Genesis The Podcast

No More Excuses: Calling out abuse in no uncertain terms with Lundy Bancroft

Genesis Women's Shelter Season 2 Episode 16

Lundy Bancroft wrote the book on exposing abusive men and domestic violence. For over 20 years he has helped survivors and professionals in the field of domestic violence answer the question: why does he do that? In this episode, Lundy interprets the contents of his best-selling work, "Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men", identifying common abusive personalities, behaviors, tactics, intentions, causes of abuse, and a whole lot more while offering no excuses for men who act from a position of entitlement toward women. Lundy also shares a passage from his new novel, "In Custody: A Carrie Green Mystery", a fictional work that explores the corruption in the family court system. 

Lundy Bancroft has over thirty years of experience specializing in interventions for abusive men and their families. He has authored seven books, including the world’s best-seller on domestic violence, Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men, and the prizewinning professional book The Batterer as Parent. Lundy is the former Training Director of Emerge, the U.S.’s first counseling program for men who batter, and was involved in over 2,000 cases as counselor and clinical supervisor. He has served extensively as a custody evaluator, child abuse investigator, and expert witness.