Handed Down
Handed Down celebrates traditional songs and the people who sing them. The show is presented by Jenny Shaw, an amateur musician and professional writer. Each episode is full of music, tales and curiosities as we delve into the history a single song, often with the help of a fellow folk musician, to uncover the strange stories and colourful characters that lie beneath.
These are the songs that have been handed down from our ancestors. This podcast and the people involved in it help keep them alive so that we can hand them down in turn to future generations.
Handed Down
Staines Morris - Then to the Maypole Haste Away!
It's the first of May and we have a May Mini episode about the song Staines Morris, also known as the Maypole Dance. But did you know it started life in a puritan era farce? It was a joy to find out more about one of my favourite songs, and I hope you'll like it as much as I do.
Thanks as always go to Mudcat Cafe and Mainly Norfolk websites without which I hardly know where I would start my research, and to Stones Barn who gave me the confidence to sing again.
Other references:
Stanes Morris in Playford (including the dance moves): https://playforddances.com/dances/stanes-morris/
Acteon and Diana full text: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A34847.0001.001/1:6?rgn=div1;view=fulltext
Popular Music of the Olden Time by William Chappell: https://archive.org/details/popularmusicofol01chapuoft/page/126/mode/2up