The Samantha Parker Show

Don't Waste Energy Thinking You Aren't Good Enough

February 03, 2023 Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 213
The Samantha Parker Show
Don't Waste Energy Thinking You Aren't Good Enough
Show Notes Transcript

Don't waste time worrying that you aren't good enough. It's a lie you've picked up along the way. You are more than enough. Live your best life without letting those imaginary obstacles get in the way. Take the leap of faith and take on the scary things you've always wanted to do. Be unapologetic about who you are as you apply for that job, start that new exercise, and own your own Glitter.

It's time to expand your self-love, discover your passions and chase YOUR GLITTER! Grab THE GLITTER A TELL ALL JOURNAL  Now on Amazon Prime!

For too long we've sat around waiting for life to happen to us when it's time for us to go out and create it. The world is craving your unique flair and is just pushing you to explore what your glitter is! It's time to shine, shine shine.

This unique workbook and journal take you from discovering what the glitter is, to learning how to cultivate and celebrate more of it on this beautiful planet.

Grab Yours Now

If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. You know, I think the theme of the Glitter podcast lately have just been about being your own self, making your own rules, paving your own way, living unbothered, being delusional. And you know what?

Today you guys. Don't waste energy on whether or not you're good enough. Like seriously, do not waste your energy sitting around and being like, am I good enough to do that? And you know, you're probably not consciously saying that. You're probably not waking up every day and being like, I'm not good enough.

But you pick it up in these like weird little subconscious ways where you constantly kind of cock block yourself from moving forward in your life. And seriously, you've gotta stop doing that. You have to stop wasting energy because you have so much potential. And just think about like, if you removed like.

These imaginary obstacles and you were just like, I'm going full force. So it is your day to live unapologetically. Like you are the shit, because you are the shit in the story. You are the glitter bitch. You are incredible. And seriously, don't waste a freaking second worrying if you're good enough because you fucking are.

You're good enough to take that risk. You're good enough to apply for that job you're good enough to make that video. You're good enough to send that message. You are fucking amazing. You were so good. You're gonna like walk your ass out the door right now and go for a run.

That's how fucking good you are, because you can do it. All right. Glitter bestie. I'll see you guys tomorrow.