The Samantha Parker Show

Remember Who You Are: Life is Happening for You

Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 208

While life has its highs and lows, we always need to remain true to ourselves. When we get knocked down, we need mental toughness to get back up. It doesn't mean that the Universe is out to get us when things go wrong. That's why practicing the Glitter is so crucial. Take a step back and realize life happens for you, not to you, even when you come home to 40 piles of dog poop inside. 

It's time to expand your self-love, discover your passions and chase YOUR GLITTER! Grab THE GLITTER A TELL ALL JOURNAL  Now on Amazon Prime!

For too long we've sat around waiting for life to happen to us when it's time for us to go out and create it. The world is craving your unique flair and is just pushing you to explore what your glitter is! It's time to shine, shine shine.

This unique workbook and journal take you from discovering what the glitter is, to learning how to cultivate and celebrate more of it on this beautiful planet.

Grab Yours Now

If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey there. Welcome back to the podcast. I'm gonna try and keep this short. I really try to keep these like 1, 2, 3 minutes, right? If you guys would be interested in longer episodes, shoot me a DM on Instagram and be like, we wanna hear more.

We want more from you. And maybe like once in a while I'll throw in some longer ones. I'd like to throw in some interviews from time to time too. But anyways, let's keep this short. Okay, so yesterday I mentioned that sometimes you have to manage expectations, right? So I said, did they disappoint you or did your expectations of them disappoint you?

And I've gotta tell you guys this crazy experience. Okay? So I went to Tony Robbins a few years ago, and probably five years ago. That's like forever in internet years, right? But I went to Tony Robbins and I went to U P W and I walked on fire and I did all that stuff. As I'm flying home, I'm on like this super high of high and that's what they do to you at these events anyways, by the way.

But I'm on this crazy ass high. I'm like, everything's a miracle. Like the plane flying, like you know, I can create anything I want in my life. I just have to be focused enough and stay in this high vibration. So anyways, I fly into the Las Vegas airport and I'm gonna take the shuttle to where I live, which is like on the shuttle.

It's like about a two hour drive north of Vegas. Okay. So I get there and the shuttle, basically they overbooked, and this is in the middle of the summer too. So Las Vegas think like one 20. Okay. So the shuttle's overbooked and they're like, sorry, you're just gonna have to pile in anyways. And we ended up having to like literally like squish extra people in the seats.

And have our suitcases on our laps think of how fucking miserable this is. Okay. And then get this, the ac and it wasn't working. And this guy next to me was like very like well-dressed business looking had a suit on and he was just like dripping sweat on me. And he's I am so sorry.

And I was like, it, this is where we're at. It's okay. You know? But that whole ride home, I was like, I can do this, I can do this. And I'm like, this does suck though, but I can do this. So I get home. My grandma, God bless her soul. I believe my husband was out of town for Army, which is the story of our lives,

But my grandma, God bless her soul, had been watching my dog and for some reason she had shut the back door so the dog couldn't go in and out the doggy door. But she had been coming by and like letting her out, you guys. So she had food and water and everything, but she didn't have access to her open bathroom, the backyard.

and I kid you not, I counted the dog had taken a poop 40 times in the house. 40. Like where did, she's a little, you guys, I have a chihuahua mix dog. Like she's, I don't even know where she got 40 little turds out of her bum. So I'm like, Picking this up. And by this time too, you guys, I'd had that ride home.

I'm sweating, I'm dripping balls. I'm already like on the verge of breaking down and I'm picking up like this dog poop and I'm just sobbing and I'm like on the phone trying to find a carpet guy who can come over like first thing in the morning, you know? And the whole house just reeked. I felt so bad for my dog too.

Okay. But. I was like, what? But you know, that's the perfect example of sometimes we get ourselves into such a state where we're like high vibration, high vibration, and then we walk into literal physical shit. And you know what you guys, it's up to us in those moments to remember who the fuck we are.

It doesn't mean that the universe was telling me that I only deserved literal shit. Right. It was just like a prime example of how life is. You can be like, I'm on this plane, I'm in the clouds. This is a fucking miracle. And then just step down into ultimate shit, like.

And that's where I think mental toughness and like really practicing things like the glitter, you know, finding the good in every day come in handy. Because in that moment I had to take a step back and be like, is life happening to me or is life happening for me? And that's my message to you guys. I know this is a little long-winded, but.

I think you needed to hear it, and thank you for being here. Please share this with a friend if it resonated. Let's get this podcast all over the entire planet and everyone just having a little more fun, a little more light in their day, and you know we're spreading glitter. Let's go spread some glitter hose.

All right, I'll see you guys tomorrow.