The Samantha Parker Show

You Are Important

January 16, 2023 Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 195

We sometimes need to step back and consider how other people perceive us. It's easy to neglect the impact we have on the world and to focus on the wrong things when we don't see how we're affecting it. Ultimately, either we are our biggest cheerleaders or our worst enemies. Decide today to see yourself from the perspective of someone who believes in you and loves you.

When you show up authentically in life and online, people get to see the world through your eyes. Best of all, we get to see the world through our own eyes. Your unique experience is what matters. That's why you're so special. You have something only you can share, YOU!

*Side Notes from Sam*

It's time to expand your self-love, discover your passions and chase YOUR GLITTER! Grab THE GLITTER A TELL ALL JOURNAL  Now on Amazon Prime!

For too long we've sat around waiting for life to happen to us when it's time for us to go out and create it. The world is craving your unique flair and is just pushing you to explore what your glitter is! It's time to shine, shine shine.

This unique workbook and journal take you from discovering what the glitter is, to learning how to cultivate and celebrate more of it on this beautiful planet.

Grab Yours Now

If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey guys, welcome back to the Glitter. Okay, I got a little story for you story time. I sometimes have, my friends will be like, it's a side note from Sam, cuz I whip out these like random side stories.

And that's what you're getting today. So sometimes I think that we need to step back and witness how other people might be wi witnessing us because we really are, at the end of the day, we are our biggest cheerleader or we are our own worst enemy. And. Recently I was having coffee with my friend Katie.

 She works out with me too. I call her no social media Katie, cuz she has no social media. In fact, we had dinner like a month or so ago and she was like, so do you have like people who follow you online? Like you get invited to these influencer events? And I was like, yes, yes I do , but we just know each other more and like, you know, like friends, like maybe when you're little like that best friend connection.

And it's pretty cool. But we were at coffee and I was like, oh, I wanna film some of this. The coffee was beautiful too. And I was like, I just wanna post some of this. It's so pretty. I wanna share some of this. And so I started playing with my coffee and filming it and I was like laughing and giggling.

and she was like, you know what's so cool about you, Sam, and the content that you put out? She's I know. I don't see a lot of it. In fact, I don't see any of it unless like I show her a video I've made. But she said, you know, it's not about the content that you're putting into the world, really.

You're sharing with the world how you see the world. And she's like The way that you view the world is really fun and really interesting. And  it's not because I'm super special you guys, and it's not because I view the world in some different light. It's just me. Like I get to view the world how I view it, and I share that with people online.

So listen, glitter, busty. My point here  is that your unique perspective on the world matters. Your unique experience that you're having right now here in this moment, it matters because you have a really, really cool perspective and that fucking matters. You have something really amazing to share that nobody else has.

You have you. insert your name here. I'm gonna be like, the way that Samantha sees the world is super, super special. The way that you see the world is super, super special. And that's when I think about the fact that there's 7 billion of us living here and we are all having a unique perspective and a unique experience in each of those experiences.

And per. Objectives matters in the whole collective. So I don't know. I just want you to know, girl, that you were super fucking important and I'm glad you're here today. All right, glitter besties. Head over to the and I will sue you guys tomorrow.