The Samantha Parker Show

Things Are Only Hard When They Are Brand New

Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 199

Whenever something is brand new, it is hard. The process of developing a new habit, learning a new skill, or letting go of a belief takes time. Don't talk yourself out of doing hard things. Fear is holding you back from so many amazing opportunities. Imagine how great it will feel when you have mastered something you thought was impossible!


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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey there, glitter busty. Okay. So things are only hard when it's brand new. Okay? So it can be really hard to try something new because you don't know the steps. And so I noticed what will happen is that we'll be like, no, I don't know how I can't do it.

And you know what? That's only because you haven't mastered it yet. And so I'm just encouraging you today to go out and try something new that you might be telling yourself is too hard. Because think about it, right?  When we were kids, we didn't know how to spell, but we learned, and now spelling is.

Something we know all know how to do. We might not be the best spells, but like, we know how to write, you know, we know how to read. And reading is just like, Hey, oh yeah. Like you don't think about it. But there was a time in your life when you were like phonetically sounding things out and it was difficult.

So remember that thing you're wanting to try, it just feels hard because you haven't done it yet. And then once you get it down, it really, really feels good. You guys know. Started working out at the gym and so I've been back into like using the equipment and lifting weights. In the first like few days, it felt a little intimidating.

It felt a little hard, and then I got back into the rhythm and now I'm learning more and more the more I go. And now it like doesn't feel hard at all. I'm like, oh, this is fun today. I wanna try that tomorrow. I wanna try that. Maybe I'll reward myself and sit in the hot tub after. So get out there glitter bestie.

Try something new because it's only hard at first, and then it gets really easy. Kay, you guys have got this. Love you. See you tomorrow.