Genesis The Podcast

Healing Through Doing: Occupational Therapy Applications for Trauma Survivors

Genesis Women's Shelter Season 1 Episode 20

Trauma therapy is constantly evolving and so is the team at Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support through an emerging program of new treatment modalities that keep pace with both trauma experiences and responses. This episode explores the work of up-and-coming researcher and doctoral candidate Nadien Albanna whose personal connection to occupational therapy led to her career in that field as well as an internship at Genesis. As a result, Albanna’s doctoral project - “Sensory integration and trauma processing needs for trauma survivors: A new framework for Occupational Therapy” - has enhanced the OT program at Genesis, resulting in improved outcomes for women and children and a potentially replicable program for trauma services beyond Genesis. We hear from Nadien Albanna and Ruth Guerreiro, Senior Director of Clinical Services about the life-changing results of OT at Genesis where trauma survivors are “healing by doing.”