Genesis The Podcast

Pride Month Series: This is only the beginning

Genesis Women's Shelter Season 1 Episode 31

Genesis Women's Shelter & Support offers domestic violence services to everyone who identifies as a woman. To improve access to services for all intimate partner violence survivors in need of safety, shelter & support, Genesis The Podcast is launching a Pride Month Podcast Series focused on intimate partner violence (IPV) in LGBTQIA+ relationships.

Each episode in this series is a dialogue with survivors and/or experts highlighting the needs and issues of IPV survivors in the LGBTQIA+ community as well as possible solutions for improved responses to their experiences. Our hope is that this dialogue will grow into new collaborations across communities that expand our understanding of IPV, reduce its prevalence, and provide more equitable responses and services for all survivors of IPV in LGBTQIA+ relationships. Media consultant Ron Corning joins the conversation as co-host and interviewer for the series, offering critical insights into IPV among LGBTQIA+ partners.

Though Pride Month 2022 is coming to a close, this is only the beginning of our exploration of IPV in LGBTQIA+ relationships. In this episode, we recap our learning and in doing so expose its gaps and opportunities by expanding on services available to men in abusive relationships with The Family Place - 1 of just 2 organizations in the United States who serve all individuals who identify as men. We also have an open discussion about the signs of abuse, the prevalence of both hatred and abuse toward the LGBTQIA+ community, the alarming risk of suicide among LGBTQIA+ youth, and how anyone experiencing abuse can access safety, shelter, and support that meets their unique needs. 

A message to the community from Genesis Women's Shelter & Support: As it relates to the mission of Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support, we stand in solidarity with women who have experienced abuse. We stand for women who have no choice. We stand for women who have no voice. We will continue to work day in and day out to empower women to live abuse-free, to think independently and to make their own decisions regarding their physical, financial, spiritual and emotional safety.