Learn Your Stripes Podcast
Hosted by two experienced high school and college football officials, Ryan Guillory and Michael Moran, Learn Your Stripes Podcast is a discussion of the Indiana High School Sports Association (IHSAA) Mechanics Manual and Best Practices for a Crew of Five, CFO and NFHS rules and mechanics, and discussions with numerous experienced officials.
Learn Your Stripes Podcast
8/20/23 Live Show Announcement!
Ryan Guillory and Michael Moran
Please join us on Sunday, August 20, 2023 at 8 p.m. Eastern time for our very first livestreamed show. If you have any questions or topics you'd like Ryan and Michael to discuss, feel free to email them in advance to learnyourstripes@gmail.com. (We will also take questions from the live chat during the show.)
The livestream will take place on YouTube and the link is here: https://youtube.com/live/ctafqyGVr3g?feature=share
We hope to see you on Sunday night!
You can find us on Facebook at Learn Your Stripes Podcast, on Twitter @LYS_podcast, on Instagram @learnyourstripespodcast, and at learnyourstripespodcast.com.