The Samantha Parker Show

You Don't Have to Suffer to Gain a Reward

February 04, 2023 Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 214

You deserve the reward without suffering. The beliefs you have picked up throughout your life could be holding you back from living your best life. Several of these beliefs are lies, so it's time we relearn them. Don't let limiting beliefs hold you back.

There is no doubt that I picked up the belief that suffering equals reward in all areas of my life. For years, I believed I had to kill myself with insane cardio to be fit. That is a lie. Now I am unlearning these patterns and creating space for more glitter in my life.

Find out what belief you can give up to enjoy life more.

It can sometimes seem impossible... right? So where should you start on your journey of self-love? To help you JUST START, I've put together a NEW Getting Started on Your Self-Love Routine Guide so you won't have to waste precious time.

If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey, glitter busty confession time. I gotta tell you guys something. You know, yesterday I was like, remember, you're fucking good enough. And today I'm like, I just gotta tell you guys, sometimes I do feel guilty.

For enjoying my life. I know it's so fucking weird. And I was really like trying to get to the bottom of this. Like, why do I wake up some days and I feel guilty? Like I feel guilty that I have the choice that I can go to the gym, I can get on my Peloton, I can choose to start work when I start work.

And I noticed that like I've just been feeling like I'm an asshole because I have created this experience in my life. Right. And you know, it's just kind of a, it's a little wild . And so I was like, where's this coming from? What's at the bottom of this? And I'm sharing this with you in case you've ever felt this way.

Maybe you're going through this. But at the bottom of it, I realized that I had this predisposition belief that I had to suffer in order to gain a reward, right? So I think some of it came from just childhood. I did a lot of chores. As a kid. I do feel like it was completely abnormal and it was slightly insane.

I love you, mom. . It was a little toxic. . We've moved on though, right? And so I felt like if I wanted to hang out with my friends on a Saturday, I would need to get up at seven so that I was available by the afternoon that, so that I had finished all my chores. And so I realized that like I picked up these little beliefs about suffering and that equals reward.

Right. And then we can look at like physical things as well I picked up the belief that like in order to be fit, I had to kill myself with insane amounts of cardio. Like I thought if you weren't like puking by the end of it, you hadn't done a good enough job. If you don't walk out of a workout like ready to pass out only on the floor, you're never gonna see the real reward, and that's a fucking lie.

Okay. That is a goddamn fucking lie. As I'm learning, especially as I get older, my hormones are like, Nope, nope, nope, nope. No, no, no. Thank you, . So I'm having to relearn. Stuff you guys, you deserve to have the reward without the suffering. I feel like we've already done the suffering. We've already gone through so much shit in our lives.

Like what if we just started reaping the benefits? And maybe that's me living Delusively. I don't fucking care. Maybe that's me just throwing glitter at stuff. But I think there can be a different way, and that's the way I'm choosing to live. All right, I'll see you guys tomorrow.