L&D Go Beyond

Moving ID to LXD, with Clark Quinn

Upside Learning Solutions Season 1 Episode 21

In this episode of L&D Go Beyond podcast, Amit Garg Founder & CEO of Upside Learning Solutions speaks with Clark Quinn Executive Director at Quinnovation on Moving ID to LXD.

Though Clark needs no formal introduction if you’ve been in the L&D space, this is for those not yet in the know. Clark is an internationally renowned consultant, speaker, and author. He provides strategic learning technology solutions to different types of organizations. Clark was eLearning Guild's first Guild Master in 2012.

Recalling his first job, designing and programming educational computer games, he observed a major miss in instructional design – the ‘emotional component’. Clark says that integrating the emotional component is necessary for an effective and engaging learning experience. He wanted something that talks about a bit more semantically meaningful and emotional. Those are the elements that are missing currently, and according to him, if we do it right, we can get the learning impact right.

 Here are the key takeaways from this podcast-

  • Why too much instructional design stuff has become a knowledge dump
  • Identifying performance objectives and addressing the root cause for building an engaging experience
  • Integrating an emotional component throughout for an engaging and effective learning experience
  • Stepping up from experience-led learning to transformational learning
  • Switching focus towards practice from content

Listen and watch this podcast on the various channels mentioned below:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/agRQhb66Y0k
Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/3ykprRf
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2WfJKlH

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About The Guests

An independent learning experience design strategy consultancy assisting organizations to 'work smarter': aligning with how we think, work, and learn.

* Providing learning experience design & technology strategy to organizational L&D 
* Providing process refinements to learning service providers

"L&D isn't doing near what it could and should, and what it *is* doing, it is doing badly. Other than that it's fine." Applying evidence-based practices from the cognitive & learning sciences about how people think, work, and learn for organizational performance improvement. 

Specialties: consulting, workshops, keynotes, writing...six books and counting! 

Learning 'out loud' at learnlets.com, tweeting as @quinnovator, and helping orgs through quinnovation.com

Email: clark@quinnovation.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/quinnovator/

About The Host

Amit has been involved in the workplace learning domain for over 19 years. He is passionate about improving organizational performance through better learning solutions. He consults organizations around the world on resolving business and training challenges through uniquely crafted learning solutions by combining his vast experience and quick adoption of evolving trends on learning and technology fronts.

You can follow and connect with Amit Via:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gargamit100
Twitter: gargamit100
Email: amitgarg@upsidelearning.com