The Samantha Parker Show

Be Proud of Youself

February 05, 2023 Samantha Parker Season 3 Episode 215

With the resources you have today, what can you accomplish? Our minds are so focused on what we don't yet have that we forget to enjoy this moment. Happiness doesn't require changing your body or having a million dollars in the bank. It's the little things that matter. Simply taking a moment to breathe, feeling the sun on your face, or enjoying your favorite latte can bring happiness to your life.

It's not necessary to go down the self-help rabbit hole all the time. Don't try to fix yourself. With what you have and who you are, you can do some amazing things right now. It is important to be proud of yourself. You are a magical being.


Chill Glitter is a highly holographic line of handpicked and handcrafted products to embrace your inner self-love goddess.


If you need more resources. Head over to the  THEGLITTER.ME and get your glitter on.

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Are you ready to glitter your day? Let's get right to it. I'm the Samantha Parker, and here's your daily dose of glitter. Hey, good morning, glitter busty. I'm not sure if you listen to these in the morning. They come out in the morning, so whenever you're listening, you fucking rock. Thank you for being here.

If you enjoy the show, Please pass it on to another glitter bestie. We're gonna have a glitter bestie empire and we're gonna have jackets. One day we're gonna have glitter gang jackets. Okay, it's been decided I should put this on my delusional list for 2023 cuz I'm loving that list.  But I want you to ask yourself like, what can you do today with the resources that you have?

I spent a lot of time. Projecting myself into the space of I don't have that. I can't be happy.  It hasn't happened yet, so I must suck, right? I don't have a million dollars in the bank, so I must not have a good enough attitude, vibration, mindset whatever stupid shit we've picked up in those dumb ass self-help books.

So instead, I want you just to look at today like what can you do today to make your life feel a little better? What can you pick up today that's gonna make you feel like your best self? Maybe you know it is that latte. Maybe it's just taking a moment to notice.

That the sun is out. Maybe it's just taking a second to recognize how far you've come and be really fucking proud of yourself. Like seriously, you guys be so proud of yourself for like what you can do in this moment today. You know, when I was saying that isn't. I'm gonna have to Google this, you guys, I'm just gonna talk this out loud though.

Let's not cut this from the podcast because seriously, you know, there's like a bible saying like, isn't pride of sin or you're not supposed to be prideful. I'm not sure if it's in the Bible or if it's in the Book of Mormon. Sorry guys. It's the culture. I grew up in , but there was something about how being prideful was a sin.

I remember being taught this as a child and God. If we're not gonna be proud of ourselves, who the fuck is going to be proud of us? All that's doing is like giving away our power to like some external source, like a parental figure or a leader or something. It's just wild. You've gotta be proud of you in this moment today, no matter what your circumstances are.

I don't care if you're like, I just woke up on the. Bad side of like a five day bender. Be proud that you're awake and that you've recognized where you're at in your life. Oh my gosh, that is fucking glitter. That is fucking magic. And that is what you are. And I'll see you guys tomorrow.