The Samantha Parker Show

A Gratitude Practice will Change Your Life

Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 193

The practice of gratitude is powerful. Gratitude isn't about ignoring what's going on but shifting your mindset to one of gratitude. This can help you shift your energies and help you see beyond the problem at hand. As a result, you will be able to deal with the issue with a higher vibration.

 Let me challenge you to a journal challenge where you list 100 things you are grateful for every day. Don't worry, this isn't difficult. Simply make two columns in your journal and write down the things you are grateful for. Just think about all areas of your life, including your surroundings, friends, body, family, and business.  Putting pen to paper will make you feel really good and show you there are a bunch of things to be grateful for every day.

Go spread some Glitter.

It's time to expand your self-love, discover your passions and chase YOUR GLITTER! Grab THE GLITTER A TELL ALL JOURNAL  Now on Amazon Prime!

For too long we've sat around waiting for life to happen to us when it's time for us to go out and create it. The world is craving your unique flair and is just pushing you to explore what your glitter is! It's time to shine, shine shine.

This unique workbook and journal take you from discovering what the glitter is, to learning how to cultivate and celebrate more of it on this beautiful planet.

Grab Yours Now

If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Okay, welcome back. Glitter besties. Yesterday I was talking about establishing a morning routine or glitter routine. If you didn't wanna do the mornings. Hey, when I had little kids, there was no way that I could be like, , I'm gonna spend two hours at the gym and working on my manifesting and, you know, journaling, la, la, la, la, la.

So, you know, you could do it any time of the day, but one thing I brought up was my gratitude practice and you know, really just getting into that vibration. And I know it sounds fluffy kind. I hate when shit sounds fluffy, but it's so true. When you can shift your mindset and just come from a place of gratitude, you.

Things can work out a little easier for you, and it's just simply the energy. It's not like the problem goes away, but it's just the energy that you approach it with instead of the pity party, why is me, why is everything happening to me? It becomes the, oh my God, look at this. It's happening for me. You know, it's solving a math problem.

It's not the end of the world if you don't get it right. That's what the gratitude practice does for me. But okay, so here's what I do. I mentioned that I do a hundred things and the other day I said this to my friend and she was like, a hundred things. And I'm like, it's actually it's not as hard as you think it is. So simply, it's really just like two columns on a notebook, right? It's, you know, filling out the whole page and then the other side of the page. But I challenge you guys to try this, a hundred things, and it might sound crazy, but you know, once you get going, you're gonna be flooded with like, just.

How much is actually working out for you? That's a glitter practice, right? That's the glitter that's looking for the good in this world. So once you get really going with your a hundred things, I also challenge you to pick a hundred things to specific areas of your life. So a hundred things that you're grateful for with your body.

A hundred things that you're grateful for with your spouse or your family or friends, , whatever feels good to you in that area.  a hundred things that you're grateful for in your job or your business.  A hundred things that you're grateful for in, I don't know, like your community, right? But it's a really cool practice.

This is my challenge for you guys today, is to pick up a gratitude practice, even if it's just something you mentally say in your head.  Start there. You know, but pen to paper always feels really fucking good. All right guys, I'll see you tomorrow. But if you want more resources, head over to the

You can pick up any of my free resources that are listed there. And of course, if you would like some accountability, share this podcast with a glitter bestie and be like, Hey, let's commit to a gratitude practice. Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow.