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The From Tha Heart Podcast

OT Que

Welcome to The From The Heart Podcast, by your host, OT Que. He is a family man, father of two, and a curious soul. Here is where the raw honest talk takes place; the beauty and the ugliness of life, the passions, and the despairs.He has traveled to numerous places, lived in over five states. He has seen a lot of things, and met many different types of people; some who gracefully showcase the tenderness of their hearts regardless of the card life has dealt them, others who wear their scars as badges of honor, and yet others who hide their beauties from the light of day. OT Que has experienced the bitter sting of despair and loss, countless times. He has felt lost in the noisy confusion of this life, and he has found gentle love, tender music, and beauty in unexpected places. No subject is left uncovered. Together, you will discover life, love, and laughter.