L&D Go Beyond

Curation & Learning Ecosystems - Dealing With the Complexity That Damages Learning Culture, with Toby Harris

Upside Learning Solutions Season 1 Episode 7

In this podcast, Amit Garg speaks with Toby Harris, who is the Director of Product Marketing at Filtered, a learning tech company. Toby has extensive experience in various roles like sales, marketing & project management and has closely observed the industry dynamics. He is excited about working with clients who are willing to break the rules to apply research and to have challenging conversations inside their organizations. He is an ardent believer of how learning science and learning research has brought about a sea-change in large organizations and thereby is influencing the decision making.

In the context of this discussion, Toby touches upon Curation and Learning Ecosystems. He elaborates on what they do at Filtered, that is helping organizations get the best return on their L&D spend by using data to decide on the most important skills for an organization, analyzing and filtering it to zero in on the relevant content, and delivering it via LXP or multi-channel campaign. This is where curation comes in.

The discussion also covers transitions in the industry with regard to what influences decision making and how there have been positive changes that have made the industry decision makers to consider using curation and creation prudently to achieve their learning goals.

The talk primarily revolves around the following key points:

  • Recognizing & analyzing curation
  • Contextualizing & aligning the content & curation with organizational goals
  • Identifying gaps in creation through curation & vice-versa
  • How creation remains critical for unique & most impactful requirements
  • Analyzing complexity types hindering the learning culture 

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Youtube: https://bit.ly/3uSTYFw
Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/3ykprRf
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2WfJKlH

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About the Guest-

Toby has been in various different roles like sales, marketing, and project management before getting into product marketing which gives him a well-rounded perspective of the domain. Before LXP became a thing, Toby coined the term Learning Experience Network. He is encouraged by the changing nature of conversations with clients and finds it exciting to work with clients who are willing to break the (traditional) rules and go beyond.

You can follow and connect with Toby Via:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tobiasharris/
Email: toby@filtered.com

About The Host
Amit has been involved in the workplace learning domain for over 19 years. He is passionate about improving organizational performance through better learning solutions. He consults organizations around the world on resolving business and training challenges through uniquely crafted learning solutions by combining his vast experience and quick adoption of evolving trends on learning and technology fronts.

You can follow and connect with Amit Via:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gargamit100
Twitter: gargamit100
Email: amitgarg@upsidelearning.com