The Familiar Four
The Familiar Four
Dec 03, 2022 Season 1 Episode 15
Joel Kelly & Andre Gagiano

This is the crux of all new businesses - you need to stand out with something original and exciting, but your audience needs something familiar to grasp onto. Your ideas need to set you apart yet be inclusive. Show us a “better way” of doing things without forcing us to abandon what we’ve grown comfortable with.

When businesses can’t find this middle ground, their failure isn’t so much in the product but in their communication around the product. The business fully understands the genius behind their actions, but all its audience hears is Greek.

The question stands: how do you bring forward an original idea without alienating audiences with your genius?

We’ll be discussing 3 things during this podcast:

  1. A breakdown of the Modified Originality Scale
  2. How Businesses Fail To Present Originality
  3. How to Create An Original Brand

I strongly recommend you start by understanding your brand archetypal mix, and we have a FREE quiz for that.

You can join our BAMFam Community dedicated to aligning your brand. We have Free Alignment resources there as well.

Finally, if you find yourself in need of guidance with your brand alignment. We have our BAM Academy, and frameworks to help you with that. I would start with The Big BAM Process, this is the brand strategy framework we have led thousands of clients through and we have a self-guided option as well.

If you would like to be a guest on our podcast you can contact us.

Episode Artwork The Familiar Four 20:45 Episode Artwork The Similarities Between Human Growth and Brand Development 24:43 Episode Artwork Deconstructing the Archetype 32:23 Episode Artwork Can You Return Your Brand to 100% Efficiency? 35:13 Episode Artwork DNA & Client Journey Have a Lot in Common 24:39 Episode Artwork Features x Benefits = The Product/Service You Offer 21:09 Episode Artwork Culture Creates Community, Community Creates a Tribe 17:14 Episode Artwork Culture, the DNA of Your Brand 20:53 Episode Artwork Ditch the Pitch & Create a Magnetic Message 15:15 Episode Artwork The Law of Attraction: Here’s Where You’re Wrong 16:17 Episode Artwork Aligning Your Brand Starts With the "Who", NOT "Why". 18:29 Episode Artwork The Lost Art of Critical Thinking & Problem-solving 15:46 Episode Artwork Creating Clients, NOT Products/Services 21:21 Episode Artwork Your Logo is NOT Your Brand 13:15 Episode Artwork Leverage the 12 Archetypes to Transform Your Brand 16:46