The Samantha Parker Show

Live in the ENERGY of anything is POSSIBLE!

January 31, 2023 Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 210

Time to let the world know how great you are. You are a big deal. Let yourself live in the energy of anything is possible. You are the main charter in your life, celebrate it. By doing so, you can enthusiastically pursue your dreams, add more glitter to your day, and attract more good things into your life. 

Living this way has allowed me to accomplish so many things on my delusional vision list for my life this year already, and it’s only the end of January!

Embrace delusional living and watch the GLITTER change your life. 


Chill Glitter is a highly holographic line of handpicked and handcrafted products to embrace your inner self-love goddess.


If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey girl, welcome back to the Glitter. I hope you guys are having a fabulous year so far. I think we're into February now and February is a bombass month. You guys know why cuz this is my birthday and I'll probably mention it a lot.

I like take my part of your day slightly. But like in the most fun kind of way. And I, I think you should too, because you are the goddamn main character of your own show. If you don't take it seriously, no one else is going to. Like, you know those people who are like, oh, I don't really like to celebrate my birthday.

I'm like, you're a liar. You're a liar. You just gotta take control. You gotta take the reins and be like, my birthday is a big fucking deal. Okay. But anyway. You guys remember how I said that we were gonna have a delusional year and we were just gonna freaking go for it, right? And when the stupid little bitch inside of our heads popped up and said, no, you can't do that, we were like, look, we're delusional.

We're doing it anyways. And you guys, I have an update. I know we're only one month in, but I'm like checking stuff off my list, like really, really big stuff. And I'm like really excited to share when I dropped that bomb. I'm gonna like cry and it's gonna be incredible. But for now, I'm just keeping it a little personal, but I have been checking stuff off.

So does it work? I think it does. And you know what? Even if it doesn't work, I just love living in the energy. Of this, the energy of anything is impossible. It's like enthusiasm, it's excitement, and it can bring a lot of like good stuff to your day. So you guys remember, live delusively. Make a big deal out of yourself.

Make a big deal out of your life and practice the glitter daily. All right guys. I'll see you tomorrow.