Lifelong Educators Show

4 | Maximizing Your Enrichment Program's Potential Through FLOW with Lisa MK Ling

September 13, 2021 gina tierno Season 1 Episode 4
Lifelong Educators Show
4 | Maximizing Your Enrichment Program's Potential Through FLOW with Lisa MK Ling
Show Notes Transcript

Lisa MK Ling, is a Human Potential Coach, Social Entrepreneur and Author that is now rapidly growing her program online.  

As a former member of the Canadian National Karate Team, she uses the FLOW Approach in all her enterprises - as a problem solver for teachers & students, adults & youth - anyone meaning to reach their true potential.  

Lisa will join us to teach you:
• Her unique approach to growing her program organically
• How to find higher states of FLOW that will serve you as an educator
• Her tips on succesfully pivoting online

She is also the author of the Dragonfly series of children's books and the host of the podcast, One Small Thing

Don't miss this invigorating session with Lisa!

Lisa MK Ling:

You know, when you have one set of things going, and it's, it's like a circle going in one direction and then a circle going in the other direction. And they're completely opposite things doing, being willpower, surrender, masculine, feminine, you know, whatever, whatever you want it, whatever contrast you want to take. When you, you know, it seems chaotic, it seems like they're conflicting. It seems like you have to keep choosing you swinging violently from one side to the other, but then if you bring those circles together, you know, if you got this and then you've got this and as soon as they touch, and as soon as you accept and make space for both, it forms an infinity loop. And so. That was like a huge paradigm shift for me. And the beauty of, you know, and I call this infinity loop flow because you get into the flow. And this is exactly what I had experienced as an athlete that there's this state of being. Where you can be completely alert and focused on the outside and yet completely calm and relaxed and almost like Zen on the inside. And literally like punching and kicking furiously with your body. And your mind is like a monk and that is actually the optimal performance state. This is well known. I did not invent this. There are many books written about flow. this is one of the qualities. And so I wanted to learn how to cultivate being in the flow on purpose and then holding it for longer periods of time. And then eventually living in the. And, and so that's what I've spent the last 25 years doing. I don't even know if I answered your question or not, but

Jackie Guzda:

what got us in the flow for sure. Good. Well, that's great. Can I, Jackie, can I ask a quick question? Of course, I'm dying to ask it, and I'm lucky that I get to sit here and ask it, you know, for all the entrepreneurs that are, are joining and are gonna get to watch this whenever it is. How do you, how do you achieve that? Not, not, I mean, it seems I, I get, I hear what you're saying and I want to believe it, but when I'm going a million miles, a minute, trying to do 10 billion things. Maybe that's what I should be doing. How do you, how do you keep it cool.

Lisa MK Ling:

Exactly. Exactly. So, this is exactly the dilemma I was up against because it didn't start like that. Right. I, when I started, I couldn't even sit still for like 30 seconds. high adrenaline, you know, Drennan junkie high energy person wanting to achieve, achieve, achieve, do do do. But I knew that I, first of all, it starts with an intention, whatever your intention is like I wanted to be world champion in karate, and that was what drove me to discover and, and explore a whole other side of myself. and you know, then when I retired from sport, I wanted to be a better mother and that was what drove me to, to explore even more. And so you have to find a reason for wanting to do this. This is life-changing stuff, and it's not going to happen just like that.

Jackie Guzda:

One intention,

Lisa MK Ling:

one intention, may I mean, how many do you want? You only need one.

Jackie Guzda:

We got longer than an hour.

Lisa MK Ling:

I mean, you can have lots of so small intentions, but you know, what, what is your reason for rising to your highest creative potential in life? Right? Why do you want to do. And it started out for me as an external reason, you know, wanting to win an award is an external reason. And I call those the external gratification. There's purse, power, prestige, and praise, basically that, yeah, those are the reasons why we do anything perse. So money. We want to earn money, power. We want to increase our power. Position, you know, whatever it is in your workplace or even in the home, prestige that's like awards and stuff like that. And then praise, we want people to like us, we want to belong. We want to please, especially for girls and women, this is a huge one, right? We want, we want to be like, So that drives us to do things, but those are all external reasons and they work for a while. Right. And they're not wrong at all, but they're not the whole picture. And in my, my work now in my coaching practice, I have discovered that this applies across the board. There are people I work with people in the sports field I work with who are at the top of their game. In sports. I work with, people who were Pulitzer prize, winning writers. Like it doesn't matter what you have achieved in, at some point you reached the end of all the external stuff. At some point you get everything you have been trying to get outside of you. And for some people, this happens earlier on and some people, this happens later in life. It doesn't really matter. Twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, but, and then when you get that. You would think, okay, I'm now super happy, right? Actually, no, you're happy for maybe a few days or a week, but then people get really depressed. They get depressed because they're like this isn't actually giving me inside what I was after the whole time, which is basically joy and joy of life. And in fact, the opposite happens. They become very. Cynical in a way about life or they can, unless they now take, you know, turn and start exploring a whole other side, which is the inside. And it's not that one is better worse than the other. But the balance, if you just say operating in one circle, all the external stuff, or you're very like Zen and you're just like go to meditation and you'll go all the time. And you're just doing that. And you kind of go into a cave of your own world and you know, some people do that. You're not benefiting from the full experience of being human. Right. Which is that you have your spirit, the being in a body, which can do. So you need to balance out being and doing, and that's when you get into this space magic of like, wow, life can be so fun. And so it starts with, it starts with an, a reason wanting to do it. And then, you know, I found it very difficult to just sit still. And even meditating was like out of the question for me. And so I started by lighting a candle and watching the. And honestly, I could do it for about 10 seconds in the beginning and now, you know, I can sit or do nothing, you know, I can go outside and stare at the sky for like hours, but, you know, but, and, and, and more importantly I can do, I can be now while I do. And that was actually my goal. I didn't want to just be able to sit at sit and meditate for hours. I wanted to be in a meditative state while I was doing stuff. And I, I wanted to be able to do that while I was doing stuff very quickly and vigorously, and it's taken, you know, it's taken time to be able to do that on purpose. I did that by accident right away when I was like 25 and we've all experienced states of flow. But then to cultivate that on purpose, it requires there's a method. I'm actually writing a book about it right now, which is going to come out next year. I have discovered that there are four steps. The first step is self-awareness. You have to cultivate awareness of your thoughts. Of your feelings and of your body. If you don't even know what you're thinking, you don't know what you're feeling and you don't know what you're doing. The first step is to cultivate awareness. And that starts with even just taking a single deep breath. And it's like, okay, what am I thinking? What am I feeling? What am I even doing right now? Right. Cause we're so much of our life is on auto. pilot So a deep breath, it's like, okay, come back to present. So that's step one, you cultivate self-awareness and there's lots of ways of doing that. And there's a bazillion ways. Right. then the second step is self control. So now you have some self-awareness you're like, okay. I'm mad or I'm sad. And I don't want to be, what can I do about it? Or I'm I'm in that crazy scattered, like a million things piled on nothing is getting done with any depth mode of an entrepreneur, because you've got a billion things on your plate. It's like, how do I want to be? And this is, I start my day with these two questions. How do I feel right now? And how do I want to feel? And so even coming onto this call, it's like, okay. Yeah, How do I want to be while I do this call? Like how I never used to ask myself that it was just, what do I want to do today? What am I going to do today? What am I, what are the things on my list that I'm going to do? But now I asked both questions. How do I want to, what do I want to do? Yes. And how do I want to be while I'm doing. And my, my answer for, for this call was I want to feel calm. I want to feel grounded and I want to feel centered. And I want to project that energy. I want to be a calm, still presence on the call. As I talk about this thing that I love to do so that it's like setting an anchor down on a boat. So you're no longer drifting and everything we do. Is to get a feeling. So when you set an intention about how you want to feel, you're setting an intention at the very core level of your being right there, there isn't an deeper intention than that. So I'll let you I'll take a breath. So Lisa only through all four steps.

Jackie Guzda:

I think we were so in the flow of getting this whole wonderful show going, that we had some, a few technical issues, no big deal. So Jackie, if you want to kind of reset at the top here of releases and you know, we just need to, we're going to introduce Lisa again to make sure that I don't

Lisa MK Ling:

think it was recording at that time. Ah, okay.

Jackie Guzda:


Lisa MK Ling:

is Lisa and Kay

Jackie Guzda:

link. She is a joy scientist in her own words and also a human potential coach, as well as an author and a black belt in karate. So those of you out there in the Facebook group. I would like some feedback from you. Lisa has been talking about the flow. She talked about those motivators about purse, power, prestige, and praise. Some of you are educators who actually have ideas, ad tech inventions that you want to aspire to, to bring to fruition. So I'm going to ask you to think for a minute. Were your motivations, the same ones that Lisa described and if so, put it in the chat. And then I want to pull it back to Lisa

Lisa MK Ling:

and ask you,

Jackie Guzda:

how do my, how do the people in our audience, the people who are educators who want to go on further and add to the educational field, because they have gone through all of your motivators, how do they find their state of joy

Lisa MK Ling:

specifically? Great question. well, first of all, I just want to say that those motivators, like there's, they're not like they're not bad, they're not wrong. They're wonderful. Right. It's just not the whole picture. So if you do, if you're in that and you're loving it, then you're exactly where you're supposed to be. Right. If, if all of those four things motivate you and you don't feel any issue, then go for it. Right? Because not everybody. Is ready to take a deep dive into their inner world. It like it's at different stages of life and everybody has to be ready for it. but if you are feeling like, okay, there's gotta be more, more to life or, you know, more to whatever this existence on the planet, then, then there are there, there are also four internal motivators or gratifications. And that's basically. Peace, purpose, passion, and play. And I start with peace because, you know, until you are able to calm yourself down and be in. To be a calm, still presence, you know, because a lot of entrepreneurs, it's a particular type of person who becomes an entrepreneur, right? It's somebody who, who likes a lot of movement. It's somebody who's a go getter. It's somebody, who's a high energy person who, who wants to make the world better, who wants to fix things and sees a problem and wants to do it. It's like the OCD add. Right. Like, I am definitely in that category and your, your mind is like a Ferrari, right? As soon as you wake up, it's like the Ferrari just gets going. And so, learning how to pause the Ferrari and control the gas pedal, you know, by having practices like my morning routine. Helps me to get grounded and centered. And without that morning routine, my day, my day gets, I get a lot done, but it kind of doesn't feel the same. It kind of goes sideways. It can go side was a lot easier. and so, you know, some of the things in our morning routine, I mean, there's a wonderful book about this called the mirror miracle morning by Hal Elrod. Some of the basic things. In my morning routine, I actually made an acronym for them. It's B E w S. how L rod has like six things, but I couldn't remember six, so I condensed it down to four and there's one thing each for my body, for my mind and my spirit. And then there's one tool to rule them all. I'm the Lord of the rings status. So I like, I like bringing everything together and I like to keep it really simple. So the tool, the tool for the body is that it always exercise in the morning and you know, it doesn't have to be like a big workout, but. I get my body moving. I either go outside for a walk. I have like a sear, a flow warmup that I do. It takes 10 minutes. It gets every single major muscle group moving and every joint moving through its range of motion. Right. It takes 10 minutes and just gets my body awake and alive because it's been kind of curled up in a little ball for six to eight hours. And so, so that's the first thing. then, the words, this is for the mind, like. I have, phrases and words that I say to myself. Affirmations, it's called self-talk and sport or cue words, you know? So one of them, for example, if, if I think that things aren't going well, one of them is just like all as well. Like just like simple statements that you can insert into your brain, that kind of counter all of that fear stuff. You know, the inner critic. another one that I really love. Everything happens at the perfect time. Right. And this is really good if you're driving somewhere and you feel like you're late and you're rushing and you know that you're going to like your chances of getting in an accident just went way up. If you're in that state. So save your life by saying this statement to yourself as you're driving, everything happens at the perfect time. And I arrive at the perfect time because the, and this is a great example of doing and being, because if you're rushing, rushing, rushing, and then you arrive like whatever 10 seconds before you would have normally fine. But how are you being while you're arriving, you're going to be out of breath. You're going to be totally stressed and you're not going to be ready to engage with anybody at the place where you've arrived. So it's better to take the extra time, you know, and just drive normally and say this thing to yourself. I arrive at the perfect time. And then when you arrive, you're going to be calm. You're going to be centered. You're going to be happy and you're going to be ready to engage right away.

Jackie Guzda:

So what about this meat? Right. And what about the people on the other side of that? If you, you know, you're, you're driving and you're saying this to yourself, and I see that I can do that. I can hear, you know, on, on delivering of a website, right? Let's say you're the entrepreneur, you're the CEO. You got a new website to deliver your you're trying to take it easy. Just take it off of the road. So. And you're expected to deliver something new. You're telling yourself it's going to happen at the right time. But there is a other

Lisa MK Ling:

group here, right? Yes. Okay. Exactly. This is the balance of the two. Okay. And I totally get this. Okay. This is, and this is exactly the reality of flow, right? You're in the ring. Someone's punching you, punching at you. You can't be just like, okay, maybe I'll block. Maybe I won't, but you can still move vigorously and furiously on the road. While remaining calm on the inside, but it takes practice. So in the beginning you have to cultivate time to just do the being. You're not going to get to this state where you can blend them perfectly together instantly and, you know, move super quickly and be totally calm right away. It's just not going to happen. You've spent your whole life doing, doing, doing, you got to give being a chance. So yes, you do need to carve out 10 minutes in the morning to just. With your hot water and lemon and just breathe and don't do anything and think about, okay, what are, what is my biggest goal of the day one goal? Because of course there's a hundred, but what is the one thing that I want to accomplish today? And how do I want to feel it? As I do it. And if you take the time to use the power of your mind to use the power of your heart, to use the power of your spirit, to set that intention. Oh my gosh, you're now just not working with your own little puny individual self you're literally harnessing the power that creates worlds. That's flowing all around. You're channeling it through you and into the things that you're creating. And that is exactly how I run my business. And it's taken, it's been a process of getting there and it's been a process of trust of myself, of the process of life, of the universe, of like all of the things that I've cultivated over time. But now I know whenever I get stressed, I immediately stop and I go back and I check myself because nothing good is going to happen from that place. It's not going to work out in the long run. If the vibration doesn't match. So

Jackie Guzda:

Lisa, this is great stuff. How do I bring it into the classroom? How do you bring it into the classroom?

Lisa MK Ling:

Okay. So there is simple. We get back to body, mind, spirit, exactly what I said when we started. So I've worked with a lot of young kids in, in schools. So for example, say I'm teaching a karate class. I bring flow into the current. So the first thing we do is they line up and they all sit and Saiza Saiza is like, like, your legs tucked underneath your back, straight hands on your lap. It's like all martial arts classes start this way, but you can do this with anything. People could be sitting in a desk, they could be in whatever position and we close our eyes and we take four deep breaths. And we can even do that. Now we can close our eyes and take one deep breath. I suggest we do that actually, because then it'll become an experience and not just a mind thing. So if you just close your eyes and take a single deep breath in, breathe in for four seconds and breathe out for four seconds. Okay. Then repeat four times again. That's to again, pre then that's three and just let your whole body settle. Let your shoulders unclench your jaw. Unclenched last breath in and out. Let your whole body relax for a second. Okay. So what do you notice? What does happen? Do you notice anything different? And I do this with the kids. Well, your heart rate slows down your heart rate slows down. What else do you notice? You're more centered. You feel more centered? Yeah. Yeah. Did something happen just now? Yes. I mean, how would you describe it?

Jackie Guzda:

Well, after the first breath in, I stopped thinking about the potentially there's people out in the world that are watching us do this. And then I got to a place where it felt calm. And then I wanted to stay.

Lisa MK Ling:

Yeah. So when I do this with, with kids, most kids have never done this in their whole life. It's so simple. It takes no gear, no special anything. And they're when they open their eyes, they are just like,

Jackie Guzda:

Some of the kids get that from them though. I don't want you doing this to my six and a half year old. If you

Lisa MK Ling:

like, oh my, like, they just, they just entered another world. I am not kidding you. And then some people just go off and whatever. It's like no big deal. But then for the ones who the light bulb goes off, they're like, I want to explore that way. Hmm. And so what, what happens and why? The reason why we talk about it in class with the kids is because there's the experience of it in your body. There's the feeling of it. When you do it, then there's the language of it and the framework and the understanding in your mind. And you need both parts and you need your spirit. What happened is you just got present. That's what happened? You draw. Into your spirit. That's what happened. And that's what that feels like. And so now they have a language for it and they have a practice for it. Not saying that everyone does it, right. That's why you need the motivation and the decision and the choice to do it. But now it's like, okay, I have tools. I have language, I have permission. And now you can go and explore. More and more if you want. So how did

Jackie Guzda:

you, how did you find clients for the flight?

Lisa MK Ling:

I don't find clients, clients find me. I, I don't operate like that. I used to, I used to, and then the whole, the whole thing about energy and flow is that, you know, my job is to put my energy out there at a high vibration. My job is to keep my vibe high. My job is to be the joy scientist to be joyful. And then that attracts people who want that vibration. And so it happened in little organic ways. And I, I found that, and this is one of the ways that I organically cultivated my business, all the things that I, you know, furiously planned out and wrote down, none of those things happened. But as long as I show. up With my full open heart, stay present, stay in tune, stay passionate, talk to people, engage with people, doors open. You know, it started with the whole enrichment in school. Things started with, a flyer that I saw because at my own kid's school where they said, you know, we, we have, they had this TaeKwonDo class, but then they said, we're looking for an instructor. So I thought, oh, I could do that. And I wanted to do something like in the school. And so I called the, the enrichment coordinator. I was like, oh, I could do that class. And then sh and then she said, well, actually we found somebody to do that, but you know what? I would really, and I, we were talking and stuff and she, she realized that I taught yoga and mindfulness as well, and I kind of combined them together. And she's like, you know, I'd really love for someone to do a yoga and mindfulness. So I said, okay, perfect. And you know, that became over the next several years, that became the most popular class, not the one that I came up with, but the one that, you know, life brought to me and I was an in tune and open and willing to do it. Right. And, and so I've just found that over and over and all my individual coaching clients now, you know, like that's an exact same way it's happened. If you show up with your full heart, you stay fully engaged with the process and you don't worry about outcomes. Outcomes are what stress everyone out. Don't worry about the outcomes. Stay with the process, give a hundred percent in the process. The outcome will happen and it might not be the way you think it's gonna. So we were just,

Jackie Guzda:

we were just blindsided with the pandemic. How did you take those classes that worked so beautifully in person? And I'm talking about your mindfulness, I'm talking about your karate classes, your TaeKwonDo. How did you pivot to an online virtual environment?

Lisa MK Ling:

Yeah, a great question. first of all, I didn't see the, the whole pivot to online and the pandemic is necessarily something bad. and this is, I mean, I, I'm not saying that it hasn't been difficult for a lot of people, but there is a silver lining in everything and that's my perspective on life and that affects how I see everything. And so I'm always looking for okay. This doesn't feel good right now I'm on my back foot. Okay. What's the silver lining. I'm automatically pivoting quickly and literally in martial arts. I mean, if someone backs you into the corner of the ring, you've gotta be looking for, okay, how am I going to take, make advantage of this? Right. And one of my, one of my specialties was that it was, it was kind of, I was kind of like a spider when I fought, you know, I would, I would, people would be coming and I would go back and I would go back and I would go back and I'd be almost like in the corner and they think, okay, now I've got it. Right. It looks like I've trapped you. And then I was watching and I knew, I knew there was going to be an opening. I knew they were going to attack and right at the moment that they attacked, I beat them to it. And I always scored those points because they were, they were only in one frame of mind, but I was in both. I was defensive, but then I was also looking for the offensive moment and it's, it's no different than, you know, entrepreneurship. So you're defensive. COVID it's changed everything. Okay. I've lost a whole bunch of stuff, but then every ending is also a new beginning. And if you are open to seeing it like that, and you're willing to look for the joy and stay joyful and do the practices that keep your vibe up so that you can even see it. Because if you down in the dumps and down in the pit, you're not going to see those options. So you have to do the work to keep yourself out of the pit in the meadow, you know, and then when you're in the meadow, you can see the flowers, you can see the sun, you can see, you know, if you drop all the way down to the pit, it's harder to see that. And you need, at that point you need, yeah. You know, to reach for help, you need a lifeline from someone, because nobody can do it alone. So I didn't really try to pivot my business. I just stayed open and then other opportunities came. And as soon as I saw them, I, I ran with them and then they grew and they became other things. And one of the opportunities was, you know, time to do a lot of writing. And then the next four months I have, In the next 12 months I have four books coming up. So I've used the downtime of COVID to really kind of consolidate a lot of the things I've learned to write it up, to write stories. And now I'm going to put those stories out there.

Jackie Guzda:

Yes. I think you're gonna tell us. That anybody can do this with the right amount of practice. Is that right? Because as I hear you say all this, and I think we're all here listening, it makes sense. Makes perfect sense. 10 minutes in the morning, the 10 minutes of anything that I'm still trying to process, literally seeing myself sit there and drink the water that you said with the, with the, but it sounds, but I would imagine that with enough practice and the intention, anybody can do that.

Lisa MK Ling:

If you have a body, if you have a mind and you have a spirit, then you can do it. Those are the necessary components. In other words, if you're a human and you're alive on the planet, you can do it. I didn't say that with only 10 minutes, you're going to get to, you know, living in the flow for life, but what's going to happen is those 10 minutes are going to be the beginning of a journey. And as soon as you're on the journey, you're in the flow. Now you're in the current, the river of your life and it's taking you downstream and you're going to see other things that you want to add. And it's gradually, you're going to go and you're going to start going instead of being stagnant or in a downward spiral, you're now starting to get into an upward spiral. And if you do something every day for your body, You do something everyday for your mind, maybe you read something inspiring. Maybe you write down in your journal. Maybe you post little sticky notes of words that lift you up. I can do this. You know, my daughter plays softball. She used to be a pitcher, terrified. You know, it's two outs there, her team's down and she's she's pitching and she used to say to herself, I'm okay. I can do this. That was her mantra. That was her. Those were the words that stuck for her. And now she's on a new team and she came up with another mantra because she was terrified. They're all older girls playing softball. They're really good. And her mantra was I belong here and that allowed her, you know, when, when that voice in your head starts going, it's like, no, you can't do this. You suck, you know, everything's going to fail. You need something to. Catch yourself. You need a safety net, so you need something for the mind and then you need something for the spirit. Something that lifts you up. Music, go outside for a walk, look at the sky, you know, actually spend time, present time, even five minutes with your kid. If you spend five minutes with a child, your child, every day, they will reignite your spirit. That's what my kids did for me. You know, cause I, I had kind of closed my heart at 12. I I'd kind of had suicidal thoughts. I went into my head, I closed down my heart and when I had kids of my own, they reignited that joy of life. You know, they're excited about like a grasshopper, like stupid little things, right. You, if you start seeing open to like seeing life through their eyes, it will wake up your spirit. So. And that will, you know, get you onto a journey and it will become more and more and more, and you don't need to know all the things right now. All you need to know is the 10 minutes, even five minutes, even one minute, you start somewhere, even one deep breath, you know, that, that breathing, that breathing exercise, we just did, which felt like totally transformed your. Being in that moment, you know how long that took it's four seconds in four seconds out one breath. That's eight seconds, times four breaths. That's 32 seconds. It took 32 seconds to completely change your state of being. So don't tell me you don't have time. That's BS. That's just an excuse.

Jackie Guzda:

So you're getting kind of.

Lisa MK Ling:

Oh, yeah. There's another side

Jackie Guzda:

friend. Chris, Chris Whelan, who might be out there said, said you were going to bring it. So


Lisa MK Ling:

has been, yeah, there's another side to me. My son, who's 19. He calls me fierce and loving and that's, that's actually the two. Those are the kind of the two sides. Right? Love, love. Isn't just this soft thing, you know, love is strong. Love is the most powerful. for us the most powerful energy in the world, when you do something out of love, I mean, look at a mother, a mother bear, right? The things, the things a mother will do for her child. That's out of love the things that an entrepreneur will do for their business out of love the things that anyone will do out of love. Right? Those are the, those are the most fierce things in the world. So give me some coaching.

Jackie Guzda:

I'm an educator. I don't get paid for the work that I do. I've got this idea to make the whole educational sphere a better place, better learning. I'm approaching that joy, but I've been rejected by so many other potential funders, burning candles at both, and I'm working and working and, and. I'm almost at the point where I want to give up and throw in the towel. So as my human potential coach, what advice

Lisa MK Ling:

would you give me? I would say start small. Everybody wants to like, get a million dollars, whatever, and launch their thing big right away. And actually. Are you sh and I did too, you know, and that, that didn't necessarily happen. Right. And you know, that may not actually be the best thing for you. Right. When B what I mean is that okay. I have to back up a little bit and explain something. So everyone knows emotions, right? You have positive emotions and you have negative. Well, emotions indicate the vibration you have in your body. There are a way of measuring and indicating where your vibration is when you're right at the top at love, joy gratitude. You know, your, your vibration is high when you're down in worry, doubt, fear, anger, depression. Your vibration is low. If you're in the middle neutral, right above neutral is hope right below neutral. You can literally, there's something called the emotional scale, right? You can measure the vibration in your body, according to this, you know, what's happening with your vibration. So the human vibration does not change fundamentally in leaps and bounds. It changes gradually. So if you're used to a certain path, it's kind of like a set point. Like people have set points of weight. They have set points of thinking. They also have set points of feeling, right. And so you want it, you, you want everything to change and be wonderful like right now, but that's not how it works. And if it, if that did happen, you know, it would happen. You wouldn't be able to hold it. You wouldn't have the structure. In place either in your outside life or within yourself to be able to hold that vibration. And that's when you see people who like win the lottery and then like 90% of the people who win the lottery, they lose all the money within a few years. Right. Because they don't have the qualities necessarily to, to hold that vibration. So you have to build that slowly. So I would say to this, to you, if this was you. What, what is showing up in your life that you love that is moving this forward? Even 1%, do that thing, you know, don't think you have to have it all sorted out tomorrow. What if you were to, instead of aiming for a hundred percent, you know, six months from now, aim for 1% tomorrow, that's it. And I'm a huge fan of micro change. Micro micro changes. Like if you want it, you want to get fit, right. So then you get running shoes and you start running and then you hurt your back and you can't run because your body's not ready to run. Right. It's ready to walk. So start, start by just putting your shoes on and like walking around your house and your shoes, and then go for a walk around the block once, you know, and build slowly and then your whole body, mind and spirit system with. Evolve and make these changes and go in that upward spiral. And then there's another piece to it, which is trust, cultivate trust. And one of the ways that I have called debated trust, you know, as a lawyer, I I'm always looking for evidence. Where's the evidence. And I spend a lot of time looking at the evidence of my life, of my business. And, you know, we don't do this normally. So for example, every day I write down what are my tasks I'm going to do today. But then at the very top, I write down also, what is my intention for the day and things that I found inspiring, maybe something I read, maybe something someone said and that the end of the month. I ha I save one page and I review the entire month and I go back and I look at every single thing that happened that month. There's one page for every single day in the journal. Right. And then I ask myself three questions at the end of the month. The first question is, did I achieve my goals for this month? And I always say yes, and, but it propels me to go back and look, and there's no way I would have remembered. What had happened over that month and you will be shocked when you look at your life like this, when you pause and take time to reflect, you'll be like, oh my gosh. You know, and I also do this daily at the end of the day. I write down my miracle of the day and I talk about it with my children, with my husband, miracle of the day. What's your miracle of the day. And it makes you look for the miracle of this. Even when you think there's no miracle that happened, there's a miracle that happened. So, you know, small steps, 1% better every day and take time to not just plan and do, but also review that's the cycle plan then do. Then review, or as I like to say intend then act and then celebrate.

Jackie Guzda:

I, I hear what you're saying again. and I wanted to ask a question. So if, if we're entrepreneurs and you called us, Ferrari's okay. In our minds, just wake up, going a million miles a minute in a red Ferrari, and you've given us the steps. I think. To have successful days. What happens if one morning we turn the key in the Ferrari and it, it doesn't turn the same way or it doesn't, it doesn't turn on. Yeah. Like how do we, how do we handle that? And we just go back to bed, you know, you pour the water out. You say, I can't do this. Well, how do you handle that little portion? It didn't work well

Lisa MK Ling:

for me, I would immediately pause and believe me, this is not what I would've done before, before I would have had a fit, I would have had an absolute fit, you know, 10 years ago, 10, 20 years ago. Now I would pause and I'd be like, Hmm. And I would, I would breathe because I could, I would feel my blood pressure going up. Right. And I would breathe and I would. Do my best to stay neutral. And I, and when I am neutral, I can see when I'm not neutral and I'm, I'm angry or I'm upset. You can't see anything. Right. So if I need to go for a walk or whatever, like move my body, I would do that. And then I would ask myself a question I would ask what's really going on. Because again, if you have the view that everything in life is happening for you and it's directing you on a path and you can trust that path, which is the perspective that I've built up over time, then this is happening for a reason. And I do, I truly believe everything happens for a reason. So what is the reason. Are you not meant to do this business? Maybe, maybe this isn't really the business for you, or maybe this isn't the business partner for you. Maybe you were going to go drive off to your business partner. Maybe that's not the right partnership. You know, I would, I would seriously pause because if, if the universe and life is saying, okay, this car is not starting, you know, then you need to look at what's going on here. It's not just that bad things happen to good people. Right. I, my sister got cancer, you know, a couple of years later, she's like, this is the best thing that ever happened. There are so many people say that hard things that they go through later on it transfer if they come through it and it transforms them. So many people will say that was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm working with a boy who who's 15, who got a bad concussion way back in March, fell on his head on a skiing, off a ski jump. And in the beginning he had to sit quietly with no sound, no nothing in a dark room for him. This high energy, 15 year old boy, it was absolute. Absolute torture. And we've been working together for five months and a few weeks ago. And he went right down into the pit and stayed there for awhile. And I kept holding a light that something else is possible and teaching them the tools and all that, but he wasn't really ready to go there. And finally, I said to him, just believe everything I'm saying for three days and see what happens. And he was finally ready. He was so sick and tired of being sick. He's finally ready to let all his, all that go. And he had this huge breakthrough and now he said to me, he actually said to me, the thing that I told him right at the beginning, and he said, please. That concussion is the best thing that ever happened to me. He's 15. Okay. So he gets this perspective. I'm not saying that it's, you know, it's, it's not that it's hard to shift your perspective, but not everybody's ready to see things that way. So, so much of it depends on how you see it. Josh, if you see it as, oh God, you know, geez, another day where life is, you know, pouring poop on me. I'm not going to swear, but normally I would

Jackie Guzda:

think we can on these airwaves, right? Yeah, we can.

Lisa MK Ling:

Okay. are there children watching anyways? You know, if you're, if that's your perspective on life, then yeah. It's going to be, it's going to be a rough ride, but if you cultivate and look for the evidence for, and develop the tools and the practice to cultivate a different perspective, which is that. There's room for me. I am special and unique and I have a great idea and I want to put this out in the world. I have peace. I feel peaceful around this. I feel passionate. I feel a purpose. I want to play with this. If you cultivate that And trust that life is going to bring you and guide you on that path and you stay paying attention. I'm not saying it's all going to be perfect from the start, but you're going to take these things. You're going to be able to block, and then you're going to come back and you're going to counter and be like, okay, not that business partner, not that business, something else. And it might take a while, but eventually, and the key, this is the key you have to trust yourself. You have to learn to trust the part of you that knows. There's a, there's a part of you that knows what to do. That knows what you want. Like deep, deep down, it's your soul. And you have to start learning to listen to that part

Jackie Guzda:

The sole synonymous with a sort of, a buddy of mine. Who's an entrepreneur as well. And we used to say, trust your gut in it with

Lisa MK Ling:

anonymous, with your soul. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. There's more narrow receptors in your gut than in your brain, the brain, you know, it can really. f you up But your gut in your body, your body will always give you the truth. And here here's a little takeaway for, for entrepreneurs, for anybody. This is what I do when I'm not sure about the decision. I try it on. And instead of going to my head for the answer, I go to my body and my heart and my. So, for example, there's two say there's two scenarios. So I imagine one scenario like close my eyes, really get into it. Like, imagine it happening. See it, feel it, hear it, and then see. Okay. How do I feel? Do you, does your body like tighten up? Do you feel this like sinking feeling in your gut? Does your heart like go? Ooh. Okay. Then you have your answer. Your body's giving you an answer. It's saying, Nope. That's not for you. Don't do that. Don't go down that path. That's what your body is telling you. Your mind might be like, well, logically it makes sense, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Then you try on the other idea and you're like, you know, you visualize it and it's important that you really go into it and visualize it and feel it. And then you notice, oh, you feel your body feels open your heart. Like you're taking deeper breaths. You feel inspired. You feel like. That's the right path for you and your mind will most likely have the reverse. It will be like logically this way, not that way. And we, we have spent our entire lives being trained to let the mind override the gut. And that is the biggest tragedy of all. so now that's my number one thing. I never let logic override my hearts. No. Never. And it's taken a lot of practice, a lot of practice. And then I look, I look at how it works out. Like if I do something where I'm like, okay, I know I, I, I use logical override on that. I look okay. How did that turn out? And I write these things down, right?

Jackie Guzda:

So Lisa, we're running out of time. There's one question I must ask you. Okay. You have proven yourself to be an amazing influencer. Per that 15 year old boy. So if I am approaching a funder, a supporter, somebody that I've done all the work with flow on

Lisa MK Ling:


Jackie Guzda:

can I transfer that work somehow onto that other person?

Lisa MK Ling:

Well, yes. If you show up with a full heart with passion, with love of what you're doing. That vibe is going to spread. I mean, look at your own family, right? If you've come home one day and you're in a shit mood, how does that go? And if you come home and you're in a great mood, How does that go? This is, this is again, this is energy, right? Humans. Aren't just the physical being. You have an energy field, it extends at least arms length around you. So your, your energy field is literally touching the other person's energy field, you know, just by being in proximity. And so that's why people can feel the energy of someone. And if you feel like if some, if you're going to a funder and you're feeling disbelief, you're feeling doubt, you're feeling worried. Guess what? They're going to feel. And if you don't believe in yourself, how can you expect someone else to believe in you? So the first thing I would do is I would get into an amazing state. I would go for a workout. I would go like for a run, I would get yourself into a high vibration where you feel amazing, like do whatever it takes and then go for that meeting and see how it goes.

Jackie Guzda:

Hmm. That is Sage advice.

Lisa MK Ling:

So, yeah. So much of our communication is not the words. You know, everybody focuses on the words. Well, if I say the right thing, 90% of communication is not words. It's energy, it's body language, it's passion, you know, be passionate. Remind yourself before you go for that meeting. Why did I want to do this in the first place From like inundate with yourself with that, go back and read your journals. Go look at your stuff, go do whatever you need to do to get your vibration high. And as soon as your only work is to raise your vibration, the law of attraction, you know, says the universal law, you attract at the same level that you send out. So if your vibe is low, you're going attract Low vibe. If your vibe is high, you're gonna attract high vibe. You don't need to be doing all the work of figuring out who's got a high vibe and a low vibe around you. All you have to do is raise your vibe and then you're going to start finding yourself, being drawn to and other people being drawn to you because those vibes, match just kind of like a radio signal. You can't get the jazz channel while you're listening to rock punk. rock They don't match. You got to tune your radio. You gotta tune your body, mind, spirit, and up to a higher, And then it's going to match and there's, and then it's just all going to flow in and it might be bit by bit. And the more you have doubt, you know, you, you're excited, you're flowing forward and then you have doubt and you're going back. So the more you can say, stay consistent and have practices that help you stay consistent with the forward energy and the forward momentum and let go of your fears, your doubts and your disbelief. Just like neat. Just like Morpheus said to Neo in the matrix before he jumped across the skyscraper, you got to let it all go Neo your fears, your doubts, your disbelief, free your mind. That's what he said, you know? And that, that really is the key. Like so much of it is in our own mind. We all want to blame it on everything out there. It's not the case. It's from the inside out. And that's, that's this whole like thing that I discovered, you know, the external, the internal, if you start with the internal and you get that right. All the external stuff comes. You don't have to worry about it. Wow.

Jackie Guzda:

I could talk to you for days, but unfortunately it's time to wrap this up. So, I really want to thank you so much, Lisa. You are inspirational.

Lisa MK Ling:

That was my intention to show up fully and shine my light. You know, I, so thank you. I'm glad that that actually it lo and behold, the intention actually happened. Right? This is the whole thing we started talking about. Like you got check in, like when you set your intention in the beginning of that, you gotta check in at the end of the day and be like, okay, how did that go? Because if you don't do that part, you're missing out and then you don't actually believe that intentions, meaning. Well, you're not collecting the evidence.

Jackie Guzda:

I don't know if it would be appropriate because of COVID or anything like that, even if we were in the same room, but I would give you a hug and say, thank you, you know, but probably not allowed to, I don't know, but I do

Lisa MK Ling:

appreciate virtual homes. And just close your eyes and take a deep breath,

Jackie Guzda:

deep breath.

Lisa MK Ling:

Feel it. Yes. As entrepreneurs, you need a lot of deep breaths for sure. Thank you. Yeah.

Jackie Guzda:

So I want to thank you so much, Josh, for your comments today. And I think Lisa might have changed your life during this Facebook. Also want to remind people who are on Facebook live that next week, we will be changing the time just for next week. Only we will be going live at 1230 instead of 1130 Eastern standard time. So we've all got to get onto our busy lives. And I just want to say bye and thanks so much to Josh and to Lisa

Lisa MK Ling:

pleasure. Yeah, take care.