The Samantha Parker Show

Who's your Alter Ego

Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 196

Is there an alter ego in your life? You know, the one you step into when you have to do scary things? As this year is all about delusional faith, I'd love you to consider what version of yourself you want your alter ego to be. Who is she, and how does she relate to the world? When confronted with uncomfortable situations, how does she handle them?

Don't be scared to step into your alter ego's shoes when you're ready. She is already inside you. 


Chill Glitter is a highly holographic line of handpicked and handcrafted products to embrace your inner self-love goddess.


If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey there, glitter bestie. Welcome back. As you guys know, I designed this podcast to be like a little daily dose, a little hit of goodness, a little perspective shift in your day, you know, a little disruption.

So that's what we're doing here, is we're just disrupting, we're changing maybe our thought patterns.  We're noticing the glitter in every day, and we're just making big fucking waves in this world. So high five my bestie. I see you out there. You're doing a great job. Okay, so this is a really fun story, but the other day my super cute daughter came to me and she told me that she has an altered ego for when she works out at the gym.

And I was like, well that's really rad. Tell me more about this. And honestly, you guys, I was like, that is genius. I know we've heard that Beyonce has an altered ego. I don't know if anyone else does, but I know that this is something people use and they kind of like step into that. So I thought today we're feeling a little delusional this year.

We're just having delusional faith. We're doing it however we wanna do it, even though there might be that voice in our head that says we can't do it. And so how perfect is an alter ego for that? So, you know, if you got some extra time today, or if you've just got a little bit of thinking space right now, like really, like what would that look like to have an alter ego?

Like what would your alter ego do or be? Or what would her name be? Like, what would make her different than you? And I also think that we can think about this as our higher. You know, like how would our higher self approach this situation? Or how would our higher self see herself? I guarantee you that our souls  are not like, oh my God, look at that cellulite on my ass.

So just something fun to think about today, whether or not you created alter ego or it's just like a fun little like metaphor play. Um, I hope you pull it into your glitter. All right guys, I'll see you guys tomorrow.