The Samantha Parker Show

What is The Glitter: Find the Good In Your Day

Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 201

What is the glitter? Glitter is the act of looking for the good in every circumstance. It's about finding those moments or things that light up your life even on the darkest days. It's about noticing that everything is happening for you, not to you, even when it seems as if everything is going wrong.

Getting caught up in a negative mindset or thought pattern is easy when things aren't going your way. However, there can always be some rays of sunshine on a cloudy day. Despite the clouds, it's still possible to get a sunburn.  In the same way, the sun finds its way through the clouds, you can find glitter every day. Make the glitter your daily practice and watch your life transform.

It's time to expand your self-love, discover your passions and chase YOUR GLITTER! Grab THE GLITTER A TELL ALL JOURNAL  Now on Amazon Prime!

For too long we've sat around waiting for life to happen to us when it's time for us to go out and create it. The world is craving your unique flair and is just pushing you to explore what your glitter is! It's time to shine, shine shine.

This unique workbook and journal take you from discovering what the glitter is, to learning how to cultivate and celebrate more of it on this beautiful planet.

Grab Yours Now

If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey, welcome back to the podcast. I thought now was a perfect time to review what exactly the glitter is. I know you're listening. To it, and maybe you've been listening for a while, but maybe you're new here.

And sometimes we just need reminders. But the glitter is the conscious or unconscious act of looking for the good in every day. This is looking for the good when shit doesn't feel good. This is looking for the good. When stuff does feel really good, it's taking those little pauses to notice how life is happening for you and it's not happening to you.

Like life isn't here just to beat you down and down and down. And sometimes in my feel like it is, you know, I've had this series. Of like shit going on with our vehicles where every time I turn around it's $5,000, another thousand dollars, another thousand dollars of $1,400. And I'm like, what? And you know, I was really starting to get into like a negative mindset and I'm like, oh, it just never works out, does it?

And I was like, wait a second. That's not what's going on here. And I had to like really look for the good in what was happening. And I was. You know, I really, I love driving my Jeep. I understand that we go out and rally it sometimes and it takes some maintenance. Is that worth it to me? And I was like, yes, yes it is.

Because I fucking love that vehicle . And you know, sometimes it can be like, Hey, it's been snowy, it's been cloudy, nonstop. Like this weather just sucks. And then maybe, you know, your glitter in all of that is looking up and noticing like how amazing the cloud pattern is. This is just your reminder to practice the glitter every single day, cuz that's what this podcast is here for. All right guys, I'll see you tomorrow.