The Samantha Parker Show

Self-Love is the Key to Abundance: Make Your Own Rules

Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 212

That new Miley Cyrus song, Flowers, is awesome. It's a great reminder that self-love is the key to everything and that we have to set our own rules. All of us are going somewhere no one has been before. Since no other person has your dreams and lives their life exactly like you, you need to make it yours. There is Glitter in life because of your uniqueness within this collective experience.

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For too long we've sat around waiting for life to happen to us when it's time for us to go out and create it. The world is craving your unique flair and is just pushing you to explore what your glitter is! It's time to shine, shine shine.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Good morning glitter besties. Welcome back to the podcast. Okay. Okay. Okay, we're here today. Have you guys heard the new Miley Saw song Flowers? I am sure you've heard it by now. I'm sure you've listened to it way too much.

At the time that I'm recording these podcasts, it just came out and I'm like, flowers. I can wrap my, no. Let's see. I can write my name in the sand and I can hold my own hand . I can talk to myself for hours. It's such a fun song and it's really because it reminds me that like self-love is the key to all of it, you know?

It doesn't mean that I'm like over here tossing my husband to the side and I'm like, I'm buying my own flowers. But it just is like a really fun reminder that like when you fill yourself up with self-love, like so much amazing stuff. Can come from that. And you know, the other thing I kind of really love about this new Miley Cyrus vibe right now is that she's okay making her own rules.

Right? And you have to be okay making your own rules too. Did you guys like that transition? It was good, huh?  Couldn't have planned it out better wink, wink. But really be okay making your own. You know, sometimes we're going somewhere where no one else has been. And actually that's like the literal truth.

Like no one else has lived your life before you, right? No one else has had the dreams that you've had. I know there's like 7 billion people on this planet, but like, no one looks exactly like you. No one thinks exactly like you, and no one is you. You know, we're currently having some sort of experience where we're sprinkled throughout into these little tiny bodies all over this planet.

And you know what? We're all having our own unique experience, so feel free to make your own unique rules. I guarantee you what works for me is not gonna work for you. There might be little pieces and really cool things and information and knowledge and stuff that we can like collectively share, and we can have collective experiences, but ultimately, at the end of the day, it's you who has to get up and make those decisions.

So be okay making your own rules bestie, and I'll see you tomorrow.