The Samantha Parker Show

Show Up for Yourself and Hop on the Lucky Girl Trend

January 25, 2023 Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 204

It's up to you to show up for yourself. You must take action to change the things in your life. Nobody can make the change for you. It may be that something in your life is feeling blah and you want to add some glitter to it. Go do the thing and show up for yourself. You are worthy of more Glitter. Create your own Luck!

Say out loud: How lucky I am that everything is working out for me.


Chill Glitter is a highly holographic line of handpicked and handcrafted products to embrace your inner self-love goddess.


If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Welcome back to the podcast, glitter Busty. Listen. I gotta tell you something. You know what? You are the only one who can show up for you. You have to show up in your life. You have to show up with like full blown energy if you want things to move forward.

Okay? I'm really obsessed right now with this trend on TikTok. It's like the lucky girl trend, and I'm obsessed with it because it's basically like a practice of being like, I'm so lucky. I'm so awesome. And there's like all these mantras going around and it's really incredible. But the thing is, you. You gotta show up for yourself when you're like, I'm so lucky everything's working out for me.

You gotta like actually put the steps in and move forward. So think about what it is that you want in your life and you've gotta like make sure that you freaking show up. I've been telling you guys that I went back to the gym. And maybe you're like, I don't wanna hear about the goddamn gym against Samantha, but I'm gonna tell you anyways, you know, I had to show up for myself.

No one could make that change for me. , except for me. And the change I was making was that like in the mornings I was waking up and I was having a really hard time, like just really wanting to even get up. I was just opening my eyes and I was like, great. Another day. another day of the same shit.

So I had to mix it up and there's a couple things, of course, behind going to the gym, I'm pumping myself with some serious endorphins if you can't tell. But I'm also feeling a lot different. So if there's something in your life that isn't working out and doesn't have to be like the gym, please do not make this about your body and start shaving yourself cuz you're fucking hot.

I can tell, I can, I can tell through the speaker of this podcast that you're listening to that you're fucking hot. So, If there's an area of your life that's feeling blah, or maybe there's like a sparkle, like a glitter, like something you really wanna chase and you really wanna cultivate more of in your life, and you're like, oh, I wanna do that, fucking go do it.

Okay, this is your sign. This is me saying, girl, you've gotta put the steps in. You wanna be lucky? Show up for yourself and watch how much energy and just like how much it flows. All right guys. Make sure you share this podcast with your besties. Like, let's get this going. Let's get this hyped up. Let's get all of us listening to the glitter every single morning.

All right, I'll see you guys tomorrow.