The Samantha Parker Show

Live unbothered: Set Your Free and Live Your Best Life

Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 211

I spent so much time worrying about someone else's business. It's really none of your business what they do. I wasted so much energy that could have been spent enjoying the Glitter in my life. Try not to get caught up in what others are doing or become distracted by them. 

Let it go and focus on what you can control in your life. Don't let other people's choices bother you. Living completely unbothered is the ultimate feeling of freedom. Today is the day to set yourself free.

It can sometimes seem impossible... right? So where should you start on your journey of self-love? To help you JUST START, I've put together a NEW Getting Started on Your Self-Love Routine Guide so you won't have to waste precious time.

If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey there, Mike Glitter bestie. Welcome back to the show. Quick Ask if you love the show, will you please share it? I just wanna create like the biggest glitter Girl gang on the planet and Guy Gang, you know, like just.

A glitter gang. Oh my gosh. Let's put that on a T-shirt. Side note. But , I'm just so excited you're here. Thank you for being here. If you love the show, please share it with the bestie. All right, so today I'm just gonna remind you to live unbothered. When you live unbothered, it just means that you're doing your own thing.

What other people are doing doesn't affect you. You know, I think back to all the time and the years, like literally years I spent wasted worrying about everyone else, worried about my Mormon in-laws if they were judging me. Worried about God, everything under the sun. I'm worried that so-and-so was acting this way or worried that like, you know, my grandparents weren't like being their best selves and I always felt like they were judging me or something.

I don't know you guys, but I can tell you I wasted a lot of fucking time being bothered by other people's business and guess what their life is. None of your fucking. . It doesn't matter what anyone on the internet's doing. It doesn't matter what someone down the street is doing. And honestly, it doesn't matter what the people in your own house are doing if they're not harming you, of course, right.

But you know their lives and their choices and the things that matter to them. It's none of your business. Even if they're like going down in a. Flaming ball of shit, that's still none of your business. You know? It's one thing to be like, Hey, I'm here if you need a hand, God, dude, you guys know how amazing it is when you're struggling and someone is like, girl, I got you.

That's pretty rad. But you guys know what I'm talking about. When you're super focused on what everyone else is doing and you're just genuinely bothered by them, just let it go. Let it. I live here in Utah and you know, the Mormon religion is predominant and I have a lot of friends who have left the Mormon religion.

I myself am not Mormon, so I haven't had that experience. But you know, they go through this period where they're just extremely bothered by everything. They're extremely bothered by like the temples going up, the things, you know, because it's essentially, it's a little bit of a cult. I'm so sorry if you're Mormon and you're listening, but I love you guys.

But we tend to get like really bothered by these things. And if we can get to a space where we're just living completely unbothered, God, it's so freeing. So free yourself today. All right, I'll see you tomorrow. Glitter bestie.