think everybody you guys might know, is it spiderman two? Everybody loves or I'm not entirely sure why, but yeah, like the website new mechanic because it like the webs actually slipped the buildings instead of just kind of like floating in an area. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

People in Spiderman, two people just love the momentum because when you swing in Spiderman two, when you did the, when you did twing, you could actually add speed onto the swing and by like a button press, if I remember correctly, like while you swing, you get hit, you go hold x and then he swings faster.

Speaker 4:

Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Like I can't necessarily compare it, but like you did feel a momentum as you were swinging around. There were various ways you can kind of swing faster. I'm pretty sure it was hitting like r two and x so you can like swing directly to an object. A couple of missions I did one was like a, I think it was asked for whatever reason. It was kind of hard to hear, but you had to get rid of bombs that had our briefcase that had bombs in them. There was five across buildings and it was timed and it was cool though, like you fly by and then um, once you see it you hit the weapon to throw your web out and then you swing it in the air and throw it and then what you're supposed to do is keep hitting our too, so you kind of contain the blessed. So I thought that was a pretty neat, like tiny little touch. Uh, the other one I did besides just swing around randomly is for some reason water is all backed up throughout the city. So you know, you hop down and turn the valve apparently that messes everything up. So you have to plug holes in various different water towers. Weight. You felt like it was like a whip. What can you swim? Did you. Yeah, I actually jumped in the water and purpose. You can swim. Yeah. I don't know about going down, but you can, you don't die or have to restart when you hit the water. Oh, interesting. Yeah. There was a doc and I was like, I know people were talking about this. Let me jump in the water real quick and then you jump in the water and then you can just swim out. Oh, another thing,

Speaker 2:

here's another question. Can you crawl up a wall at will?

Speaker 4:

Um, I know I ran up a wall. I don't know if I brought up a wall because

Speaker 2:

I have not seen that yet. I've seen it. I seen a wall. A insomniac was doing a.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

Uh, pretty much like A. I guess they were doing like a preview. It was a preview build as well, but it was like inside, inside a bank or something. And you actually see him crawl inside of men, but I'm talking about like crawling like all willy nilly, like you usually do in the original, uh,

Speaker 4:

game on that one because I haven't seen it yet.

Speaker 2:

Not Tina. Yeah. And I'm going to be kind of, it would be kind of disappointing. They did forget

Speaker 4:

that aspect of it. Let's say he just runs up and he didn't anything. I don't think it wouldn't be forgetting. I think just choosing not to because they like, they seem to be pretty in tune with everything. Just based on a suits that are included, just the way the combat flows, it's kind of everybody says almost like Arkham, but I mean not really because you have a lot more freedom. I always felt like an outcome. You kind of got locked into combos like, okay, do this combo and you do it like 500 times over and over and over. Uh, it just seems like there's a lot more contextual things going on. Like at one point there was a, a car door that I can grab and then you can swing it around. So it's Kinda like an aoe attack which knocks everybody down and you can web people to buildings and then like it Kinda incapacitates them. You can, um, you can launch people in the air and then you can use your web to either pull them to you or poor yourself to them. So it's a, it's pretty cool. There's a lot of different options. Uh, again, it's only 15 minutes got to play, but I can only imagine. The crazy thing is people are going to come up with to do. And there's one point where I kicked a guy off a building and I was like, wow, that's interesting. But then I shot a Web Adam and then I'll kind of like hung them to the side of the building it looked like. So that was pretty cool. Um, yeah, it's definitely a packed game and I'll be shocked if it doesn't sell insanely well personally off a property and it seems like a legit game. Yeah, that's why I'm like, I want to see what happened. If, you know, we see we're already seeing spiderman coming together. How about if the avengers or they do marvel ultimate alliance? Um, with a AAA budget, like I could only imagine how it would, it would probably be the best brawler or action game out as long as there's not know might microtransaction all over. Yes, yes, yes. But, but well being aaa being, being a aaa title usually, I mean in, in the caliber of insomniac and Sony, they're not gonna, they're not gonna go. And it depends on who it goes to. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. But yeah, that can comes out. What the ninth I want to say, or is it the seventh? Is that over that? Yes, I have it all marked down like it's going down that day. Yep. And they have a ps four pro bundle, which actually looks pretty neat. And the control, I really love the controller scheme they have for that. And uh, yeah, that was spiderman. It's fun. If you like Spiderman, you'll definitely enjoy it. They have, I forget the number of different costumes, but they have a ton of costume. So of course there's going to be, yes, it's over 20. There's going to be those people that are like, oh, well I want to this costume and it's not going to be in there. And people are gonna hate it, but I mean they can't get every costume in there. But uh, the thing I like about the costumes is they each have their own particular, uh, I guess ability and you can use that ability across different costumes. So you don't have to be wearing a certain costume to use the ability, which is awesome. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

In the original Spiderman, Spiderman, for playstation, they had the same thing going on where every costume did something different, so it's pretty awesome that that's coming back in that way and it would be awesome if they include the spiderman movie, see Toby Mcguire, Spiderman, and they do organic webbing crew that suit.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I don't know if they said anything about that one. I know A. is it the homecoming scene? Are they a vendor suit or something? It's going to be in there and hired spiders, spider and a homecoming. Homecoming suit is. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be interesting to see. Uh, um, I'm super excited for that game. It's probably one of the games I'm most excited for. Uh, you know, the last quarter or last, you know, half of the year. Yup.

Speaker 2:

My most anticipated as well.

Speaker 4:

I am pretty excited for battlefield, but uh, yeah, Spiderman's above that for sure. Um, SDC overall. Um, I mean it's crazy as Kamcco noises. I mean there's not really too much to say. I know TV did a ton of stuff offsite, so like, uh, um, all the new fx shows coming up, the Hulu shows, the Netflix shows we did get to go to um, uh, what's a DC thing called the, their upcoming streaming service DC universe. So is that really what it's called? I thought that's what it's called when I was like, can't be that. Yeah. Yeah. It's uh, I can't say anything about how that is because it's not out yet, but the whole installation they had was awesome. Uh, there was one where you can, um, you put on like a, it's kind of like a paper, a white suit type thing and then you go in and they have like a, they give you a, like a baseball bat and you have a mask on and stuff and you just hit this like punching dummy type thing and then they have like a glass bulbs filled with paint and you like smash it. So it's like Harley Quinn setup. So it looks like you're in Arkham asylum and stuff. It was actually really cool and it was fun just to like hit things with a baseball bat for like 30 seconds or however long it was. A, they showed the trailer that everybody hated for um, what is it called a teen titans as it just called titans? Yes. They showed that. Um, yeah, it was just a really cool setup. There was like a quarter of als thing where it's kind of like a kind of a maze, but they like guide you through and then there's people from the court like jumping out at you stuff and it's just really well done and it was neat. Um, other than that, I mean I was kinda shocked how exactly same. The convention hall was as I was the year before, year before year before. I'm like the same stuff showing up or the same. Just everything was kind of set up the same. A lot of the same stuff like Funko, they have like, they always have a huge statue and it was the same one from last year. It was, um, was it thorough ragnar rock? Maybe. I don't remember exactly what was, but it was the same as last year and I would have thought they'd have like Freddy Funko as there's entered one. Yeah, it definitely wasn't the one thing that was a huge, like you could tell was missing. There's just nothing marvel oriented. They're hall age. Yeah. I think they're saving it for[inaudible] three. They're trying to push everything in that direction. Um, but yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. So like that. And uh, I heard that they really don't have anything to announce this year. Yeah. Uh, at comicon.<Unk> is it this year? Either A. Yeah. Everything's been kind of a little bit later. Yeah. Because of a vendor's. Yeah. So it was just weird like, because they're, they're always huge there, you know, I mean, they still had a huge booth per usual, but they had nothing in hall age. Uh, there's no star wars stuff, which was always huge as well. There's just a lot of big things missing it seemed like. Yeah. Um, have you ever a chance to go go. It's feels like you kind of walk into like the twilight zone for like four days or whatever, but yeah, it was fun. Yeah, I get it. I got to go back again. Oh yeah, real quick. I did play smash there. Uh, which was funny because I haven't played smash since. Uh, I don't know, like when I was first out, like for, I don't know, a week or something and no idea what I was doing, but it was a blast and it was nice the way they had it setup because they literally had, I had, I want to say it was like 30 or 40 switches and then four people at a time. So like that line went by fast. They'd let you play like I think two or three matches. So like you got to actually have some playtime, different co, like a couple of different characters, but at the line like blew through. Which have you ever been to a convention? Like that's rare? Usually things take like hours and hours. Yeah. Oh yeah. I haven't played smash like in a long time, but I'm definitely buying this one. It's just, it's fun. And I had no idea what I was doing and I was still having a blast. Uh, Jenny, she never plays video games and played it. She had a blast. It's just a very fun game to play. It really is like, yeah, you have something for everyone. Yeah, exactly. Like, I wasn't like, oh, I need to be doing well. And she was like, Oh, this is fun. Let's keep playing. Yup. That sounds like, that sounds like smash. That's how it's supposed to. It's a good kind of like, if you want to be like super invested in competitive, you couldn't be. Yeah. At the same time if you're like, I just want to have. And they've

Speaker 1:

got tons of options, especially with like the uh, mass directed that happened a few days ago. Like they've, they're adding tons of options. Tons of different lifestyles. Yeah. It was great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. They're like some of the best doing that in the fighting game scene for sure. Like it's so accessible yet still super deep, you know? I don't know. So don't call it a finding. It's still not to me, it's. No, not all right. It's a, it's a party brawler to me. Um, you know, like selling us short though it seems like. Yeah, it is selling you short. Alright. So I guess you could say selling is short, but I feel like the game is best played when it's a party game. I feel like when you get it down to a tournament game, it just doesn't. I don't, it doesn't go together with me. Like it doesn't fit. It's better, you know, some of those matches are so intense like I have, I couldn't care less about anything smash oriented, but I've watched a couple on twitch and then those people are insane.

Speaker 6:

I don't get it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like there's some of the higher end,

Speaker 2:

the level of play from someone playing it for fun. Someone that thinks they're decent and pros, I'm just like everything else. It's ridiculous. Yeah. But uh, uh, mainly is a,

Speaker 6:

it's different

Speaker 2:

then, um, you know, in a bra and a smash four. So because it was more technical, like Nintendo doesn't want to make this up, tournament fighting game. They're against all that. So that's how I see it too. I see it like I'm like, I'm against, you know, making it like a tournament, a fighter because it's fun the way it is. It's fun, you know, with four people, it's fun with items on like. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how the competitive people like it and you know, just a normal everyday person who's just playing switch like it. Well, just an antenna really. Not Catering to the tournament players. Like I feel like anything Nintendo does and anything Nintendo does at the tournament. Players don't like, they're just, they're gonna continue playing. Um, mainly still so

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

I guess once I come it the seventh, December. Yes. December seventh, I guess we shall see. Yes, it's a, it's definitely, we shall see.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that one I'm looking forward to, especially after the last direct kinda. Yeah, me a little bit more hyped. Still waiting for the Mario Party direct. That's what I'm waiting for. The fact that they just like, oh by the way, here's the Super Mario Party and then fucking nothing and nothing comes out in October. I know, I'm sure they'll have like a direct, like maybe in, in. Yeah, it just feels like he's this game we haven't really told you much about it and hey, but here's 45 minutes and smash brothers.

Speaker 6:

Okay, thanks.

Speaker 1:

I say that like I'm complaining about. I just want more information on everything else. Yeah, right. I mean they just have some really big games coming out at the end of the year, so it'd be nice to get info on all of them. Yes. Oh, you know what, might as well just go ahead and talk about the smash direct. We've been talking about leads right in. Yes. So like I said, a few days ago they announced or they had a smash direct and before the direct I was, I was even wondering why they even needed to have another one solely focused on ultimate. Yeah. Because it's like they spend 30 minutes at[inaudible] talking about it. Like what else can they add? Oh, they added a lot. Oh, they added a lot. Um, I guess we'll talk about the big stuff first. The characters that they added, they added Simon. Uh, some of the moment and Richter from Castlevania will recur is it's echo fighter. Yes. Directors is echo fighter, uh, they added a k rule, which has been a huge, basically, I think the second most requested nintendo character after Ridley maybe, maybe, maybe while the wages higher up, I don't know, but he's up there and uh, they added to echo fighters. Chrom in dark Samis. Uh, they also announced that they're going to have 100 stages, like basically every stage from every other game, plus a few new ones like new donk city, a new donk city hall. Uh, they have some 900 and music tracks. Well and over 900. And Simon's Belmont's a state as well. Castlevania sage? Yes. Their assignment, they have Dracula's Castle, which has a various monsters coming out like a werewolf. The creature and fleeman Medusa f shows up. Dracula is a, a, I guess a boss, a slash stage hazard. Um, have that wrathful. Lowe's is in it as a boss and a trophy, which makes me wonder if there's a monster hunter character they're gonna announce is, that would be cool. I feel like that would be pretty awesome. Would make sense. Um, they also. What else? Oh, I'm

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

Shovel nights in the game, sure. He's an assist trophy, but I never thought that would actually happen overnight. Well, he's in every, in every game now. Like I've seen him crossover and everything, but yeah. Yeah. Um, because like during the whole smashmallow like everyone wanted like shovel knight as a character, but they, they, I guess they decided not to have him as a character, but they have this trophy, which is fine. It kind of, I guess kind of it's slightly disappointing like bomber man, but still cool that the fact that he's in like bomber man,

Speaker 5:

um, they had, oh,

Speaker 1:

the ability to switch between like you select two stages and then the game will switch between them, like at either predetermined intervals or random times. Like you can be fighting on I castle and then swap over to out in your dreams. Just like instantly, like boom, uh, like all the stages have ultimate now what is it called? Battlefield and no makeup? Yes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

the final smashes. It was an option to turn a final smashes into, uh, the meter instead. So instead of breaking the smash ball, like you build meter and then you can do the final smash, which makes it way cooler, way cooler, but, but like kind of awesome that you can just do that whenever you have that meter built.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

oh yeah. Forty Castlevania music track, which is, that's what I think. What has been more excited about anything already?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

there's just so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it almost sounds like a swan song for the game. Exactly, exactly what I was thinking about. Like there's, to me, I feel like this is, this is it, this is going to be pretty much engraved in Nintendo's next console. So this smash brothers ultimate is going to show up in every, on every nintendo console that's coming out because this is, this is it. That's going to have every day. This is, I mean, Nintendo is going to have new characters, you know, the next 10 years they're probably, they're probably gonna have new characters for sure, but we're going to see the smashwords is game on every new console. All every new counsel that they have, this game is going to be there. And it's not going to be revised after that. It's just gonna be, you know, Smash Bros is ultimate, not even definitive edition. Just remake. And then that's it. This is because there's just so much stuff. Like it's insane how much there is to be honest.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. No, I would be pretty okay with it. Like, I mean it is as it is, is a, a good, a good note to end it on. Honestly. It gets a good way to be like, all right, this is it. That'd be happy with that. Like I'd be okay with it. Like okay, this is it. I probably will double dip and get digital and is even going to buy it. And I like never played. Like it's fun. It's fun. So they have the uh, intend to online

Speaker 4:

launching late. Excellent. Right. And that'll be interesting. I mean super cheap, right? Yeah.$20 for a year. Yeah. That's too bad compared to like live and stuff. Yeah. I mean 20 bucks is nothing really.

Speaker 6:

Oh, it really isn't.

Speaker 4:

We just need to get those classic like snes and in 64 games on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That that would, that would make the, that was sealed the deal

Speaker 4:

for sure. Easily too.

Speaker 2:

Yes. We can talk further, uh, about, uh, fighters just in general since, you know, the smash brothers direct came right after eva. So

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

and being that um, you know, smash brothers was at evo. Did any of you guys catch it? Nope. Nope. So yeah, I, I did the, a catch a catch evo. I did see, uh, well I, I, I saw Tekken Tekken seven. I saw dragonball fighters and I saw street fighter five. The only reason I watch dragon ball fighters now it's because street fighter five was covered on it after it and everything was late. Everything was late just in general. So

Speaker 6:

he did

Speaker 2:

announced a few things at evo for those. A fighting game side were there, smash got its own direct. So that one is completely covered there. Um, we did get to see, you know, Tech Ins, new, a dlc characters and it's pretty, pretty weird how this announcement came because. So Tekken is getting tekken seven is getting a season to pass and they're releasing classic character. So they showed off Anna and les, we long and then after that they show off meagan from the walking dead as a playable character for tech instead.

Speaker 4:

Yes. Nagan isn't like they didn't actually show his character model.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was random. It was just completely like mine, like not mind blown, like mind confused. It's like just like, well like why? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. My, my thing with it is how are you going to go ahead and put another guest character in the game and you can't even put your own characters in the game. Like I feel like Tekken is now losing prestige where they now have to include guest characters. So their characters are pretty much not. Well Penn Dynamico does not see their characters as they don't. They don't see them as, you know, people that they're not popular. They don't see them as popular. So it's just pretty weird that they're just putting Megan in the game and he has a weapon. That's one. And I think he's better suited for mortal Kombat if anything.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 1:

I can. I can actually see that mortal Kombat. I can. I can actually.

Speaker 2:

It's like this one does not fit at all, like out of all the characters you could have put in the game, you chose someone completely random left field. I mean he might be a good character to play so we don't know that yet, but it still feels odd that they're actually pulling this sort of move to a get, I guess the Western audience to come play Tekken because it seems like, you know, Bandai Namco, it seems like they don't, they don't think like a Western audience is involved with tech. And so this seems like such a publicity move that could end up. Again, like I said, I just don't think that Ben Dynamico knows that their characters are popular. Like now they created a thing where now tech, it needs guest characters and that's a bad precedent. Um, when you have so many characters and tech ID and there's so many characters and Tekken seven that are not in the, you know, so many characters in, in, in tech and that could be in tech and seven that are not in the game yet. So

Speaker 1:

that, like a few gifts characters that makes is fine. Like, you know, a Kuma being in seven. Okay. That's fine. Like geese being in seven. Okay. That's fine because they're there to. Video Games are a huge fighting game, uh, bosses or fighters and uh, she fired her so that makes sense. But then even though I like knocked this in seven and in Tekken seven, it just feels like a little bit too much. Like it should have had like two more legacy character maybe hold noctis for easing to,

Speaker 2:

for soul caliber. Like these characters need to go golden soul caliber like ticketing right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well, because, you know, I've said it before, it's like in Info caliber, like jerome makes sense where he fits in a little too well where it's Kinda like, all right, it's true and not like something cool. Then again they kind of, I mean they did blow their load before having darth vader in Yoda. So, and then spawn into like, oh yeah. And like, yeah, uh, so it's Kinda like, all right, we know fine. Um, so it's Kinda hard to get really excited for the guest characters. Don't know, except some, some guests, characters make sense showing up in other games and others implement much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's becoming, yeah, it's becoming bad. I, I, it's, it's something we have to see when Megan does show up to see what sort of character is. But even then he belonged to mortal Kombat, not in tech and tech and they have a lot more, you know, they have characters that still haven't made it in Tekken seven. So that one was kind of weird. Um, soul caliber six did get an announcement her off and suck. Mina are officially announced on the roster. No, that was, that was okay. Do you know that that fits because of the characters from soul calibur? Again, I feel like soul caliber should be the only fighting game with guests characters because it was their thing. So

Speaker 1:

Eh, I disagree, but I, I don't, I feel like they shouldn't be more than like two. If characters you may be three, but anything more than that, it feels like it's pushing it a little.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's A. Yeah, I, yeah, I see where you say two or three because two or three Lee, since it's fun, they're fun additions, but when you start going overboard, so yeah, so, so caliber sakes, you have astrophysics, Amina, which are, you know, veteran characters. So that got announced at evo now a dragon ball fighters. They did show off a trailer of Goku and Vegeta their base forms. And he also revealed a cooler, which is a new reveal which might have got leaked months ago, a cooler and android 17 gas cooler and android 17 are going to be the next wall. Are going to be the last characters of dragon MMA fighters. She's in a pass. I'm, for me, I'm whatever with dragon bullfighters. I've been saying it on the, on the show, uh, for, for like ever. So for. Yeah, I was watching the emails tournament and it was so boring. It's just not, it's not marble in nine tops. It not in top see the, the excitement of marvel at evo. So, um, yeah, I was just very bored at a fighter's. Um, but, uh, yeah, so they did reveal the Goku and Vegeta in base swarms and Sri fighter five, God reveals, which I mentioned earlier, um, and the, what you've been placed segment and the street fighter five reveals where cigar and Je ne showed off their trailers. But, uh, when he did show off their trailers,

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

Uh, the trailers did say available now, so the characters are out now and they were out for a day after evo. So that was pretty awesome that they were actually available right after, uh, evo. Um, and yeah. Um, and they actually add a new element to the game, both, both the character that actually add a new element to the game. So, uh, my experience with tree fighter, so, um, yeah, it's uh, it was um, it was very action packed lift like with what's new reveals to smash burgers. One being the, you know, the most, uh, the craziest one out of all the fighters at Evo. Well, this, this, everything at Evo, I'm not going to say fighters because because I still stand by my smash brothers thing, like it's a party game. So, so it's definitely the smash brothers reveal was definitely one of the biggest reveals I'm out.

Speaker 1:

All right. Like, I mean, it's Kinda hard to get excited for any of the Jaguar fighters reveals because it's like all of it, all of it was leaked like months ago. So it's like slowly coming. True. So it's like, okay. It's just a matter of seeing the characters, the base of v Virginia and base Goku actually look kind of cool. Um, so, but I still don't have fighters yet, so I keep, we keep getting tempted on it, but there's not enough discounts on, on the game, man. This little selling stupidly. Well,

Speaker 2:

we'll get it eventually. You can actually play the Beta on this switch. So. That's right. I forgot I did get my hands on it by the way. That's one thing I forgot to mention. I did, uh, get my hands on the uh, the switch Beta and yeah, the, it's to me it's just, it doesn't click for me. It just doesn't do it for me. Like I'd rather be playing zooniverse instead of it and it just doesn't click for me at all. Just the combat in general, it's not like, yeah, it's so crazy because it's either you're one or the other. We have with dragon ball games, like, I mean, well this is a two d dragon ball game in terms of presentation that actually yes, in a while I'm not,

Speaker 1:

it's like they've had, they've had d or Two d fighters. One of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. With a has worked

Speaker 6:

on other ones. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, it's, it's definitely like for me, he's, you know, verse just, it's just funner for me. Like, yeah, I was watching the tournament and I was just bored. So yeah, I don't know, someone, I guess someone needs to show me like better gameplay than what was shown because me playing it doesn't do any difference. Yeah, it's weird. Me and me and that game are weird and it has to do with the, with the marvel versus Capcom infinite stuff too. So.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well I mean that's marvel who kneecap their own games. Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

I don't, I don't want to get into that one so much. So yeah. I mean, so yeah. So Eva was, it was, it was pretty, pretty good, pretty jam packed. Um, this year, next year it's just going to be getting even better, you know, with a smash ultimate and I'm dead or alive is coming out next year as well and we're gonna see soul caliber there. So it's going to be pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I'd be surprised. I'd be surprised that soul calibur isn't there. I don't know about ela six yet.

Speaker 2:

Well dead or alive sakes. They're focusing on, I'll just a lot more, you know, a lot more things. I'm trying to refine the actual mechanics of the game so hopefully we see it there because, you know, we got blaze blue, cross blue cross battle. I'm in there and the game didn't even release. So that is true. I forgot about. So yeah, like it should be there like on principle on that, you know, it should be there. Um, don't just pretty interesting. Uh, yeah. So I know like evo just finished. So it terms of east sports, what do you guys like think of the

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

just east ports wave coming coming in now.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it, it, it's good that there's that huge variety of stuff and the effect that evo is kind of bloated. Um, they go in like they'll play tournaments and stuff like that. I know that they had like a smash tournament on isn't exd. Uh, the channel, the TV channel there is, there's a huge push so that's great. I just don't really have any positive comments because it. But I mean like negative comments really. It, it does seem like there's a good variety of stuff in terms of what a good or what's popular to watch or to a broadcast.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I mean I only watched like a overwatch from time to time when Overwatch League was going on. And I dunno, it's overwatch is a hard one to watch in general and just like there's a reason why league and uh, Sisco and Dota are like the most popular. I mean there are a lot easier to get an idea of what's going on

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

whereas overwatch like the camera switching, like if you don't have control of it, like they need to have some kind of way where you can have like a free roaming camera wherever you want because like they'll switch and there's an that's happening or something doesn't seem like a huge deal. But like save the game for one of the teams that you missed. Like there's just so much going on. It's hard to keep track of what you assume the viewer wants to view when I might want to see a big old from someone, but you might want to see on Anna Sleeping, somebody who's halting or something like that. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Oh, so you're saying like a bigger like spectator mode, like

Speaker 4:

yeah, I know they have one, but I just don't think it's as robust as it could be. I mean I'm not super familiar with it, but I'm pretty sure there's not like a free ranging camera that you can control.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I mean fighting games are different just because you, you know, all the fingers on the screen, but yeah, definitely. That would be like a good change if you could actually interact with what you're watching. Yeah. So that, that would definitely be something to look forward to. Actually that's, that's like the future of east ports where it was

Speaker 4:

fortnight. I mean it's just going to keep growing. I mean whether you like fortnight or not, it is absolutely massive.

Speaker 2:

I mean, but other eastport fortnight.

Speaker 4:

I mean, how young is it though? Yeah, that's, you know, I mean it's blasted out of nowhere literally. And it's like insane. I mean, yeah, I mean maybe it won't grow a lot higher eastport wise, but I mean I'd be shocked to be honest. Everybody plays it. I mean it, it's always on the top viewed on twitch. It's just, it's an insane. That's an anomaly in gaming really.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

and that kind of surprised it hasn't faded away yet. Let me say, feel like pub g kind of had the same situation where it got really, really popular and, but then in fort night came out and like some of the wind out of it. Sales.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. What they do really well is they update all the time and they have ongoing events that really help it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Not to mention like they had that um, at big event that has only happened a, like the big crater thing or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Just like kind of happened.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Like in all instances of the game, that's just insane.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. That's actually super, super cool that they constantly trying to engage the player. Yeah. While at the same time pub g is offering that easily pass type thing that has, even though you have to buy pub g, it's still not optimized. We're shit on killing pudgy

Speaker 4:

in the organization. It's just not. Yeah. Now could you imagine them doing a tournament based on that? I mean they've done tournaments, they're just not anything like, could you imagine it being bigger? Yeah, I mean as much as I don't like fortnight it runs really well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it does really, really, like some wizardry will optimize it is. Yeah. And how quick to you know,

Speaker 4:

just insane scales really, really well too. Yeah, it really does all types of hardware. Yeah. Maybe that maybe that should be going back to like the spectator stuff. Maybe they should actually include bets maybe as well. That would be like a very interesting thing to include, like online betting. I mean it would, it would. I mean it's, it's gambling obviously, but that'd be interesting. That'd be interesting if they include, um, how about doing virtual money

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

that would like see us go skins? Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's not out of the realm of possibility. I could totally. And I'm sure it happens, you know, but uh, it wouldn't be interesting if you could legally do so, you know, that would add like another layer of interaction. I don't know. I'm sure it'll happen. I mean it's just following a, you know, no, I don't want to say actual sports, but not east sports. It's just time before it betting starts to become really big and I'm sure it's going on quite a bit right now. It's just not in the forefront. Yeah, I mean like I'm a pretty casual, easy sports watcher. Like I watched the Overwatch League partially to get the tokens they gave away and partially because I do like overwatch quite a bit, but just certain games just cater far more to that versus overwatch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can, I can, I can definitely see that their games are easier to watch you like be more invested in than others. I mean like it's different like actually being in the thick of it and either watching it will be in the thick of it. Yeah, for sure. Like you can turn

Speaker 4:

on like a, you know, a fighting game, kind of have an idea what's going on if you haven't even played the fighting it, but if you turn on overwatch, you have no idea what's happening instantly lost. Yup. Yeah. I guess like my final thing for that is a, it's just going to keep growing. I mean twitches massive. It's just getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I mean it's not going anywhere anytime soon, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Twitch. Yeah, that's, that's going to be a hard one to top like that, that service. So

Speaker 4:

especially since it's owned by Amazon now, it's, it's, it's, it's definitely,

Speaker 2:

yeah. Whoever wants to topple a of youtube monster, you know, they keep pushing youtube gaming, they're going to have to do

Speaker 4:

a lot going gonna have to be like a large sponsorships for this to work. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's going to have to get pushed with tons of money.

Speaker 2:

Well the day that, that also reminds me of why a Capcom did, uh, the Capcom Cup because now you know, with the Capcom Cup, you know, the players actually buy dlc to put money into the prize money for the cap pump cup. So I think that's a, that's a pretty neat idea. Yeah, that is pretty neat idea. Yeah. Because, uh, I believe the last person who did win the Capcom Cup, uh, they went home with$250,000 around that amount. So I mean they could do more like, um, Dota and a League of legends. But yeah, for fighting game. Yeah, that's pretty cool that, you know, buying the DLC actually put money to the pot.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And then like overwatch, I mean these are like legit sponsored teams by like people that own stake in like sports teams, like it's insane where it's getting and they're, I think they're having an expansion, I don't know how many new teams, but they're going to have new teams in season two, so who knows where it's going.

Speaker 2:

I guess that's it. That's, it pretty much covers it when I roll us out. Yes, we could close the floodgates here. Yeah. So, um, do you guys get a like us on facebook, follow us on twitter also checkout, subscribe to the podcasts on spotify, itunes and Google play. I could go on for much more, but yes, definitely subscribe to everything and also check out the site for um, you know, the latest of reviews, previews a lot of stuff coming up the next couple of months to spiderman is going to be the next big title. So that's one to look out for. Kind of a yes and red dead. So. Oh

Speaker 4:

yeah. Oh, that trailer, the trailer, which, which we'll talk about that next week coming up. Yeah, I for sure because I haven't seen the trailer yet. Watch it. Watch the trailer to do maternal, a gameplay to which we may not have watched that while we're recording and it looks awesome. I started to, but yeah. Yeah. That's the next time. So yeah, so definitely watch that red, that trailer and we'll see you next week. See you later. See you on the flip side.